; This file consists of various tests which ensure that the objc-arc-annotations ; are working correctly. In the future, I will use this in other lit tests to ; check the data flow analysis of ARC. ; REQUIRES: asserts ; RUN: opt -S -objc-arc -enable-objc-arc-annotations < %s | FileCheck %s declare i8* @objc_retain(i8*) declare i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8*) declare void @objc_release(i8*) declare i8* @objc_autorelease(i8*) declare i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8*) declare void @objc_autoreleasePoolPop(i8*) declare i8* @objc_autoreleasePoolPush() declare i8* @objc_retainBlock(i8*) declare i8* @objc_retainedObject(i8*) declare i8* @objc_unretainedObject(i8*) declare i8* @objc_unretainedPointer(i8*) declare void @use_pointer(i8*) declare void @callee() declare void @callee_fnptr(void ()*) declare void @invokee() declare i8* @returner() ; Simple retain+release pair deletion, with some intervening control ; flow and harmless instructions. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test0( ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_None) ; CHECK: %0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %a) #0, !llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup ![[ANN0:[0-9]+]], !llvm.arc.annotation.topdown ![[ANN1:[0-9]+]] ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_Use) ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_Retain) ; CHECK: t: ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_Retain) ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_Use) ; CHECK: store float 2.000000e+00, float* %b, !llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup ![[ANN2:[0-9]+]] ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_Release) ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_Retain) ; CHECK: f: ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_Retain) ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_Use) ; CHECK: store i32 7, i32* %x, !llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup ![[ANN2]] ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_Release) ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_Retain) ; CHECK: return: ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_Retain) ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbstart(i8** @x, i8** @S_Release) ; CHECK: call void @objc_release(i8* %c) #0, !llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup ![[ANN3:[0-9]+]], !llvm.arc.annotation.topdown ![[ANN4:[0-9]+]] ; CHECK: call void @llvm.arc.annotation.topdown.bbend(i8** @x, i8** @S_None) ; CHECK: } define void @test0(i32* %x, i1 %p) nounwind { entry: %a = bitcast i32* %x to i8* %0 = call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %a) nounwind br i1 %p, label %t, label %f t: store i8 3, i8* %a %b = bitcast i32* %x to float* store float 2.0, float* %b br label %return f: store i32 7, i32* %x br label %return return: %c = bitcast i32* %x to i8* call void @objc_release(i8* %c) nounwind ret void } !0 = metadata !{} ; CHECK: ![[ANN0]] = metadata !{metadata !"(test0,%x)", metadata !"S_Use", metadata !"S_None"} ; CHECK: ![[ANN1]] = metadata !{metadata !"(test0,%x)", metadata !"S_None", metadata !"S_Retain"} ; CHECK: ![[ANN2]] = metadata !{metadata !"(test0,%x)", metadata !"S_Release", metadata !"S_Use"} ; CHECK: ![[ANN3]] = metadata !{metadata !"(test0,%x)", metadata !"S_None", metadata !"S_Release"} ; CHECK: ![[ANN4]] = metadata !{metadata !"(test0,%x)", metadata !"S_Retain", metadata !"S_None"}