path: root/docs/tutorial/OCamlLangImpl1.html
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authorSean Silva <>2012-12-05 00:26:32 +0000
committerSean Silva <>2012-12-05 00:26:32 +0000
commitee47edfd8e2dd048522ebd47305aeefbe9d8729c (patch)
tree1149ccaddfcba655771ab114e383a2cae3b6b200 /docs/tutorial/OCamlLangImpl1.html
parent4e5448053163e0d9c2107b240ccdb5a95c107b07 (diff)
docs: Sphinxify `docs/tutorial/`
Sorry for the massive commit, but I just wanted to knock this one down and it is really straightforward. There are still a couple trivial (i.e. not related to the content) things left to fix: - Use of raw HTML links where :doc:`...` and :ref:`...` could be used instead. If you are a newbie and want to help fix this it would make for some good bite-sized patches; more experienced developers should be focusing on adding new content (to this tutorial or elsewhere, but please _do not_ waste your time on formatting when there is such dire need for documentation (see docs/SphinxQuickstartTemplate.rst to get started writing)). - Highlighting of the kaleidoscope code blocks (currently left as bare `::`). I will be working on writing a custom Pygments highlighter for this, mostly as training for maintaining the `llvm` code-block's lexer in-tree. I want to do this because I am extremely unhappy with how it just "gives up" on the slightest deviation from the expected syntax and leaves the whole code-block un-highlighted. More generally I am looking at writing some Sphinx extensions and keeping them in-tree as well, to support common use cases that currently have no good solution (like "monospace text inside a link"). git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/tutorial/OCamlLangImpl1.html')
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- "">
- <title>Kaleidoscope: Tutorial Introduction and the Lexer</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <meta name="author" content="Chris Lattner">
- <meta name="author" content="Erick Tryzelaar">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../_static/llvm.css" type="text/css">
-<h1>Kaleidoscope: Tutorial Introduction and the Lexer</h1>
-<li><a href="index.html">Up to Tutorial Index</a></li>
-<li>Chapter 1
- <ol>
- <li><a href="#intro">Tutorial Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#language">The Basic Language</a></li>
- <li><a href="#lexer">The Lexer</a></li>
- </ol>
-<li><a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">Chapter 2</a>: Implementing a Parser and
-<div class="doc_author">
- <p>
- Written by <a href="">Chris Lattner</a>
- and <a href="">Erick Tryzelaar</a>
- </p>
-<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<h2><a name="intro">Tutorial Introduction</a></h2>
-<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<p>Welcome to the "Implementing a language with LLVM" tutorial. This tutorial
-runs through the implementation of a simple language, showing how fun and
-easy it can be. This tutorial will get you up and started as well as help to
-build a framework you can extend to other languages. The code in this tutorial
-can also be used as a playground to hack on other LLVM specific things.
-The goal of this tutorial is to progressively unveil our language, describing
-how it is built up over time. This will let us cover a fairly broad range of
-language design and LLVM-specific usage issues, showing and explaining the code
-for it all along the way, without overwhelming you with tons of details up
-<p>It is useful to point out ahead of time that this tutorial is really about
-teaching compiler techniques and LLVM specifically, <em>not</em> about teaching
-modern and sane software engineering principles. In practice, this means that
-we'll take a number of shortcuts to simplify the exposition. For example, the
-code leaks memory, uses global variables all over the place, doesn't use nice
-design patterns like <a
-href="">visitors</a>, etc... but it
-is very simple. If you dig in and use the code as a basis for future projects,
-fixing these deficiencies shouldn't be hard.</p>
-<p>I've tried to put this tutorial together in a way that makes chapters easy to
-skip over if you are already familiar with or are uninterested in the various
-pieces. The structure of the tutorial is:
-<li><b><a href="#language">Chapter #1</a>: Introduction to the Kaleidoscope
-language, and the definition of its Lexer</b> - This shows where we are going
-and the basic functionality that we want it to do. In order to make this
-tutorial maximally understandable and hackable, we choose to implement
-everything in Objective Caml instead of using lexer and parser generators.
