path: root/include/Support/ilist
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authorChris Lattner <>2002-06-25 16:13:24 +0000
committerChris Lattner <>2002-06-25 16:13:24 +0000
commit7e70829632f82de15db187845666aaca6e04b792 (patch)
tree48dd2d804e7ebec9a3cbd8bf229cb2a2aa20dce5 /include/Support/ilist
parent0b12b5f50ec77a8bd01b92d287c52d748619bb4b (diff)
MEGAPATCH checkin.
For details, See: docs/2002-06-25-MegaPatchInfo.txt git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'include/Support/ilist')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/Support/ilist b/include/Support/ilist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04cf596698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/Support/ilist
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+//===-- <Support/ilist> - Intrusive Linked List Template ---------*- C++ -*--=//
+// This file defines classes to implement an intrusive doubly linked list class
+// (ie each node of the list must contain a next and previous field for the
+// list.
+// The ilist_traits trait class is used to gain access to the next and previous
+// fields of the node type that the list is instantiated with. If it is not
+// specialized, the list defaults to using the getPrev(), getNext() method calls
+// to get the next and previous pointers.
+// The ilist class itself, should be a plug in replacement for list, assuming
+// that the nodes contain next/prev pointers. This list replacement does not
+// provides a constant time size() method, so be careful to use empty() when you
+// really want to know if I'm empty.
+// The ilist class is implemented by allocating a 'tail' node when the list is
+// created (using ilist_traits<>::createEndMarker()). This tail node is
+// absolutely required because the user must be able to compute end()-1. Because
+// of this, users of the direct next/prev links will see an extra link on the
+// end of the list, which should be ignored.
+// Requirements for a user of this list:
+// 1. The user must provide {g|s}et{Next|Prev} methods, or specialize
+// ilist_traits to provide an alternate way of getting and setting next and
+// prev links.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iterator>
+template<typename NodeTy, typename Traits> class iplist;
+template<typename NodeTy> class ilist_iterator;
+// Template traits for intrusive list. By specializing this template class, you
+// can change what next/prev fields are used to store the links...
+template<typename NodeTy>
+struct ilist_traits {
+ static NodeTy *getPrev(NodeTy *N) { return N->getPrev(); }
+ static NodeTy *getNext(NodeTy *N) { return N->getNext(); }
+ static const NodeTy *getPrev(const NodeTy *N) { return N->getPrev(); }
+ static const NodeTy *getNext(const NodeTy *N) { return N->getNext(); }
+ static void setPrev(NodeTy *N, NodeTy *Prev) { N->setPrev(Prev); }
+ static void setNext(NodeTy *N, NodeTy *Next) { N->setNext(Next); }
+ static NodeTy *createNode() { return new NodeTy(); }
+ static NodeTy *createNode(const NodeTy &V) { return new NodeTy(V); }
+ void addNodeToList(NodeTy *NTy) {}
+ void removeNodeFromList(NodeTy *NTy) {}
+ void transferNodesFromList(iplist<NodeTy, ilist_traits> &L2,
+ ilist_iterator<NodeTy> first,
+ ilist_iterator<NodeTy> last) {}
+// Const traits are the same as nonconst traits...
+template<typename Ty>
+struct ilist_traits<const Ty> : public ilist_traits<Ty> {};
+// ilist_iterator<Node> - Iterator for intrusive list.
+template<typename NodeTy>
+class ilist_iterator : public std::bidirectional_iterator<NodeTy, ptrdiff_t> {
+ typedef ilist_traits<NodeTy> Traits;
+ pointer NodePtr;
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ ilist_iterator(pointer NP) : NodePtr(NP) {}
+ ilist_iterator() : NodePtr(0) {}
+ // This is templated so that we can allow constructing a const iterator from
+ // a nonconst iterator...
+ template<class node_ty>
+ ilist_iterator(const ilist_iterator<node_ty> &RHS)
+ : NodePtr(RHS.getNodePtrUnchecked()) {}
+ // This is templated so that we can allow assigning to a const iterator from
+ // a nonconst iterator...
