#!/usr/bin/python # Auto-generates an exhaustive and repetitive test for correct bundle-locked # alignment on x86. # For every possible offset in an aligned bundle, a bundle-locked group of every # size in the inclusive range [1, bundle_size] is inserted. An appropriate CHECK # is added to verify that NOP padding occurred (or did not occur) as expected. # Run with --align-to-end to generate a similar test with align_to_end for each # .bundle_lock directive. # This script runs with Python 2.7 and 3.2+ from __future__ import print_function import argparse BUNDLE_SIZE_POW2 = 4 BUNDLE_SIZE = 2 ** BUNDLE_SIZE_POW2 PREAMBLE = ''' # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple i386-pc-linux-gnu %s -o - \\ # RUN: | llvm-objdump -triple i386 -disassemble -no-show-raw-insn - | FileCheck %s # !!! This test is auto-generated from utils/testgen/mc-bundling-x86-gen.py !!! # It tests that bundle-aligned grouping works correctly in MC. Read the # source of the script for more details. .text .bundle_align_mode {0} '''.format(BUNDLE_SIZE_POW2).lstrip() ALIGNTO = ' .align {0}, 0x90' NOPFILL = ' .fill {0}, 1, 0x90' def print_bundle_locked_sequence(len, align_to_end=False): print(' .bundle_lock{0}'.format(' align_to_end' if align_to_end else '')) print(' .rept {0}'.format(len)) print(' inc %eax') print(' .endr') print(' .bundle_unlock') def generate(align_to_end=False): print(PREAMBLE) ntest = 0 for instlen in range(1, BUNDLE_SIZE + 1): for offset in range(0, BUNDLE_SIZE): # Spread out all the instructions to not worry about cross-bundle # interference. print(ALIGNTO.format(2 * BUNDLE_SIZE)) print('INSTRLEN_{0}_OFFSET_{1}:'.format(instlen, offset)) if offset > 0: print(NOPFILL.format(offset)) print_bundle_locked_sequence(instlen, align_to_end) # Now generate an appropriate CHECK line base_offset = ntest * 2 * BUNDLE_SIZE inst_orig_offset = base_offset + offset # had it not been padded... def print_check(adjusted_offset=None): if adjusted_offset is not None: print('# CHECK: {0:x}: nop'.format(inst_orig_offset)) print('# CHECK: {0:x}: incl'.format(adjusted_offset)) else: print('# CHECK: {0:x}: incl'.format(inst_orig_offset)) if align_to_end: if offset + instlen == BUNDLE_SIZE: # No padding needed print_check() elif offset + instlen < BUNDLE_SIZE: # Pad to end at nearest bundle boundary offset_to_end = base_offset + (BUNDLE_SIZE - instlen) print_check(offset_to_end) else: # offset + instlen > BUNDLE_SIZE # Pad to end at next bundle boundary offset_to_end = base_offset + (BUNDLE_SIZE * 2 - instlen) print_check(offset_to_end) else: if offset + instlen > BUNDLE_SIZE: # Padding needed aligned_offset = (inst_orig_offset + instlen) & ~(BUNDLE_SIZE - 1) print_check(aligned_offset) else: # No padding needed print_check() print() ntest += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('--align-to-end', action='store_true', help='generate .bundle_lock with align_to_end option') args = argparser.parse_args() generate(align_to_end=args.align_to_end)