-LLVM obviously works just fine with such tools, feel free to use one if you
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">Chapter #2</a>: Implementing a Parser and
-AST</b> - With the lexer in place, we can talk about parsing techniques and
-basic AST construction. This tutorial describes recursive descent parsing and
-operator precedence parsing. Nothing in Chapters 1 or 2 is LLVM-specific,
-the code doesn't even link in LLVM at this point. :)</li>
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl3.html">Chapter #3</a>: Code generation to LLVM
-IR</b> - With the AST ready, we can show off how easy generation of LLVM IR
-really is.</li>
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl4.html">Chapter #4</a>: Adding JIT and Optimizer
-Support</b> - Because a lot of people are interested in using LLVM as a JIT,
-we'll dive right into it and show you the 3 lines it takes to add JIT support.
-LLVM is also useful in many other ways, but this is one simple and "sexy" way
-to shows off its power. :)</li>
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl5.html">Chapter #5</a>: Extending the Language:
-Control Flow</b> - With the language up and running, we show how to extend it
-with control flow operations (if/then/else and a 'for' loop). This gives us a
-chance to talk about simple SSA construction and control flow.</li>
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl6.html">Chapter #6</a>: Extending the Language:
-User-defined Operators</b> - This is a silly but fun chapter that talks about
-extending the language to let the user program define their own arbitrary
-unary and binary operators (with assignable precedence!). This lets us build a
-significant piece of the "language" as library routines.</li>
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl7.html">Chapter #7</a>: Extending the Language:
-Mutable Variables</b> - This chapter talks about adding user-defined local
-variables along with an assignment operator. The interesting part about this
-is how easy and trivial it is to construct SSA form in LLVM: no, LLVM does
-<em>not</em> require your front-end to construct SSA form!</li>
-<li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl8.html">Chapter #8</a>: Conclusion and other
-useful LLVM tidbits</b> - This chapter wraps up the series by talking about
-potential ways to extend the language, but also includes a bunch of pointers to
-info about "special topics" like adding garbage collection support, exceptions,
-debugging, support for "spaghetti stacks", and a bunch of other tips and
-<p>By the end of the tutorial, we'll have written a bit less than 700 lines of
-non-comment, non-blank, lines of code. With this small amount of code, we'll
-have built up a very reasonable compiler for a non-trivial language including
-a hand-written lexer, parser, AST, as well as code generation support with a JIT
-compiler. While other systems may have interesting "hello world" tutorials,
-I think the breadth of this tutorial is a great testament to the strengths of
-LLVM and why you should consider it if you're interested in language or compiler
-<p>A note about this tutorial: we expect you to extend the language and play
-with it on your own. Take the code and go crazy hacking away at it, compilers
-don't need to be scary creatures - it can be a lot of fun to play with
-<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<h2><a name="language">The Basic Language</a></h2>
-<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<p>This tutorial will be illustrated with a toy language that we'll call
-"<a href="">Kaleidoscope</a>" (derived
-from "meaning beautiful, form, and view").
-Kaleidoscope is a procedural language that allows you to define functions, use
-conditionals, math, etc. Over the course of the tutorial, we'll extend
-Kaleidoscope to support the if/then/else construct, a for loop, user defined
-operators, JIT compilation with a simple command line interface, etc.</p>
-<p>Because we want to keep things simple, the only datatype in Kaleidoscope is a
-64-bit floating point type (aka 'float' in O'Caml parlance). As such, all
-values are implicitly double precision and the language doesn't require type
-declarations. This gives the language a very nice and simple syntax. For
-example, the following simple example computes <a
-href="">Fibonacci numbers:</a></p>
-<div class="doc_code">
-# Compute the x'th fibonacci number.
-def fib(x)
- if x &lt; 3 then
- 1
- else
- fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
-# This expression will compute the 40th number.
-<p>We also allow Kaleidoscope to call into standard library functions (the LLVM
-JIT makes this completely trivial). This means that you can use the 'extern'
-keyword to define a function before you use it (this is also useful for mutually
-recursive functions). For example:</p>
-<div class="doc_code">
-extern sin(arg);
-extern cos(arg);
-extern atan2(arg1 arg2);
-atan2(sin(.4), cos(42))
-<p>A more interesting example is included in Chapter 6 where we write a little
-Kaleidoscope application that <a href="OCamlLangImpl6.html#example">displays
-a Mandelbrot Set</a> at various levels of magnification.</p>
-<p>Lets dive into the implementation of this language!</p>
-<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<h2><a name="lexer">The Lexer</a></h2>
-<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
-<p>When it comes to implementing a language, the first thing needed is
-the ability to process a text file and recognize what it says. The traditional
-way to do this is to use a "<a
-href="">lexer</a>" (aka 'scanner')
-to break the input up into "tokens". Each token returned by the lexer includes
-a token code and potentially some metadata (e.g. the numeric value of a number).
