//===- SampleProfile.cpp - Incorporate sample profiles into the IR --------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the SampleProfileLoader transformation. This pass // reads a profile file generated by a sampling profiler (e.g. Linux Perf - // http://perf.wiki.kernel.org/) and generates IR metadata to reflect the // profile information in the given profile. // // This pass generates branch weight annotations on the IR: // // - prof: Represents branch weights. This annotation is added to branches // to indicate the weights of each edge coming out of the branch. // The weight of each edge is the weight of the target block for // that edge. The weight of a block B is computed as the maximum // number of samples found in B. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #define DEBUG_TYPE "sample-profile" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h" #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h" #include "llvm/IR/Function.h" #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h" #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h" #include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h" #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h" #include "llvm/IR/Module.h" #include "llvm/Pass.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/InstIterator.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h" using namespace llvm; // Command line option to specify the file to read samples from. This is // mainly used for debugging. static cl::opt SampleProfileFile( "sample-profile-file", cl::init(""), cl::value_desc("filename"), cl::desc("Profile file loaded by -sample-profile"), cl::Hidden); namespace { typedef DenseMap BodySampleMap; typedef DenseMap BlockWeightMap; /// \brief Representation of the runtime profile for a function. /// /// This data structure contains the runtime profile for a given /// function. It contains the total number of samples collected /// in the function and a map of samples collected in every statement. class SampleFunctionProfile { public: SampleFunctionProfile() : TotalSamples(0), TotalHeadSamples(0) {} bool emitAnnotations(Function &F); uint32_t getInstWeight(Instruction &I, unsigned FirstLineno, BodySampleMap &BodySamples); uint32_t computeBlockWeight(BasicBlock *B, unsigned FirstLineno, BodySampleMap &BodySamples); void addTotalSamples(unsigned Num) { TotalSamples += Num; } void addHeadSamples(unsigned Num) { TotalHeadSamples += Num; } void addBodySamples(unsigned LineOffset, unsigned Num) { BodySamples[LineOffset] += Num; } void print(raw_ostream &OS); protected: /// \brief Total number of samples collected inside this function. /// /// Samples are cumulative, they include all the samples collected /// inside this function and all its inlined callees. unsigned TotalSamples; // \brief Total number of samples collected at the head of the function. unsigned TotalHeadSamples; /// \brief Map line offsets to collected samples. /// /// Each entry in this map contains the number of samples /// collected at the corresponding line offset. All line locations /// are an offset from the start of the function. BodySampleMap BodySamples; /// \brief Map basic blocks to their computed weights. /// /// The weight of a basic block is defined to be the maximum /// of all the instruction weights in that block. BlockWeightMap BlockWeights; }; /// \brief Sample-based profile reader. /// /// Each profile contains sample counts for all the functions /// executed. Inside each function, statements are annotated with the /// collected samples on all the instructions associated with that /// statement. /// /// For this to produce meaningful data, the program needs to be /// compiled with some debug information (at minimum, line numbers: /// -gline-tables-only). Otherwise, it will be impossible to match IR /// instructions to the line numbers collected by the profiler. /// /// From the profile file, we are interested in collecting the /// following information: /// /// * A list of functions included in the profile (mangled names). /// /// * For each function F: /// 1. The total number of samples collected in F. /// /// 2. The samples collected at each line in F. To provide some /// protection against source code shuffling, line numbers should /// be relative to the start of the function. class SampleModuleProfile { public: SampleModuleProfile(StringRef F) : Profiles(0), Filename(F) {} void dump(); void loadText(); void loadNative() { llvm_unreachable("not implemented"); } void printFunctionProfile(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef FName); void dumpFunctionProfile(StringRef FName); SampleFunctionProfile &getProfile(const Function &F) { return Profiles[F.getName()]; } protected: /// \brief Map every function to its associated profile. /// /// The profile of every function executed at runtime is collected /// in the structure SampleFunctionProfile. This maps function objects /// to their corresponding profiles. StringMap Profiles; /// \brief Path name to the file holding the profile data. /// /// The format of this file is defined by each profiler /// independently. If possible, the profiler should have a text /// version of the profile format to be used in constructing test /// cases and debugging. StringRef Filename; }; /// \brief Loader class