; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-linux | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-64 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-win32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-64 ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-32 ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g64xh: ; CHECK-64: testb $8, {{%ah|%ch}} ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g64xh: ; CHECK-32: testb $8, %ah ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g64xh(i64 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i64 %x, 2048 %s = icmp eq i64 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g64xl: ; CHECK-64: testb $8, [[A0L:%dil|%cl]] ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g64xl: ; CHECK-32: testb $8, %al ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g64xl(i64 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i64 %x, 8 %s = icmp eq i64 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g32xh: ; CHECK-64: testb $8, {{%ah|%ch}} ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g32xh: ; CHECK-32: testb $8, %ah ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g32xh(i32 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i32 %x, 2048 %s = icmp eq i32 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g32xl: ; CHECK-64: testb $8, [[A0L]] ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g32xl: ; CHECK-32: testb $8, %al ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g32xl(i32 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i32 %x, 8 %s = icmp eq i32 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g16xh: ; CHECK-64: testb $8, {{%ah|%ch}} ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g16xh: ; CHECK-32: testb $8, %ah ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g16xh(i16 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i16 %x, 2048 %s = icmp eq i16 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g16xl: ; CHECK-64: testb $8, [[A0L]] ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g16xl: ; CHECK-32: testb $8, %al ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g16xl(i16 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i16 %x, 8 %s = icmp eq i16 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g64x16: ; CHECK-64: testw $-32640, %[[A0W:di|cx]] ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g64x16: ; CHECK-32: testw $-32640, %ax ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g64x16(i64 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i64 %x, 32896 %s = icmp eq i64 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g32x16: ; CHECK-64: testw $-32640, %[[A0W]] ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g32x16: ; CHECK-32: testw $-32640, %ax ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g32x16(i32 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i32 %x, 32896 %s = icmp eq i32 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } ; CHECK-64-LABEL: g64x32: ; CHECK-64: testl $268468352, %e[[A0W]] ; CHECK-64: ret ; CHECK-32-LABEL: g64x32: ; CHECK-32: testl $268468352, %eax ; CHECK-32: ret define void @g64x32(i64 inreg %x) nounwind { %t = and i64 %x, 268468352 %s = icmp eq i64 %t, 0 br i1 %s, label %yes, label %no yes: call void @bar() ret void no: ret void } declare void @bar()