libcxxabi ========= This library implements the Code Sourcery C++ ABI, as documented here: It is intended to sit below an STL implementation, and provide features required by the compiler for implementation of the C++ language. Current Status -------------- At present, the library implements the following parts of the ABI specification: - RTTI classes and support for the dynamic_cast<> operator. - Exception handling. - Thread-safe initializers. Exception handling requires the assistance of a stack-unwinding library implementing the low-level parts of the ABI. Either libgcc_s or libunwind should work for this purpose. The library depends on various libc features, but does not depend on any C++ features not implemented purely in the compiler or in the library itself. Supported Platforms ------------------- This code was initially developed on FreeBSD/x86, and has also been tested on FreeBSD/x86-64. It should work on other platforms that use the Code Sourcery ABI, for example Itanium, however this is untested. This library also supports the ARM EH ABI.