path: root/test/Feature
diff options
authorBill Wendling <>2011-07-27 20:18:04 +0000
committerBill Wendling <>2011-07-27 20:18:04 +0000
commit772fe17a6d07304ae2e6b3052bbb24ebb751f0f3 (patch)
tree650bbc3bc584177420dee94b9fdb338ca8109bb9 /test/Feature
parent7e1547ebf726a40e7ed3dbe89a77e1b946a8e2d0 (diff)
Merge the contents from exception-handling-rewrite to the mainline.
This adds the new instructions 'landingpad' and 'resume'. git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Feature')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Feature/exceptionhandling.ll b/test/Feature/exceptionhandling.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa30f30743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Feature/exceptionhandling.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llvm-dis > %t1.ll
+; RUN: llvm-as %t1.ll -o - | llvm-dis > %t2.ll
+; RUN: diff %t1.ll %t2.ll
+@_ZTIc = external constant i8*
+@_ZTId = external constant i8*
+@_ZTIPKc = external constant i8*
+@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [16 x i8] c"caught char %c\0A\00", align 1
+define void @_Z3barv() uwtable optsize alwaysinline ssp {
+ invoke void @_Z3quxv() optsize
+ to label %try.cont unwind label %lpad
+invoke.cont4: ; preds = %lpad
+ %eh.obj = extractvalue {i8*, i32} %exn, 0
+ %tmp0 = tail call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch(i8* %eh.obj) nounwind
+ %exn.scalar = load i8* %tmp0, align 1
+ %conv = sext i8 %exn.scalar to i32
+ %call = tail call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([16 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0), i32 %conv) optsize
+ tail call void @__cxa_end_catch() nounwind
+ br label %try.cont
+try.cont: ; preds = %entry, %invoke.cont4
+ ret void
+lpad: ; preds = %entry
+ %exn = landingpad {i8*, i32} personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
+ cleanup
+ catch i8** @_ZTIc
+ filter i8** @_ZTIPKc
+ catch i8** @_ZTId
+ %tmp1 = extractvalue {i8*, i32} %exn, 1
+ %tmp2 = tail call i32* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIc to i8*)) nounwind
+ %tmp3 = icmp eq i32 %tmp1, %tmp2
+ br i1 %tmp3, label %invoke.cont4, label %eh.resume
+ resume { i8*, i32 } %exn
+declare void @_Z3quxv() optsize
+declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)
+declare i32*) nounwind
+declare void*, i32)
+declare i8* @__cxa_begin_catch(i8*)
+declare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture, ...) nounwind optsize
+declare void @__cxa_end_catch()