path: root/test/Transforms/LoopIndexSplit
diff options
authorDevang Patel <>2009-03-02 23:39:14 +0000
committerDevang Patel <>2009-03-02 23:39:14 +0000
commitcf42ee42b1a5444cd073703ff284ae0a41608227 (patch)
treed49432eee2780323489aae7031e348f4c0535ccb /test/Transforms/LoopIndexSplit
parent24e338e8a3dab2923db30fe63d77a5ac95456ff9 (diff)
If branch conditions' one successor is dominating another non-latch successor then this loop's iteration space can not be restricted. In this example block bb5 is always executed.
git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/LoopIndexSplit')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/LoopIndexSplit/2009-03-02-UpdateIterationSpace-crash.ll b/test/Transforms/LoopIndexSplit/2009-03-02-UpdateIterationSpace-crash.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73113e7b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/LoopIndexSplit/2009-03-02-UpdateIterationSpace-crash.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -loop-index-split -disable-output
+ %struct.CGPoint = type { double, double }
+ %struct.IBCFMutableDictionary = type { %struct.NSMutableArray, %struct.__CFDictionary*, %struct.NSSortDescriptor*, %struct.NSSortDescriptor* }
+ %struct.IBInspectorMode = type opaque
+ %struct.IBInspectorModeView = type { %struct.NSView, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.IBCFMutableDictionary*, %struct.IBInspectorMode*, %struct.IBInspectorMode*, %struct.IBInspectorMode*, %struct.objc_selector*, %struct.NSObject* }
+ %struct.NSArray = type { %struct.NSObject }
+ %struct.NSImage = type { %struct.NSObject, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.CGPoint, %struct.__imageFlags, %struct.NSObject*, %struct._NSImageAuxiliary* }
+ %struct.NSMutableArray = type { %struct.NSArray }
+ %struct.NSObject = type { %struct.objc_class* }
+ %struct.NSRect = type { %struct.CGPoint, %struct.CGPoint }
+ %struct.NSResponder = type { %struct.NSObject, %struct.NSObject* }
+ %struct.NSSortDescriptor = type { %struct.NSObject, i64, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.objc_selector*, %struct.NSObject* }
+ %struct.NSURL = type { %struct.NSObject, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.NSURL*, i8*, i8* }
+ %struct.NSView = type { %struct.NSResponder, %struct.NSRect, %struct.NSRect, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSWindow*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct._NSViewAuxiliary*, %struct._VFlags, %struct.__VFlags2 }
+ %struct.NSWindow = type { %struct.NSResponder, %struct.NSRect, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSResponder*, %struct.NSView*, %struct.NSView*, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSObject*, i32, i64, i32, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.NSObject*, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8*, i8*, %struct.NSImage*, i32, %struct.NSMutableArray*, %struct.NSURL*, %struct.CGPoint*, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.NSArray*, %struct.__wFlags, %struct.NSObject*, %struct.NSView*, %struct.NSWindowAuxiliary* }
+ %struct.NSWindowAuxiliary = type opaque
+ %struct._NSImageAuxiliary = type opaque
+ %struct._NSViewAuxiliary = type opaque
+ %struct._VFlags = type <{ i8, i8, i8, i8 }>
+ %struct.__CFDictionary = type opaque
+ %struct.__VFlags2 = type <{ i32 }>
+ %struct.__imageFlags = type <{ i8, [3 x i8] }>
+ %struct.__wFlags = type <{ i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8 }>
+ %struct.objc_class = type opaque
+ %struct.objc_selector = type opaque
+define %struct.NSArray* @"\01-[IBInspectorModeView calculateModeRects]"(%struct.IBInspectorModeView* %self, %struct.objc_selector* %_cmd) optsize ssp {
+ br i1 false, label %bb7, label %bb
+bb: ; preds = %entry
+ br i1 false, label %bb.nph, label %bb7.loopexit
+bb.nph: ; preds = %bb
+ br label %bb1
+bb1: ; preds = %bb6, %bb.nph
+ %midx.01 = phi i64 [ %3, %bb6 ], [ 0, %bb.nph ] ; <i64> [#uses=3]
+ %0 = icmp sge i64 %midx.01, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
+ %1 = icmp sle i64 %midx.01, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
+ %2 = and i1 %0, %1 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
+ br i1 %2, label %bb4, label %bb5
+bb4: ; preds = %bb1
+ br label %bb5
+bb5: ; preds = %bb4, %bb1
+ %modeWidth.0 = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %bb1 ], [ 0.000000e+00, %bb4 ] ; <double> [#uses=0]
+ %3 = add i64 %midx.01, 1 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
+ br label %bb6
+bb6: ; preds = %bb5
+ %4 = icmp slt i64 0, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
+ br i1 %4, label %bb1, label %bb6.bb7.loopexit_crit_edge
+bb6.bb7.loopexit_crit_edge: ; preds = %bb6
+ br label %bb7.loopexit
+bb7.loopexit: ; preds = %bb6.bb7.loopexit_crit_edge, %bb
+ br label %bb7
+bb7: ; preds = %bb7.loopexit, %entry
+ ret %struct.NSArray* null