-First, we define the possibilities:
-<div class="doc_code">
-(* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
- * these others for known things. *)
-type token =
- (* commands *)
- | Def | Extern
- (* primary *)
- | Ident of string | Number of float
- (* unknown *)
- | Kwd of char
-<p>Each token returned by our lexer will be one of the token variant values.
-An unknown character like '+' will be returned as <tt>Token.Kwd '+'</tt>. If
-the curr token is an identifier, the value will be <tt>Token.Ident s</tt>. If
-the current token is a numeric literal (like 1.0), the value will be
-<tt>Token.Number 1.0</tt>.
-<p>The actual implementation of the lexer is a collection of functions driven
-by a function named <tt>Lexer.lex</tt>. The <tt>Lexer.lex</tt> function is
-called to return the next token from standard input. We will use
-<a href="">Camlp4</a>
-to simplify the tokenization of the standard input. Its definition starts
-<div class="doc_code">
- * Lexer
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-let rec lex = parser
- (* Skip any whitespace. *)
- | [&lt; ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream &gt;] -&gt; lex stream
-<tt>Lexer.lex</tt> works by recursing over a <tt>char Stream.t</tt> to read
-characters one at a time from the standard input. It eats them as it recognizes
-them and stores them in in a <tt>Token.token</tt> variant. The first thing that
-it has to do is ignore whitespace between tokens. This is accomplished with the
-recursive call above.</p>
-<p>The next thing <tt>Lexer.lex</tt> needs to do is recognize identifiers and
-specific keywords like "def". Kaleidoscope does this with a pattern match
-and a helper function.<p>
-<div class="doc_code">
- (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
- | [&lt; ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
- let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- lex_ident buffer stream
-and lex_ident buffer = parser
- | [&lt; ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- lex_ident buffer stream
- | [&lt; stream=lex &gt;] -&gt;
- match Buffer.contents buffer with
- | "def" -&gt; [&lt; 'Token.Def; stream &gt;]
- | "extern" -&gt; [&lt; 'Token.Extern; stream &gt;]
- | id -&gt; [&lt; 'Token.Ident id; stream &gt;]
-<p>Numeric values are similar:</p>
-<div class="doc_code">
- (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
- | [&lt; ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
- let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- lex_number buffer stream
-and lex_number buffer = parser
- | [&lt; ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- lex_number buffer stream
- | [&lt; stream=lex &gt;] -&gt;
- [&lt; 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream &gt;]
-<p>This is all pretty straight-forward code for processing input. When reading
-a numeric value from input, we use the ocaml <tt>float_of_string</tt> function
-to convert it to a numeric value that we store in <tt>Token.Number</tt>. Note
-that this isn't doing sufficient error checking: it will raise <tt>Failure</tt>
-if the string "". Feel free to extend it :). Next we handle
-<div class="doc_code">
- (* Comment until end of line. *)
- | [&lt; ' ('#'); stream &gt;] -&gt;
- lex_comment stream
-and lex_comment = parser
- | [&lt; ' ('\n'); stream=lex &gt;] -&gt; stream
- | [&lt; 'c; e=lex_comment &gt;] -&gt; e
- | [&lt; &gt;] -&gt; [&lt; &gt;]
-<p>We handle comments by skipping to the end of the line and then return the
-next token. Finally, if the input doesn't match one of the above cases, it is
-either an operator character like '+' or the end of the file. These are handled
-with this code:</p>
-<div class="doc_code">
- (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
- | [&lt; 'c; stream &gt;] -&gt;
- [&lt; 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream &gt;]
- (* end of stream. *)
- | [&lt; &gt;] -&gt; [&lt; &gt;]
-<p>With this, we have the complete lexer for the basic Kaleidoscope language
-(the <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html#code">full code listing</a> for the Lexer is
-available in the <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">next chapter</a> of the
-tutorial). Next we'll <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">build a simple parser that
-uses this to build an Abstract Syntax Tree</a>. When we have that, we'll
-include a driver so that you can use the lexer and parser together.
-<a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">Next: Implementing a Parser and AST</a>
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- <a href="">Chris Lattner</a><br>
- <a href="">Erick Tryzelaar</a><br>
- <a href="">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
- Last modified: $Date$