#!@PREFIX@/sbin/runscript # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples # All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license. description="Saves the caches OpenRC uses to non volatile storage" start() { if [ -e "$RC_SVCDIR"/clock-skewed ]; then ewarn "WARNING: clock skew detected!" if ! yesno "savecache_skewed"; then eerror "Not saving deptree cache" return 1 fi fi ebegin "Saving dependency cache" if [ ! -d "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/cache ]; then rm -rf "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/cache if ! mkdir "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/cache; then eend $? return $? fi fi local save= for x in deptree depconfig shutdowntime softlevel nettree rc.log; do [ -e "$RC_SVCDIR/$x" ] && save="$save $RC_SVCDIR/$x" done if [ -n "$save" ]; then cp -p $save "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/cache 2>/dev/null fi eend $? }