; This test is essentially doing very basic things with the opt tool and the ; new pass manager pipeline. It will be used to flesh out the feature ; completeness of the opt tool when the new pass manager is engaged. The tests ; may not be useful once it becomes the default or may get spread out into other ; files, but for now this is just going to step the new process through its ; paces. ; RUN: opt -disable-output -debug-pass-manager -passes=print %s 2>&1 \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-MODULE-PRINT ; CHECK-MODULE-PRINT: Starting module pass manager ; CHECK-MODULE-PRINT: Running module pass: PrintModulePass ; CHECK-MODULE-PRINT: ModuleID ; CHECK-MODULE-PRINT: define void @foo() ; CHECK-MODULE-PRINT: Finished module pass manager ; RUN: opt -disable-output -debug-pass-manager -passes='function(print)' %s 2>&1 \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT: Starting module pass manager ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT: Starting function pass manager ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT: Running function pass: PrintFunctionPass ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT-NOT: ModuleID ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT: define void @foo() ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT: Finished function pass manager ; CHECK-FUNCTION-PRINT: Finished module pass manager define void @foo() { ret void }