/*===-- module.c - tool for testing libLLVM and llvm-c API ----------------===*\ |* *| |* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *| |* *| |* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *| |* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *| |* *| |*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*| |* *| |* This file implements the --module-dump, --module-list-functions and *| |* --module-list-globals commands in llvm-c-test. *| |* *| \*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*/ #include "llvm-c-test.h" #include "llvm-c/BitReader.h" #include "llvm-c/Core.h" #include #include #include static LLVMModuleRef load_module(void) { LLVMMemoryBufferRef MB; LLVMModuleRef M; char *msg = NULL; if (LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN(&MB, &msg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %s\n", msg); exit(1); } if (LLVMParseBitcode(MB, &M, &msg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing bitcode: %s\n", msg); exit(1); } return M; } int module_dump(void) { LLVMModuleRef M = load_module(); char *irstr = LLVMPrintModuleToString(M); puts(irstr); LLVMDisposeMessage(irstr); LLVMDisposeModule(M); return 0; } int module_list_functions(void) { LLVMModuleRef M = load_module(); LLVMValueRef f; f = LLVMGetFirstFunction(M); while (f) { if (LLVMIsDeclaration(f)) { printf("FunctionDeclaration: %s\n", LLVMGetValueName(f)); } else { LLVMBasicBlockRef bb; LLVMValueRef isn; unsigned nisn = 0; unsigned nbb = 0; printf("FunctionDefinition: %s [#bb=%u]\n", LLVMGetValueName(f), LLVMCountBasicBlocks(f)); for (bb = LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock(f); bb; bb = LLVMGetNextBasicBlock(bb)) { nbb++; for (isn = LLVMGetFirstInstruction(bb); isn; isn = LLVMGetNextInstruction(isn)) { nisn++; if (LLVMIsACallInst(isn)) { LLVMValueRef callee = LLVMGetOperand(isn, LLVMGetNumOperands(isn) - 1); printf(" calls: %s\n", LLVMGetValueName(callee)); } } } printf(" #isn: %u\n", nisn); printf(" #bb: %u\n\n", nbb); } f = LLVMGetNextFunction(f); } LLVMDisposeModule(M); return 0; } int module_list_globals(void) { LLVMModuleRef M = load_module(); LLVMValueRef g; g = LLVMGetFirstGlobal(M); while (g) { LLVMTypeRef T = LLVMTypeOf(g); char *s = LLVMPrintTypeToString(T); printf("Global%s: %s %s\n", LLVMIsDeclaration(g) ? "Declaration" : "Definition", LLVMGetValueName(g), s); LLVMDisposeMessage(s); g = LLVMGetNextGlobal(g); } LLVMDisposeModule(M); return 0; }