+ template<class node_ty>
+ const ilist_iterator &operator=(const ilist_iterator<node_ty> &RHS) {
+ NodePtr = RHS.getNodePtrUnchecked();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Accessors...
+ operator pointer() const {
+ assert(Traits::getNext(NodePtr) != 0 && "Dereferencing end()!");
+ return NodePtr;
+ }
+ reference operator*() const {
+ assert(Traits::getNext(NodePtr) != 0 && "Dereferencing end()!");
+ return *NodePtr;
+ }
+ pointer operator->() { return &operator*(); }
+ const pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
+ // Comparison operators
+ bool operator==(const ilist_iterator &RHS) const {
+ return NodePtr == RHS.NodePtr;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const ilist_iterator &RHS) const {
+ return NodePtr != RHS.NodePtr;
+ }
+ // Increment and decrement operators...
+ ilist_iterator &operator--() { // predecrement - Back up
+ NodePtr = Traits::getPrev(NodePtr);
+ assert(NodePtr && "--'d off the beginning of an ilist!");
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ilist_iterator &operator++() { // preincrement - Advance
+ NodePtr = Traits::getNext(NodePtr);
+ assert(NodePtr && "++'d off the end of an ilist!");
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ilist_iterator operator--(int) { // postdecrement operators...
+ ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
+ --*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ ilist_iterator operator++(int) { // postincrement operators...
+ ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // Dummy operators to make errors apparent...
+ template<class X> void operator+(X Val) {}
+ template<class X> void operator-(X Val) {}
+ // Internal interface, do not use...
+ pointer getNodePtrUnchecked() const { return NodePtr; }
+// iplist - The subset of list functionality that can safely be used on nodes of
+// polymorphic types, ie a heterogeneus list with a common base class that holds
+// the next/prev pointers...
+template<typename NodeTy, typename Traits=ilist_traits<NodeTy> >
+class iplist : public Traits {
+ NodeTy *Head, *Tail;
+ static bool op_less(NodeTy &L, NodeTy &R) { return L < R; }
+ static bool op_equal(NodeTy &L, NodeTy &R) { return L == R; }
+ typedef NodeTy *pointer;
+ typedef const NodeTy *const_pointer;
+ typedef NodeTy &reference;
+ typedef const NodeTy &const_reference;
+ typedef NodeTy value_type;
+ typedef ilist_iterator<NodeTy> iterator;
+ typedef ilist_iterator<const NodeTy> const_iterator;
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
+ typedef reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
+ iplist() : Head(createNode()), Tail(Head) {
+ setNext(Head, 0);
+ setPrev(Head, 0);
+ }
+ ~iplist() { clear(); delete Tail; }
+ // Iterator creation methods...
+ iterator begin() { return iterator(Head); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(Head); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(Tail); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(Tail); }
+ // reverse iterator creation methods...
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const{ return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
+ reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const {return const_reverse_iterator(begin());}
+ // Miscellaneous inspection routines...
+ size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
+ bool empty() const { return Head == Tail; }
+ // Front and back accessor functions...
+ reference front() {
+ assert(!empty() && "Called front() on empty list!");
+ return *Head;
+ }
+ const_reference front() const {
+ assert(!empty() && "Called front() on empty list!");
+ return *Head;
+ }
+ reference back() {
+ assert(!empty() && "Called back() on empty list!");
+ return *getPrev(Tail);
+ }
+ const_reference back() const {
+ assert(!empty() && "Called back() on empty list!");
+ return *getPrev(Tail);
+ }
+ void swap(iplist &RHS) {
+ abort(); // Swap does not use list traits callback correctly yet!
+ std::swap(Head, RHS.Head);
+ std::swap(Tail, RHS.Tail);
+ }
+ iterator insert(iterator where, NodeTy *New) {
+ NodeTy *CurNode = where.getNodePtrUnchecked(), *PrevNode = getPrev(CurNode);
+ setNext(New, CurNode);
+ setPrev(New, PrevNode);
+ if (PrevNode)
+ setNext(PrevNode, New);
+ else
+ Head = New;
+ setPrev(CurNode, New);
+ addNodeToList(New); // Notify traits that we added a node...
