path: root/tools/llvm-readobj/Win64EHDumper.cpp
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authorSaleem Abdulrasool <>2014-05-25 20:26:45 +0000
committerSaleem Abdulrasool <>2014-05-25 20:26:45 +0000
commitb6a667f0335027a8ed673d29af11fc6653781c11 (patch)
tree608ef78554c440ee0d96e76d6017635bd95e13a3 /tools/llvm-readobj/Win64EHDumper.cpp
parent53046f3c5f5a747bfcb4e5700ed5e3b5b2506afe (diff)
tools: split out Win64EHDumper from COFFDumper
Move the implementation of the Win64 EH printer from the COFFDumper into its own class. This is in preparation for adding support to print ARM EH information. The only real change here is in printUnwindInfo where we now lambda lift the implicit this parameter for the resolveFunction. Also setup the printing to handle ARM. This now has set the stage to introduce ARM EH printing. git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/llvm-readobj/Win64EHDumper.cpp')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/llvm-readobj/Win64EHDumper.cpp b/tools/llvm-readobj/Win64EHDumper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..449df001cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/llvm-readobj/Win64EHDumper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+//===- Win64EHDumper.cpp - Win64 EH Printer ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "Win64EHDumper.h"
+#include "llvm-readobj.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::object;
+using namespace llvm::Win64EH;
+static const EnumEntry<unsigned> UnwindFlags[] = {
+ { "ExceptionHandler", UNW_ExceptionHandler },
+ { "TerminateHandler", UNW_TerminateHandler },
+ { "ChainInfo" , UNW_ChainInfo }
+static const EnumEntry<unsigned> UnwindOpInfo[] = {
+ { "RAX", 0 },
+ { "RCX", 1 },
+ { "RDX", 2 },
+ { "RBX", 3 },
+ { "RSP", 4 },
+ { "RBP", 5 },
+ { "RSI", 6 },
+ { "RDI", 7 },
+ { "R8", 8 },
+ { "R9", 9 },
+ { "R10", 10 },
+ { "R11", 11 },
+ { "R12", 12 },
+ { "R13", 13 },
+ { "R14", 14 },
+ { "R15", 15 }
+static uint64_t getOffsetOfLSDA(const UnwindInfo& UI) {
+ return static_cast<const char*>(UI.getLanguageSpecificData())
+ - reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&UI);
+static uint32_t getLargeSlotValue(ArrayRef<UnwindCode> UC) {
+ if (UC.size() < 3)
+ return 0;
+ return UC[1].FrameOffset + (static_cast<uint32_t>(UC[2].FrameOffset) << 16);
+// Returns the name of the unwind code.
+static StringRef getUnwindCodeTypeName(uint8_t Code) {
+ switch (Code) {
+ default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid unwind code");
+ case UOP_PushNonVol: return "PUSH_NONVOL";
+ case UOP_AllocLarge: return "ALLOC_LARGE";
+ case UOP_AllocSmall: return "ALLOC_SMALL";
+ case UOP_SetFPReg: return "SET_FPREG";
+ case UOP_SaveNonVol: return "SAVE_NONVOL";
+ case UOP_SaveNonVolBig: return "SAVE_NONVOL_FAR";
+ case UOP_SaveXMM128: return "SAVE_XMM128";
+ case UOP_SaveXMM128Big: return "SAVE_XMM128_FAR";
+ case UOP_PushMachFrame: return "PUSH_MACHFRAME";
+ }
+// Returns the name of a referenced register.
+static StringRef getUnwindRegisterName(uint8_t Reg) {
+ switch (Reg) {
+ default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid register");
+ case 0: return "RAX";
+ case 1: return "RCX";
+ case 2: return "RDX";
+ case 3: return "RBX";
+ case 4: return "RSP";
+ case 5: return "RBP";
+ case 6: return "RSI";
+ case 7: return "RDI";
+ case 8: return "R8";
+ case 9: return "R9";
+ case 10: return "R10";
+ case 11: return "R11";
+ case 12: return "R12";
+ case 13: return "R13";
+ case 14: return "R14";
+ case 15: return "R15";
+ }
+// Calculates the number of array slots required for the unwind code.
