path: root/test/CodeGen/X86/phys_subreg_coalesce-3.ll
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Mass update to CodeGen tests to use CHECK-LABEL for labels corresponding to f...Stephen Lin2013-07-14
* Add SARX/SHRX/SHLX code generation supportMichael Liao2012-09-26
* Allow overlaps between virtreg and physreg live ranges.Jakob Stoklund Olesen2012-09-06
* Remove -join-physregs from the test suite.Jakob Stoklund Olesen2012-05-17
* Prepare remaining tests for -join-physreg going away.Jakob Stoklund Olesen2011-05-04
* The check for coalescing a virtual register to a physical register, e.g.Evan Cheng2010-03-11