################################################################################ # Embtoolkit # Copyright(C) 2009-2012 Abdoulaye Walsimou GAYE. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ################################################################################ # # \file initialpath.mk # \brief initialpath of Embtoolkit. Here we define SYSROOT, TOOLS, # \brief TOOLS_BUILD PACKAGES_BUILD and ROOTFS. # \author Abdoulaye Walsimou GAYE # \date May 2009 ################################################################################ SYSROOT := $(EMBTK_ROOT)/sysroot-$(GNU_TARGET)-$(EMBTK_MCU_FLAG) TOOLS := $(EMBTK_ROOT)/tools-$(GNU_TARGET)-$(EMBTK_MCU_FLAG) TOOLS_BUILD := $(EMBTK_ROOT)/build/tools_build-$(GNU_TARGET)-$(EMBTK_MCU_FLAG) PACKAGES_BUILD := $(EMBTK_ROOT)/build/packages_build-$(GNU_TARGET)-$(EMBTK_MCU_FLAG) EMBTK_GENERATED := $(EMBTK_ROOT)/generated ROOTFS := $(EMBTK_GENERATED)/rootfs-$(GNU_TARGET)-$(EMBTK_MCU_FLAG) HOSTTOOLS := $(EMBTK_ROOT)/host-tools-$(EMBTK_MCU_FLAG) DOWNLOAD_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(subst ",,$(strip $(CONFIG_EMBTK_DOWNLOAD_DIR)))) J := -j$(CONFIG_EMBTK_NUMBER_BUILD_JOBS) xconfig: basic ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBTK_DOTCONFIG),y) $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig \ EMBTK_DEFAULT_DL="$(EMBTK_ROOT)/dl/" \ EMBTK_VERSION=$(EMBTK_VERSION) xconfig else $(Q)if [ -e $(EMBTK_DOTCONFIG).old ]; then \ cp $(EMBTK_DOTCONFIG).old $(EMBTK_DOTCONFIG); \ $(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build \ obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig \ EMBTK_DEFAULT_DL="$(EMBTK_ROOT)/dl/" \ EMBTK_VERSION=$(EMBTK_VERSION) xconfig; \ else \ $(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build \ obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig \ EMBTK_DEFAULT_DL="$(EMBTK_ROOT)/dl/" \ EMBTK_VERSION=$(EMBTK_VERSION) xconfig; \ fi endif menuconfig: basic $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build \ obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig \ EMBTK_DEFAULT_DL="$(EMBTK_ROOT)/dl/" \ EMBTK_VERSION=$(EMBTK_VERSION) menuconfig randconfig: basic $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build \ obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig \ EMBTK_DEFAULT_DL="$(EMBTK_ROOT)/dl/" \ EMBTK_VERSION=$(EMBTK_VERSION) randconfig basic: $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.build obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/basic clean: toolchain_clean rmallpath $(Q)$(__embtk_kconfig_clean) $(Q)rm -rf .config kbuild.log .fakeroot* distclean: clean $(Q)rm -rf dl/* src/*.git src/*.svn .config.old $(Q)rm -rf $(EMBTK_GENERATED) define __embtk_mk_pwarning_restartbuild $(call embtk_pwarning,"Wrong make target - Use correct make target") $(call embtk_echo_yellow,"You are trying to restart all the build while it is already") $(call embtk_echo_yellow,"done. Please use the correct make target!!!") echo $(MAKE) help endef define __embtk_mk_print_selectedfeatures $(call embtk_pinfo,"Starting build of selected features...") endef define __embtk_mk_startbuild $(__embtk_mk_print_selectedfeatures) $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"| Toolchain |") $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tLinux kernel headers: linux-$(call __embtk_pkg_version,linux)") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tC library : $(call __embtk_pkg_name,$(__embtk_toolchain_clib))-$(call __embtk_pkg_version,$(__embtk_toolchain_clib))") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tBinutils : binutils-$(call __embtk_pkg_version,binutils)") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tGCC : gcc-$(call __embtk_pkg_version,gcc)") $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_HAVE_GDB_SYSTEM), $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tGDB : gdb-$(call __embtk_pkg_version,gdb)")) $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_HAVE_STRACE), $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tStrace : strace-$(call __embtk_pkg_version,strace)")) $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"| Host tools |") $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tNumber of host tools packages needed:$(__embtk_hosttools_nrpkgs-y)") $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_HAVE_ROOTFS), $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"| Root FS packages |") $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tNumber of root FS packages:$(__embtk_rootfs_nrpkgs-y)") $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"| Root FS types |") $(call embtk_echo_blue," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tTAR.BZ2 : Yes") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tInitramfs : $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_ROOTFS_HAVE_INITRAMFS_CPIO),Yes,No)") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tsquashFS : $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_ROOTFS_HAVE_SQUASHFS),Yes,No)") $(call embtk_echo_blue,"\tJFFS2 : $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_ROOTFS_HAVE_JFFS2),Yes,No)")) $(MAKE) buildtoolchain rootfs_build successful_build endef startbuild: $(if $(call __embtk_mk_pathexist,$(GCC3_BUILD_DIR)/.installed), \ $(__embtk_mk_pwarning_restartbuild),$(__embtk_mk_startbuild)) define __embtk_mk_initsysrootdirs mkdir -p $(SYSROOT) mkdir -p $(SYSROOT)/lib mkdir -p $(SYSROOT)/usr mkdir -p $(SYSROOT)/usr/etc mkdir -p $(SYSROOT)/root mkdir -p $(SYSROOT)/usr/lib $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_32BITS_FS),,cd $(SYSROOT); \ ln -sf lib lib64; cd $(SYSROOT)/usr;ln -sf lib lib64) $(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_64BITS_FS_COMPAT32), \ cd $(SYSROOT); ln -sf lib lib64; mkdir -p lib32; \ cd $(SYSROOT)/usr; ln -sf lib lib64; mkdir -p lib32) endef define __embtk_mk_inittoolsdirs mkdir -p $(TOOLS) mkdir -p $(TOOLS_BUILD) endef define __embtk_mk_inithosttoolsdirs mkdir -p $(HOSTTOOLS) mkdir -p $(HOSTTOOLS)/usr mkdir -p $(HOSTTOOLS)/usr/include mkdir -p $(HOSTTOOLS)/usr/local endef define __embtk_kconfig_clean $(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.clean obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig $(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.clean obj=$(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/basic rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'config*') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'lex.*.c') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'zconf.lex.c') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name '*.tab.c') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name '*.tab.h') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'zconf.hash.c') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name '*.moc') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'lkc_defs.h') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name '*.cmd') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name '*.o') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name '*.tmp_qtcheck') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'conf') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'mconf') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'qconf') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'gconf') rm -rf $$(find $(EMBTK_ROOT)/scripts/kconfig -type f -name 'kxgettext') endef rmallpath: $(Q)rm -rf $(PACKAGES_BUILD)* $(ROOTFS)* $(TOOLS)* $(TOOLS_BUILD)* $(Q)rm -rf $(SYSROOT)* $(HOSTTOOLS)* $(EMBTK_GENERATED)/rootfs-* $(Q)$(if $(CONFIG_EMBTK_CACHE_PATCHES),,rm -rf $(DOWNLOAD_DIR)/*.patch)