; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S -mtriple "i386-pc-linux" | FileCheck -check-prefix=DO-SIMPLIFY %s ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S -mtriple "i386-pc-win32" | FileCheck -check-prefix=DONT-SIMPLIFY %s ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S -mtriple "x86_64-pc-win32" | FileCheck -check-prefix=C89-SIMPLIFY %s ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S -mtriple "i386-pc-mingw32" | FileCheck -check-prefix=DO-SIMPLIFY %s ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S -mtriple "x86_64-pc-mingw32" | FileCheck -check-prefix=DO-SIMPLIFY %s ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S -mtriple "sparc-sun-solaris" | FileCheck -check-prefix=DO-SIMPLIFY %s ; DO-SIMPLIFY: call float @floorf( ; DO-SIMPLIFY: call float @ceilf( ; DO-SIMPLIFY: call float @roundf( ; DO-SIMPLIFY: call float @nearbyintf( ; DO-SIMPLIFY: call float @truncf( ; DO-SIMPLIFY: call float @fabsf( ; C89-SIMPLIFY: call float @floorf( ; C89-SIMPLIFY: call float @ceilf( ; C89-SIMPLIFY: call double @round( ; C89-SIMPLIFY: call double @nearbyint( ; DONT-SIMPLIFY: call double @floor( ; DONT-SIMPLIFY: call double @ceil( ; DONT-SIMPLIFY: call double @round( ; DONT-SIMPLIFY: call double @nearbyint( ; DONT-SIMPLIFY: call double @trunc( ; DONT-SIMPLIFY: call double @fabs( declare double @floor(double) declare double @ceil(double) declare double @round(double) declare double @nearbyint(double) declare double @trunc(double) declare double @fabs(double) define float @test_floor(float %C) { %D = fpext float %C to double ; --> floorf %E = call double @floor(double %D) %F = fptrunc double %E to float ret float %F } define float @test_ceil(float %C) { %D = fpext float %C to double ; --> ceilf %E = call double @ceil(double %D) %F = fptrunc double %E to float ret float %F } define float @test_round(float %C) { %D = fpext float %C to double ; --> roundf %E = call double @round(double %D) %F = fptrunc double %E to float ret float %F } define float @test_nearbyint(float %C) { %D = fpext float %C to double ; --> nearbyintf %E = call double @nearbyint(double %D) %F = fptrunc double %E to float ret float %F } define float @test_trunc(float %C) { %D = fpext float %C to double ; --> truncf %E = call double @trunc(double %D) %F = fptrunc double %E to float ret float %F } define float @test_fabs(float %C) { %D = fpext float %C to double ; --> fabsf %E = call double @fabs(double %D) %F = fptrunc double %E to float ret float %F }