+ return New;
+ }
+ NodeTy *remove(iterator &IT) {
+ assert(IT != end() && "Cannot remove end of list!");
+ NodeTy *Node = &*IT;
+ NodeTy *NextNode = getNext(Node);
+ NodeTy *PrevNode = getPrev(Node);
+ if (PrevNode)
+ setNext(PrevNode, NextNode);
+ else
+ Head = NextNode;
+ setPrev(NextNode, PrevNode);
+ IT = NextNode;
+ removeNodeFromList(Node); // Notify traits that we added a node...
+ return Node;
+ }
+ NodeTy *remove(const iterator &IT) {
+ iterator MutIt = IT;
+ return remove(MutIt);
+ }
+ // erase - remove a node from the controlled sequence... and delete it.
+ iterator erase(iterator where) {
+ delete remove(where);
+ return where;
+ }
+ // transfer - The heart of the splice function. Move linked list nodes from
+ // [first, last) into position.
+ //
+ void transfer(iterator position, iplist &L2, iterator first, iterator last) {
+ assert(first != last && "Should be checked by callers");
+ if (position != last) {
+ // Remove [first, last) from its old position.
+ NodeTy *First = &*first, *Prev = getPrev(First);
+ NodeTy *Next = last.getNodePtrUnchecked(), *Last = getPrev(Next);
+ if (Prev)
+ setNext(Prev, Next);
+ else
+ L2.Head = Next;
+ setPrev(Next, Prev);
+ // Splice [first, last) into its new position.
+ NodeTy *PosNext = position.getNodePtrUnchecked();
+ NodeTy *PosPrev = getPrev(PosNext);
+ // Fix head of list...
+ if (PosPrev)
+ setNext(PosPrev, First);
+ else
+ Head = First;
+ setPrev(First, PosPrev);
+ // Fix end of list...
+ setNext(Last, PosNext);
+ setPrev(PosNext, Last);
+ transferNodesFromList(L2, First, PosNext);
+ }
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
+ // Functionality derived from other functions defined above...
+ //
+ size_type size() const {
+ size_type Result = 0;
+ std::distance(begin(), end(), Result);
+ return Result;
+ }
+ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
+ while (first != last)
+ first = erase(first);
+ return last;
+ }
+ void clear() { erase(begin(), end()); }
+ // Front and back inserters...
+ void push_front(NodeTy *val) { insert(begin(), val); }
+ void push_back(NodeTy *val) { insert(end(), val); }
+ void pop_front() {
+ assert(!empty() && "pop_front() on empty list!");
+ erase(begin());
+ }
+ void pop_back() {
+ assert(!empty() && "pop_back() on empty list!");
+ iterator t = end(); erase(--t);
+ }
+ // Special forms of insert...
+ template<class InIt> void insert(iterator where, InIt first, InIt last) {
+ for (; first != last; ++first) insert(where, *first);
+ }
+ // Splice members - defined in terms of transfer...
+ void splice(iterator where, iplist &L2) {
+ if (!L2.empty())
+ transfer(where, L2, L2.begin(), L2.end());
+ }
+ void splice(iterator where, iplist &L2, iterator first) {
+ iterator last = first; ++last;
+ if (where == first || where == last) return; // No change
+ transfer(where, L2, first, last);
+ }
+ void splice(iterator where, iplist &L2, iterator first, iterator last) {
+ if (first != last) transfer(where, L2, first, last);
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
+ // High-Level Functionality that shouldn't really be here, but is part of list
+ //
+ // These two functions are actually called remove/remove_if in list<>, but
+ // they actually do the job of erase, rename them accordingly.
