path: root/unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJITTestBase.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJITTestBase.h')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJITTestBase.h b/unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJITTestBase.h
index 5debb8b578..b42a9c0980 100644
--- a/unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJITTestBase.h
+++ b/unittests/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJITTestBase.h
@@ -119,12 +119,13 @@ protected:
// Inserts an declaration to a function defined elsewhere
Function *insertExternalReferenceToFunction(Module *M, Function *Func) {
Function *Result = Function::Create(Func->getFunctionType(),
- GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage,
+ GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
Func->getName(), M);
return Result;
// Inserts a global variable of type int32
+ // FIXME: make this a template function to support any type
GlobalVariable *insertGlobalInt32(Module *M,
StringRef name,
int32_t InitialValue) {
@@ -138,11 +139,148 @@ protected:
return Global;
+ // Inserts a function
+ // int32_t recursive_add(int32_t num) {
+ // if (num == 0) {
+ // return num;
+ // } else {
+ // int32_t recursive_param = num - 1;
+ // return num + Helper(recursive_param);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // NOTE: if Helper is left as the default parameter, Helper == recursive_add.
+ Function *insertAccumulateFunction(Module *M,
+ Function *Helper = 0,
+ StringRef Name = "accumulate") {
+ Function *Result = startFunction<int32_t(int32_t)>(M, Name);
+ if (Helper == 0)
+ Helper = Result;
+ BasicBlock *BaseCase = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", Result);
+ BasicBlock *RecursiveCase = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", Result);
+ // if (num == 0)
+ Value *Param = Result->arg_begin();
+ Value *Zero = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(32, 0));
+ Builder.CreateCondBr(Builder.CreateICmpEQ(Param, Zero),
+ BaseCase, RecursiveCase);
+ // return num;
+ Builder.SetInsertPoint(BaseCase);
+ Builder.CreateRet(Param);
+ // int32_t recursive_param = num - 1;
+ // return Helper(recursive_param);
+ Builder.SetInsertPoint(RecursiveCase);
+ Value *One = ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(32, 1));
+ Value *RecursiveParam = Builder.CreateSub(Param, One);
+ Value *RecursiveReturn = Builder.CreateCall(Helper, RecursiveParam);
+ Value *Accumulator = Builder.CreateAdd(Param, RecursiveReturn);
+ Builder.CreateRet(Accumulator);
+ return Result;
+ }
+ // Populates Modules A and B:
+ // Module A { Extern FB1, Function FA which calls FB1 },
+ // Module B { Extern FA, Function FB1, Function FB2 which calls FA },
+ void createCrossModuleRecursiveCase(OwningPtr<Module> &A,
+ Function *&FA,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &B,
+ Function *&FB1,
+ Function *&FB2) {
+ // Define FB1 in B.
+ B.reset(createEmptyModule("B"));
+ FB1 = insertAccumulateFunction(B.get(), 0, "FB1");
+ // Declare FB1 in A (as an external).
+ A.reset(createEmptyModule("A"));
+ Function *FB1Extern = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(A.get(), FB1);
+ // Define FA in A (with a call to FB1).
+ FA = insertAccumulateFunction(A.get(), FB1Extern, "FA");
+ // Declare FA in B (as an external)
+ Function *FAExtern = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(B.get(), FA);
+ // Define FB2 in B (with a call to FA)
+ FB2 = insertAccumulateFunction(B.get(), FAExtern, "FB2");
+ }
+ // Module A { Function FA },
+ // Module B { Extern FA, Function FB which calls FA },
+ // Module C { Extern FB, Function FC which calls FB },
+ void createThreeModuleChainedCallsCase(OwningPtr<Module> &A,
+ Function *&FA,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &B,
+ Function *&FB,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &C,
+ Function *&FC) {
+ A.reset(createEmptyModule("A"));
+ FA = insertAddFunction(A.get());
+ B.reset(createEmptyModule("B"));
+ Function *FAExtern_in_B = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(B.get(), FA);
+ FB = insertSimpleCallFunction<int32_t(int32_t, int32_t)>(B.get(), FAExtern_in_B);
+ C.reset(createEmptyModule("C"));
+ Function *FBExtern_in_C = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(C.get(), FB);
+ FC = insertSimpleCallFunction<int32_t(int32_t, int32_t)>(C.get(), FBExtern_in_C);
+ }
+ // Module A { Function FA },
+ // Populates Modules A and B:
+ // Module B { Function FB }
+ void createTwoModuleCase(OwningPtr<Module> &A, Function *&FA,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &B, Function *&FB) {
+ A.reset(createEmptyModule("A"));
+ FA = insertAddFunction(A.get());
+ B.reset(createEmptyModule("B"));
+ FB = insertAddFunction(B.get());
+ }
+ // Module A { Function FA },
+ // Module B { Extern FA, Function FB which calls FA }
+ void createTwoModuleExternCase(OwningPtr<Module> &A, Function *&FA,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &B, Function *&FB) {
+ A.reset(createEmptyModule("A"));
+ FA = insertAddFunction(A.get());
+ B.reset(createEmptyModule("B"));
+ Function *FAExtern_in_B = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(B.get(), FA);
+ FB = insertSimpleCallFunction<int32_t(int32_t, int32_t)>(B.get(),
+ FAExtern_in_B);
+ }
+ // Module A { Function FA },
+ // Module B { Extern FA, Function FB which calls FA },
+ // Module C { Extern FB, Function FC which calls FA },
+ void createThreeModuleCase(OwningPtr<Module> &A,
+ Function *&FA,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &B,
+ Function *&FB,
+ OwningPtr<Module> &C,
+ Function *&FC) {
+ A.reset(createEmptyModule("A"));
+ FA = insertAddFunction(A.get());
+ B.reset(createEmptyModule("B"));
+ Function *FAExtern_in_B = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(B.get(), FA);
+ FB = insertSimpleCallFunction<int32_t(int32_t, int32_t)>(B.get(), FAExtern_in_B);
+ C.reset(createEmptyModule("C"));
+ Function *FAExtern_in_C = insertExternalReferenceToFunction(C.get(), FA);
+ FC = insertSimpleCallFunction<int32_t(int32_t, int32_t)>(C.get(), FAExtern_in_C);
+ }
class MCJITTestBase : public MCJITTestAPICommon, public TrivialModuleBuilder {
: TrivialModuleBuilder(HostTriple)
, OptLevel(CodeGenOpt::None)