; Test sequences that can use ROSBG. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s ; Test the simple case. define i32 @f1(i32 %a, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f1: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 59, 59, 0 ; CHECK: br %r14 %andb = and i32 %b, 16 %or = or i32 %a, %andb ret i32 %or } ; ...and again with i64. define i64 @f2(i64 %a, i64 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f2: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 59, 59, 0 ; CHECK: br %r14 %andb = and i64 %b, 16 %or = or i64 %a, %andb ret i64 %or } ; Test a case where wraparound is needed. define i32 @f3(i32 %a, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f3: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 63, 60, 0 ; CHECK: br %r14 %andb = and i32 %b, -7 %or = or i32 %a, %andb ret i32 %or } ; ...and again with i64. define i64 @f4(i64 %a, i64 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f4: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 63, 60, 0 ; CHECK: br %r14 %andb = and i64 %b, -7 %or = or i64 %a, %andb ret i64 %or } ; Test a case with just a shift. define i32 @f6(i32 %a, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f6: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 32, 51, 12 ; CHECK: br %r14 %shrb = shl i32 %b, 12 %or = or i32 %a, %shrb ret i32 %or } ; ...and again with i64. define i64 @f7(i64 %a, i64 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f7: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 0, 51, 12 ; CHECK: br %r14 %shrb = shl i64 %b, 12 %or = or i64 %a, %shrb ret i64 %or } ; Test a case with just a rotate. This can't use ROSBG. define i32 @f8(i32 %a, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f8: ; CHECK: rll {{%r[0-5]}} ; CHECK: or {{%r[0-5]}} ; CHECK: br %r14 %shlb = shl i32 %b, 30 %shrb = lshr i32 %b, 2 %rotlb = or i32 %shlb, %shrb %or = or i32 %a, %rotlb ret i32 %or } ; ...and again with i64, which can. define i64 @f9(i64 %a, i64 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f9: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 0, 63, 47 ; CHECK: br %r14 %shlb = shl i64 %b, 47 %shrb = lshr i64 %b, 17 %rotlb = or i64 %shlb, %shrb %or = or i64 %a, %rotlb ret i64 %or } ; Test a case with a shift and AND. define i32 @f10(i32 %a, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f10: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 56, 59, 4 ; CHECK: br %r14 %shrb = shl i32 %b, 4 %andb = and i32 %shrb, 240 %or = or i32 %a, %andb ret i32 %or } ; ...and again with i64. define i64 @f11(i64 %a, i64 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f11: ; CHECK: rosbg %r2, %r3, 56, 59, 4 ; CHECK: br %r14 %shrb = shl i64 %b, 4 %andb = and i64 %shrb, 240 %or = or i64 %a, %andb ret i64 %or }