/* * Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Paul Kranenburg * Copyright (c) 1993 Branko Lankester * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Rick Sladkey * Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Wichert Akkerman * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "defs.h" /* --- Copied from libaio-0.3.109/src/libaio.h --- * Why keep a copy instead of using external libaio.h? * Because we want to properly decode 32-bit aio calls * by 64-bit strace. For that, we need more definitions than * libaio.h provides. (TODO). * Keeping our local 32-bit compat defs in sync with libaio.h * _without seeing libaio structs_ is hard/more bug-prone. * A smaller benefit is that we don't need libaio installed. */ #define HAVE_LIBAIO_H 1 typedef enum io_iocb_cmd { IO_CMD_PREAD = 0, IO_CMD_PWRITE = 1, IO_CMD_FSYNC = 2, IO_CMD_FDSYNC = 3, IO_CMD_POLL = 5, /* Never implemented in mainline, see io_prep_poll */ IO_CMD_NOOP = 6, IO_CMD_PREADV = 7, IO_CMD_PWRITEV = 8, } io_iocb_cmd_t; #if defined(__i386__) /* little endian, 32 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) x; unsigned y #define PADDEDptr(x, y) x; unsigned y #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned long x; unsigned y #elif defined(__ia64__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__alpha__) #define PADDED(x, y) x, y #define PADDEDptr(x, y) x #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned long x #elif defined(__powerpc64__) /* big endian, 64 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDptr(x,y) x #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned long x #elif defined(__PPC__) /* big endian, 32 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDptr(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned y; unsigned long x #elif defined(__s390x__) /* big endian, 64 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDptr(x,y) x #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned long x #elif defined(__s390__) /* big endian, 32 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDptr(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned y; unsigned long x #elif defined(__arm__) # if defined (__ARMEB__) /* big endian, 32 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDptr(x, y) unsigned y; x #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned y; unsigned long x # else /* little endian, 32 bits */ #define PADDED(x, y) x; unsigned y #define PADDEDptr(x, y) x; unsigned y #define PADDEDul(x, y) unsigned long x; unsigned y # endif #else # warning No AIO definitions for this architecture => no io_submit decoding # undef HAVE_LIBAIO_H #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H struct io_iocb_poll { PADDED(int events, __pad1); }; /* result code is the set of result flags or -'ve errno */ struct io_iocb_sockaddr { struct sockaddr *addr; int len; }; /* result code is the length of the sockaddr, or -'ve errno */ struct io_iocb_common { PADDEDptr(void *buf, __pad1); PADDEDul(nbytes, __pad2); long long offset; long long __pad3; unsigned flags; unsigned resfd; }; /* result code is the amount read or -'ve errno */ struct io_iocb_vector { const struct iovec *vec; int nr; long long offset; }; /* result code is the amount read or -'ve errno */ struct iocb { PADDEDptr(void *data, __pad1); /* Return in the io completion event */ PADDED(unsigned key, __pad2); /* For use in identifying io requests */ short aio_lio_opcode; short aio_reqprio; int aio_fildes; union { struct io_iocb_common c; struct io_iocb_vector v; struct io_iocb_poll poll; struct io_iocb_sockaddr saddr; } u; }; struct io_event { PADDEDptr(void *data, __pad1); PADDEDptr(struct iocb *obj, __pad2); PADDEDul(res, __pad3); PADDEDul(res2, __pad4); }; #undef PADDED #undef PADDEDptr #undef PADDEDul #endif /* HAVE_LIBAIO_H */ /* --- End of a chunk of libaio.h --- */ /* Not defined in libaio.h */ #ifndef IOCB_RESFD # define IOCB_RESFD (1 << 0) #endif int sys_io_setup(struct tcb *tcp) { if (entering(tcp)) tprintf("%ld, ", tcp->u_arg[0]); else { if (syserror(tcp)) tprintf("0x%0lx", tcp->u_arg[1]); else { unsigned long user_id; if (umove(tcp, tcp->u_arg[1], &user_id) == 0) tprintf("{%lu}", user_id); else tprints("{...