for text-based profiles. /// /// This class defines a simple interface to read text files containing /// profiles. It keeps track of line number information and location of /// the file pointer. Users of this class are responsible for actually /// parsing the lines returned by the readLine function. /// /// TODO - This does not really belong here. It is a generic text file /// reader. It should be moved to the Support library and made more general. class ExternalProfileTextLoader { public: ExternalProfileTextLoader(StringRef F) : Filename(F) { error_code EC; EC = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename, Buffer); if (EC) report_fatal_error("Could not open profile file " + Filename + ": " + EC.message()); FP = Buffer->getBufferStart(); Lineno = 0; } /// \brief Read a line from the mapped file. StringRef readLine() { size_t Length = 0; const char *start = FP; while (FP != Buffer->getBufferEnd() && *FP != '\n') { Length++; FP++; } if (FP != Buffer->getBufferEnd()) FP++; Lineno++; return StringRef(start, Length); } /// \brief Return true, if we've reached EOF. bool atEOF() const { return FP == Buffer->getBufferEnd(); } /// \brief Report a parse error message and stop compilation. void reportParseError(Twine Msg) const { report_fatal_error(Filename + ":" + Twine(Lineno) + ": " + Msg + "\n"); } private: /// \brief Memory buffer holding the text file. OwningPtr Buffer; /// \brief Current position into the memory buffer. const char *FP; /// \brief Current line number. int64_t Lineno; /// \brief Path name where to the profile file. StringRef Filename; }; /// \brief Sample profile pass. /// /// This pass reads profile data from the file specified by /// -sample-profile-file and annotates every affected function with the /// profile information found in that file. class SampleProfileLoader : public FunctionPass { public: // Class identification, replacement for typeinfo static char ID; SampleProfileLoader(StringRef Name = SampleProfileFile) : FunctionPass(ID), Profiler(0), Filename(Name) { initializeSampleProfileLoaderPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry()); } virtual bool doInitialization(Module &M); void dump() { Profiler->dump(); } virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "Sample profile pass"; } virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F); virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const { AU.setPreservesCFG(); } protected: /// \brief Profile reader object. OwningPtr Profiler; /// \brief Name of the profile file to load. StringRef Filename; }; } /// \brief Print this function profile on stream \p OS. /// /// \param OS Stream to emit the output to. void SampleFunctionProfile::print(raw_ostream &OS) { OS << TotalSamples << ", " << TotalHeadSamples << ", " << BodySamples.size() << " sampled lines\n"; for (BodySampleMap::const_iterator SI = BodySamples.begin(), SE = BodySamples.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) OS << "\tline offset: " << SI->first << ", number of samples: " << SI->second << "\n"; OS << "\n"; } /// \brief Print the function profile for \p FName on stream \p OS. /// /// \param OS Stream to emit the output to. /// \param FName Name of the function to print. void SampleModuleProfile::printFunctionProfile(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef FName) { OS << "Function: " << FName << ":\n"; Profiles[FName].print(OS); } /// \brief Dump the function profile for \p FName. /// /// \param FName Name of the function to print. void SampleModuleProfile::dumpFunctionProfile(StringRef FName) { printFunctionProfile(dbgs(), FName); } /// \brief Dump all the function profiles found. void SampleModuleProfile::dump() { for (StringMap::const_iterator I = Profiles.begin(), E = Profiles.end(); I != E; ++I) dumpFunctionProfile(I->getKey()); } /// \brief Load samples from a text file. /// /// The file is divided in two segments: /// /// Symbol table (represented with the string "symbol table") /// Number of symbols in the table /// symbol 1 /// symbol 2 /// ... /// symbol N /// /// Function body profiles /// function1:total_samples:total_head_samples:number_of_locations /// location_offset_1: number_of_samples /// location_offset_2: number_of_samples /// ... /// location_offset_N: number_of_samples /// /// Function names must be mangled in order for the profile loader to /// match them in the current translation unit. /// /// Since this is a flat profile, a function that shows up more than /// once gets all its samples aggregated across all its instances. /// TODO - flat profiles are too imprecise to provide good optimization /// opportunities. Convert them to context-sensitive profile. /// /// This textual representation is useful to generate unit tests and /// for debugging purposes, but it should not be used to generate /// profiles for large programs, as the representation is extremely /// inefficient. void SampleModuleProfile::loadText() { ExternalProfileTextLoader Loader(Filename); // Read the symbol table. StringRef Line = Loader.readLine(); if (Line != "symbol table") Loader.reportParseError("Expected 'symbol table', found " + Line); int NumSymbols; Line = Loader.readLine(); if (Line.getAsInteger(10, NumSymbols)) Loader.reportParseError("Expected a number, found " + Line); for (int I = 0; I < NumSymbols; I++) Profiles[Loader.readLine()] = SampleFunctionProfile(); // Read the profile of each function. Since each function may be // mentioned more than once, and we are collecting flat profiles, // accumulate samples as we parse them. Regex HeadRE("^([^:]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$"); Regex LineSample("^([0-9]+): ([0-9]+)$"); while (!Loader.atEOF()) { SmallVector Matches; Line = Loader.readLine(); if (!HeadRE.match(Line, &Matches)) Loader.reportParseError("Expected 'mangled_name:NUM:NUM:NUM', found " + Line); assert(Matches.size() == 5); StringRef FName = Matches[1]; unsigned NumSamples, NumHeadSamples, NumSampledLines; Matches[2].getAsInteger(10, NumSamples); Matches[3].getAsInteger(10, NumHeadSamples); Matches[4].getAsInteger(10, NumSampledLines); SampleFunctionProfile &FProfile = Profiles[FName]; FProfile.addTotalSamples(NumSamples); FProfile.addHeadSamples(NumHeadSamples); unsigned I; for (I = 0; I < NumSampledLines && !Loader.atEOF(); I++) { Line = Loader.readLine(); if (!LineSample.match(Line, &Matches)) Loader.reportParseError("Expected 'NUM: NUM', found " + Line); assert(Matches.size() == 3); unsigned LineOffset, NumSamples; Matches[1].getAsInteger(10, LineOffset); Matches[2].getAsInteger(10, NumSamples); FProfile.addBodySamples(LineOffset, NumSamples); } if (I < NumSampledLines) Loader.reportParseError("Unexpected end of file"); } } char SampleProfileLoader::ID = 0; INITIALIZE_PASS(SampleProfileLoader, "sample-profile", "Sample Profile loader", false, false) bool SampleProfileLoader::doInitialization(Module &M) { Profiler.reset(new SampleModuleProfile(Filename)); Profiler->loadText(); return true; } FunctionPass *llvm::createSampleProfileLoaderPass() { return new SampleProfileLoader(SampleProfileFile); } FunctionPass *llvm::createSampleProfileLoaderPass(StringRef Name) { return new SampleProfileLoader(Name); } /// \brief Get the weight for an instruction. /// /// The "weight" of an instruction \p Inst is the number of samples /// collected on that instruction at runtime. To retrieve it, we /// need to compute the line number of \p Inst relative to the start of its /// function. We use \p FirstLineno to compute the offset. We then /// look up the samples collected for \p Inst using \p BodySamples. /// /// \param Inst Instruction to query. /// \param FirstLineno Line number of the first instruction in the function. /// \param BodySamples Map of relative source line locations to samples. /// /// \returns The profiled weight of I. uint32_t SampleFunctionProfile::getInstWeight(Instruction &Inst, unsigned FirstLineno, BodySampleMap &BodySamples) { unsigned LOffset = Inst.getDebugLoc().getLine() - FirstLineno + 1; return BodySamples.lookup(LOffset); } /// \brief Compute the weight of a basic block. /// /// The weight of basic block \p B is the maximum weight of all the /// instructions in B. /// /// \param B The basic block to query. /// \param FirstLineno The line number for the first line in the /// function holding B. /// \param BodySamples The map containing all the samples collected in that /// function. /// /// \returns The computed weight of B. uint32_t SampleFunctionProfile::computeBlockWeight(BasicBlock *B, unsigned FirstLineno, BodySampleMap &BodySamples) { // If we've computed B's weight before, return it. std::pair Entry = BlockWeights.insert(std::make_pair(B, 0)); if (!Entry.second) return Entry.first->second; // Otherwise, compute and cache B's weight. uint32_t Weight = 0; for (BasicBlock::iterator I = B->begin(), E = B->end(); I != E; ++I) { uint32_t InstWeight = getInstWeight(*I, FirstLineno, BodySamples); if (InstWeight > Weight) Weight = InstWeight; } Entry.first->second = Weight; return Weight; } /// \brief Generate branch weight metadata for all branches in \p F. /// /// For every branch instruction B in \p F, we compute the weight of the /// target block for each of the edges out of B. This is the weight /// that we associate with that branch. /// /// TODO - This weight assignment will most likely be wrong if the /// target branch has more than two predecessors. This needs to be done /// using some form of flow propagation. /// /// Once all the branch weights are computed, we emit the MD_prof /// metadata on B using the computed values. /// /// \param F The function to query. bool SampleFunctionProfile::emitAnnotations(Function &F) { bool Changed = false; unsigned FirstLineno = inst_begin(F)->getDebugLoc().getLine(); MDBuilder MDB(F.getContext()); // Clear the block weights cache. BlockWeights.clear(); // When we find a branch instruction: For each edge E out of the branch, // the weight of E is the weight of the target block. for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I) { BasicBlock *B = I; TerminatorInst *TI = B->getTerminator(); if (TI->getNumSuccessors() == 1) continue; if (!isa(TI) && !isa(TI)) continue; SmallVector Weights; unsigned NSuccs = TI->getNumSuccessors(); for (unsigned I = 0; I < NSuccs; ++I) { BasicBlock *Succ = TI->getSuccessor(I); uint32_t Weight = computeBlockWeight(Succ, FirstLineno, BodySamples); Weights.push_back(Weight); } TI->setMetadata(llvm::LLVMContext::MD_prof, MDB.createBranchWeights(Weights)); Changed = true; } return Changed; } bool SampleProfileLoader::runOnFunction(Function &F) { return Profiler->getProfile(F).emitAnnotations(F); }