path: root/tools/clang-format-vs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* clang-format vsix cmake build: use ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}Hans Wennborg2013-12-05
* CMake: enable building the clang-format vs pluginHans Wennborg2013-12-03
* ClangFormatPackage.cs: fix inconsistent line endingsHans Wennborg2013-12-02
* clang-format vs plugin: use Alp's suggestion for getting the pathHans Wennborg2013-12-02
* clang-format vs plugin: bake clang-format.exe into the vsixHans Wennborg2013-12-02
* Clang format VS plugin: update build prerequisites in the READMEHans Wennborg2013-11-25
* Add txt file extension to VS solution's READMEAlp Toker2013-11-22
* Upgrade the VS solution to 2012.Manuel Klimek2013-11-12
* Fix key bindings for VS 2010.Manuel Klimek2013-11-12
* Recreated the ClangFormat VSPackage with VS 2010.Manuel Klimek2013-11-12
* Revert unintentional commit from r194477.Manuel Klimek2013-11-12
* git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-...Manuel Klimek2013-11-12
* Allow _clang-format as alternative to .clang-format config filenameHans Wennborg2013-09-10
* Make error text if clang-format is not on the system PATH more helpful,Manuel Klimek2013-09-05
* Adds a VSPackage project that builds a VS extension to run clang-format over ...Manuel Klimek2013-09-04