}"); } } return 0; } int sys_io_destroy(struct tcb *tcp) { if (entering(tcp)) tprintf("%lu", tcp->u_arg[0]); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H enum iocb_sub { SUB_NONE, SUB_COMMON, SUB_POLL, SUB_VECTOR }; static enum iocb_sub tprint_lio_opcode(unsigned cmd) { static const struct { const char *name; enum iocb_sub sub; } cmds[] = { { "pread", SUB_COMMON }, { "pwrite", SUB_COMMON }, { "fsync", SUB_NONE }, { "fdsync", SUB_NONE }, { "op4", SUB_NONE }, { "poll", SUB_POLL }, { "noop", SUB_NONE }, { "preadv", SUB_VECTOR }, { "pwritev", SUB_VECTOR }, }; if (cmd < ARRAY_SIZE(cmds)) { tprints(cmds[cmd].name); return cmds[cmd].sub; } tprintf("%u /* SUB_??? */", cmd); return SUB_NONE; } static void print_common_flags(struct iocb *iocb) { if (iocb->u.c.flags & IOCB_RESFD) tprintf(", resfd=%d", iocb->u.c.resfd); if (iocb->u.c.flags & ~IOCB_RESFD) tprintf(", flags=%x", iocb->u.c.flags); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBAIO_H */ int sys_io_submit(struct tcb *tcp) { if (entering(tcp)) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H long nr = tcp->u_arg[1]; /* if nr <= 0, we end up printing just "{}" */ tprintf("%lu, %ld, {", tcp->u_arg[0], tcp->u_arg[1]); { long i; struct iocb **iocbs = (void *)tcp->u_arg[2]; //FIXME: decoding of 32-bit call by 64-bit strace for (i = 0; i < nr; i++, iocbs++) { enum iocb_sub sub; struct iocb *iocbp; struct iocb iocb; if (i) tprints(", "); if (umove(tcp, (unsigned long)iocbs, &iocbp)) { tprintf("%#lx", (unsigned long)iocbs); /* No point in trying to read iocbs+1 etc */ /* (nr can be ridiculously large): */ break; } if (umove(tcp, (unsigned long)iocbp, &iocb)) { tprintf("{%#lx}", (unsigned long)iocbp); continue; } tprints("{"); if (iocb.data) tprintf("data:%p, ", iocb.data); if (iocb.key) tprintf("key:%u, ", iocb.key); sub = tprint_lio_opcode(iocb.aio_lio_opcode); if (iocb.aio_reqprio) tprintf(", reqprio:%d", iocb.aio_reqprio); tprintf(", filedes:%d", iocb.aio_fildes); switch (sub) { case SUB_COMMON: if (iocb.aio_lio_opcode == IO_CMD_PWRITE) { tprints(", str:"); printstr(tcp, (unsigned long)iocb.u.c.buf, iocb.u.c.nbytes); } else tprintf(", buf:%p", iocb.u.c.buf); tprintf(", nbytes:%lu, offset:%lld", iocb.u.c.nbytes, iocb.u.c.offset); print_common_flags(&iocb); break; case SUB_VECTOR: tprintf(", %lld", iocb.u.v.offset); print_common_flags(&iocb); tprints(", "); tprint_iov(tcp, iocb.u.v.nr, (unsigned long)iocb.u.v.vec, iocb.aio_lio_opcode == IO_CMD_PWRITEV ); break; case SUB_POLL: tprintf(", %x", iocb.u.poll.events); break; case SUB_NONE: break; } tprints("}"); } } tprints("}"); #else tprintf("%lu, %ld, %#lx", tcp->u_arg[0], tcp->u_arg[1], tcp->u_arg[2]); #endif } return 0; } int sys_io_cancel(struct tcb *tcp) { if (entering(tcp)) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H struct iocb iocb; #endif tprintf("%lu, ", tcp->u_arg[0]); #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H if (umove(tcp, tcp->u_arg[1], &iocb) == 0) { tprintf("{%p, %u, %u, %u, %d}, ", iocb.data, iocb.key, (unsigned)iocb.aio_lio_opcode, (unsigned)iocb.aio_reqprio, iocb.aio_fildes); } else #endif tprints("{...}, "); } else { if (tcp->u_rval < 0) tprints("{...}"); else { #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H struct io_event event; if (umove(tcp, tcp->u_arg[2], &event) == 0) tprintf("{%p, %p, %ld, %ld}", event.data, event.obj, event.res, event.res2); else #endif tprints("{...}"); } } return 0; } int sys_io_getevents(struct tcb *tcp) { if (entering(tcp)) { tprintf("%ld, %ld, %ld, ", tcp->u_arg[0], tcp->u_arg[1], tcp->u_arg[2]); } else { if (tcp->u_rval == 0) { tprints("{}"); } else { #ifdef HAVE_LIBAIO_H struct io_event *events = (void *)tcp->u_arg[3]; long i, nr = tcp->u_rval; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++, events++) { struct io_event event; if (i == 0) tprints("{"); else tprints(", "); if (umove(tcp, (unsigned long)events, &event) != 0) { tprints("{...}"); continue; } tprintf("{%p, %p, %ld, %ld}", event.data, event.obj, event.res, event.res2); } tprints("}, "); #else tprints("{...}"); #endif } print_timespec(tcp, tcp->u_arg[4]); } return 0; }