+static unsigned getNumUsedSlots(const UnwindCode &UnwindCode) {
+ switch (UnwindCode.getUnwindOp()) {
+ default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid unwind code");
+ case UOP_PushNonVol:
+ case UOP_AllocSmall:
+ case UOP_SetFPReg:
+ case UOP_PushMachFrame:
+ return 1;
+ case UOP_SaveNonVol:
+ case UOP_SaveXMM128:
+ return 2;
+ case UOP_SaveNonVolBig:
+ case UOP_SaveXMM128Big:
+ return 3;
+ case UOP_AllocLarge:
+ return (UnwindCode.getOpInfo() == 0) ? 2 : 3;
+ }
+static std::string formatSymbol(const Dumper::Context &Ctx,
+ const coff_section *Section, uint64_t Offset,
+ uint32_t Displacement) {
+ std::string Buffer;
+ raw_string_ostream OS(Buffer);
+ StringRef Name;
+ SymbolRef Symbol;
+ if (Ctx.ResolveSymbol(Section, Offset, Symbol) || Symbol.getName(Name)) {
+ OS << format(" (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Offset);
+ return OS.str();
+ }
+ OS << Name;
+ if (Displacement > 0)
+ OS << format(" +0x%X (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Displacement, Offset);
+ else
+ OS << format(" (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Offset);
+ return OS.str();
+static error_code resolveRelocation(const Dumper::Context &Ctx,
+ const coff_section *Section,
+ uint64_t Offset,
+ const coff_section *&ResolvedSection,
+ uint64_t &ResolvedAddress) {
+ SymbolRef Symbol;
+ if (error_code EC = Ctx.ResolveSymbol(Section, Offset, Symbol))
+ return EC;
+ if (error_code EC = Symbol.getAddress(ResolvedAddress))
+ return EC;
+ section_iterator SI = Ctx.COFF.section_begin();
+ if (error_code EC = Symbol.getSection(SI))
+ return EC;
+ ResolvedSection = Ctx.COFF.getCOFFSection(*SI);
+ return object_error::success;
+namespace llvm {
+namespace Win64EH {
+void Dumper::printRuntimeFunctionEntry(const Context &Ctx,
+ const coff_section *Section,
+ uint64_t Offset,
+ const RuntimeFunction &RF) {
+ SW.printString("StartAddress",
+ formatSymbol(Ctx, Section, Offset + 0, RF.StartAddress));
+ SW.printString("EndAddress",
+ formatSymbol(Ctx, Section, Offset + 4, RF.EndAddress));
+ SW.printString("UnwindInfoAddress",
+ formatSymbol(Ctx, Section, Offset + 8, RF.UnwindInfoOffset));
+// Prints one unwind code. Because an unwind code can occupy up to 3 slots in
+// the unwind codes array, this function requires that the correct number of
+// slots is provided.
