; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu -relocation-model=pic -filetype=obj < %s ; LLVM gives well-defined semantics to this horrible construct (though C says ; it's undefined). Regardless, we shouldn't crash. The important feature here is ; that in general the only way to access a GOT symbol is via a 64-bit ; load. Neither of these alternatives has the ELF relocations required to ; support it: ; + ldr wD, [xN, #:got_lo12:func] ; + add xD, xN, #:got_lo12:func declare void @consume(i32) declare void @func() define void @foo() nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: foo: entry: call void @consume(i32 ptrtoint (void ()* @func to i32)) ; CHECK: adrp x[[ADDRHI:[0-9]+]], :got:func ; CHECK: ldr {{x[0-9]+}}, [x[[ADDRHI]], #:got_lo12:func] ret void }