; This bytecode test pounds on instruction alignment and showed ; up a bug in llvm-dis performance ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llvm-dis > %t1 ; RUN: llvm-dis < %s.bc-13 > %t2 ; RUN: diff %t1 %t2 implementation ; Functions: declare int %getchar() declare int %putchar(int) ubyte %inputcell() { entry: call int %getchar( ) ; :0 [#uses=2] seteq int %0, -1 ; :0 [#uses=1] br bool %0, label %eof, label %ok ok: ; preds = %entry cast int %0 to ubyte ; :0 [#uses=1] ret ubyte %0 eof: ; preds = %entry ret ubyte 0 } void %outputcell(ubyte) { entry: cast ubyte %0 to int ; :0 [#uses=1] call int %putchar( int %0 ) ; :1 [#uses=0] ret void } int %main() { entry: %bfarray = malloc [262144 x ubyte] ; <[262144 x ubyte]*> [#uses=3366] %bfarray.sub = getelementptr [262144 x ubyte]* %bfarray, int 0, int 0 ; [#uses=1] getelementptr [262144 x ubyte]* %bfarray, int 0, int 3 ; :0 [#uses=2] load ubyte* %0 ; :0 [#uses=1] add ubyte %0, 1 ; :1 [#uses=1] store ubyte %1, ubyte* %0 getelementptr [262144 x ubyte]* %bfarray, int 0, int 6 ; :1 [#uses=2] load ubyte* %1 ; :2 [#uses=2] add ubyte %2, 2 ; :3 [#uses=1] store ubyte %3, ubyte* %1 seteq ubyte %2, 254 ; :0 [#uses=1] br bool %0, label %1, label %0 ;