; This testcase should return with an exit code of 1. ; ; RUN: not lli %s ; XFAIL: arm ; FIXME: ExecutionEngine is broken for ARM, please remove the following XFAIL when it will be fixed. @test = global i64 0 ; [#uses=1] define internal i64 @test.upgrd.1() { %tmp.0 = load i64* @test ; [#uses=1] %tmp.1 = add i64 %tmp.0, 1 ; [#uses=1] ret i64 %tmp.1 } define i32 @main() { %L = call i64 @test.upgrd.1( ) ; [#uses=1] %I = trunc i64 %L to i32 ; [#uses=1] ret i32 %I }