+ //
+ void erase(const NodeTy &val) {
+ for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ) {
+ iterator next = I; ++next;
+ if (*I == val) erase(I);
+ I = next;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class Pr1> void erase_if(Pr1 pred) {
+ for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ) {
+ iterator next = I; ++next;
+ if (pred(*I)) erase(I);
+ I = next;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class Pr2> void unique(Pr2 pred) {
+ if (empty()) return;
+ for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(), Next = begin(); ++Next != E;) {
+ if (pred(*I))
+ erase(Next);
+ else
+ I = Next;
+ Next = I;
+ }
+ }
+ void unique() { unique(op_equal); }
+ template<class Pr3> void merge(iplist &right, Pr3 pred) {
+ iterator first1 = begin(), last1 = end();
+ iterator first2 = right.begin(), last2 = right.end();
+ while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
+ if (pred(*first2, *first1)) {
+ iterator next = first2;
+ transfer(first1, right, first2, ++next);
+ first2 = next;
+ } else {
+ ++first1;
+ }
+ if (first2 != last2) transfer(last1, right, first2, last2);
+ }
+ void merge(iplist &right) { return merge(right, op_less); }
+ template<class Pr3> void sort(Pr3 pred);
+ void sort() { sort(op_less); }
+ void reverse();
+template<typename NodeTy>
+struct ilist : public iplist<NodeTy> {
+ ilist() {}
+ ilist(const ilist &right) {
+ insert(begin(), right.begin(), right.end());
+ }
+ explicit ilist(size_type count) {
+ insert(begin(), count, NodeTy());
+ }
+ ilist(size_type count, const NodeTy &val) {
+ insert(begin(), count, val);
+ }
+ template<class InIt> ilist(InIt first, InIt last) {
+ insert(begin(), first, last);
+ }
+ // Forwarding functions: A workaround for GCC 2.95 which does not correctly
+ // support 'using' declarations to bring a hidden member into scope.
+ //
+ iterator insert(iterator a, NodeTy *b){ return iplist<NodeTy>::insert(a, b); }
+ void push_front(NodeTy *a) { iplist<NodeTy>::push_front(a); }
+ void push_back(NodeTy *a) { iplist<NodeTy>::push_back(a); }
+ // Main implementation here - Insert for a node passed by value...
+ iterator insert(iterator where, const NodeTy &val) {
+ return insert(where, createNode(val));
+ }
+ // Front and back inserters...
+ void push_front(const NodeTy &val) { insert(begin(), val); }
+ void push_back(const NodeTy &val) { insert(end(), val); }
+ // Special forms of insert...
+ template<class InIt> void insert(iterator where, InIt first, InIt last) {
+ for (; first != last; ++first) insert(where, *first);
+ }
+ void insert(iterator where, size_type count, const NodeTy &val) {
+ for (; count != 0; --count) insert(where, val);
+ }
+ // Assign special forms...
+ void assign(size_type count, const NodeTy &val) {
+ iterator I = begin();
+ for (; I != end() && count != 0; ++I, --count)
+ *I = val;
+ if (count != 0)
+ insert(end(), n, val);
+ else
+ erase(I, end());
+ }
+ template<class InIt> void assign(InIt first, InIt last) {
+ iterator first1 = begin(), last1 = end();
+ for ( ; first1 != last1 && first2 != last2; ++first1, ++first2)
+ *first1 = *first2;
+ if (first2 == last2)
+ erase(first1, last1);
+ else
+ insert(last1, first2, last2);
+ }
+ // Resize members...
+ void resize(size_type newsize, NodeTy val) {
+ iterator i = begin();
+ size_type len = 0;
+ for ( ; i != end() && len < newsize; ++i, ++len) /* empty*/ ;
+ if (len == newsize)
+ erase(i, end());
+ else // i == end()
+ insert(end(), newsize - len, val);
+ }
+ void resize(size_type newsize) { resize(newsize, NodeTy()); }
+namespace std {
+ // Ensure that swap uses the fast list swap...
+ template<class Ty>
+ void swap(iplist<Ty> &Left, iplist<Ty> &Right) {
+ Left.swap(Right);
+ }
+} // End 'std' extensions...