; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7-apple-darwin10 | FileCheck %s %struct.CMPoint = type { %struct.Point, float, float, [5 x float] } %struct.Point = type { float, float } define %struct.CMPoint* @t1(i32 %i, i32 %j, i32 %n, %struct.CMPoint* %thePoints) nounwind readnone ssp { entry: ; CHECK: mla r0, r2, r0, r1 ; CHECK: add.w r0, r0, r0, lsl #3 ; CHECL: add.w r0, r3, r0, lsl #2 %mul = mul i32 %n, %i %add = add i32 %mul, %j %0 = ptrtoint %struct.CMPoint* %thePoints to i32 %mul5 = mul i32 %add, 36 %add6 = add i32 %mul5, %0 %1 = inttoptr i32 %add6 to %struct.CMPoint* ret %struct.CMPoint* %1 }