# Pass any arguments to fsck. # By default we preen. # Linux systems also force -C0 and -T. # If fsck_args is not specified then Linux systems also use -A # (and -R if / is rw) #fsck_args="-p" # We can also specify the passno in /etc/fstab to check # If you multiplex fsck (ie ln -s fsck /etc/init.d/fsck.late) then you can # do an fsck outside of the normal scope, say for /home. # Here are some exampes:- #fsck_passno="=1 =2" #fsck_passno=">1" #fsck_passno="<2" # Most modern fs's don't require a full fsck on boot, but for those that do # it may be adivisable to skip this when running on battery. # WARNING: Do not turn this off if you have any JFS partitions. fsck_on_battery="YES" # fsck_shutdown causes fsck to trigger during shutdown as well as startup. # The end result of this is that if any periodic non-root filesystem checks are # scheduled, under normal circumstances the actual check will happen during # shutdown rather than at next boot. # This is useful when periodic filesystem checks are causing undesirable # delays at startup, but such delays at shutdown are acceptable. fsck_shutdown="NO"