+void Dumper::printUnwindCode(const UnwindInfo& UI, ArrayRef<UnwindCode> UC) {
+ assert(UC.size() >= getNumUsedSlots(UC[0]));
+ SW.startLine() << format("0x%02X: ", unsigned(UC[0].u.CodeOffset))
+ << getUnwindCodeTypeName(UC[0].getUnwindOp());
+ switch (UC[0].getUnwindOp()) {
+ case UOP_PushNonVol:
+ OS << " reg=" << getUnwindRegisterName(UC[0].getOpInfo());
+ break;
+ case UOP_AllocLarge:
+ OS << " size="
+ << ((UC[0].getOpInfo() == 0) ? UC[1].FrameOffset * 8
+ : getLargeSlotValue(UC));
+ break;
+ case UOP_AllocSmall:
+ OS << " size=" << (UC[0].getOpInfo() + 1) * 8;
+ break;
+ case UOP_SetFPReg:
+ if (UI.getFrameRegister() == 0)
+ OS << " reg=<invalid>";
+ else
+ OS << " reg=" << getUnwindRegisterName(UI.getFrameRegister())
+ << format(", offset=0x%X", UI.getFrameOffset() * 16);
+ break;
+ case UOP_SaveNonVol:
+ OS << " reg=" << getUnwindRegisterName(UC[0].getOpInfo())
+ << format(", offset=0x%X", UC[1].FrameOffset * 8);
+ break;
+ case UOP_SaveNonVolBig:
+ OS << " reg=" << getUnwindRegisterName(UC[0].getOpInfo())
+ << format(", offset=0x%X", getLargeSlotValue(UC));
+ break;
+ case UOP_SaveXMM128:
+ OS << " reg=XMM" << static_cast<uint32_t>(UC[0].getOpInfo())
+ << format(", offset=0x%X", UC[1].FrameOffset * 16);
+ break;
+ case UOP_SaveXMM128Big:
+ OS << " reg=XMM" << static_cast<uint32_t>(UC[0].getOpInfo())
+ << format(", offset=0x%X", getLargeSlotValue(UC));
+ break;
+ case UOP_PushMachFrame:
+ OS << " errcode=" << (UC[0].getOpInfo() == 0 ? "no" : "yes");
+ break;
+ }
+ OS << "\n";
+void Dumper::printUnwindInfo(const Context &Ctx, const coff_section *Section,
+ off_t Offset, const UnwindInfo &UI) {
+ DictScope UIS(SW, "UnwindInfo");
+ SW.printNumber("Version", UI.getVersion());
+ SW.printFlags("Flags", UI.getFlags(), makeArrayRef(UnwindFlags));
+ SW.printNumber("PrologSize", UI.PrologSize);
+ if (UI.getFrameRegister()) {
+ SW.printEnum("FrameRegister", UI.getFrameRegister(),
+ makeArrayRef(UnwindOpInfo));
+ SW.printHex("FrameOffset", UI.getFrameOffset());
+ } else {
+ SW.printString("FrameRegister", StringRef("-"));
+ SW.printString("FrameOffset", StringRef("-"));
+ }
+ SW.printNumber("UnwindCodeCount", UI.NumCodes);
+ {
+ ListScope UCS(SW, "UnwindCodes");
+ ArrayRef<UnwindCode> UC(&UI.UnwindCodes[0], UI.NumCodes);
+ for (const UnwindCode *UCI = UC.begin(), *UCE = UC.end(); UCI < UCE; ++UCI) {
+ unsigned UsedSlots = getNumUsedSlots(*UCI);
+ if (UsedSlots > UC.size()) {
+ errs() << "corrupt unwind data";
+ return;
+ }
+ printUnwindCode(UI, ArrayRef<UnwindCode>(UCI, UCE));
+ UCI = UCI + UsedSlots - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ uint64_t LSDAOffset = Offset + getOffsetOfLSDA(UI);
+ if (UI.getFlags() & (UNW_ExceptionHandler | UNW_TerminateHandler)) {
+ SW.printString("Handler",
+ formatSymbol(Ctx, Section, LSDAOffset,
+ UI.getLanguageSpecificHandlerOffset()));
+ } else if (UI.getFlags() & UNW_ChainInfo) {
+ if (const RuntimeFunction *Chained = UI.getChainedFunctionEntry()) {
+ DictScope CS(SW, "Chained");
+ printRuntimeFunctionEntry(Ctx, Section, LSDAOffset, *Chained);
+ }
+ }
+void Dumper::printRuntimeFunction(const Context &Ctx,
+ const coff_section *Section,
+ uint64_t SectionOffset,
+ const RuntimeFunction &RF) {
+ DictScope RFS(SW, "RuntimeFunction");
+ printRuntimeFunctionEntry(Ctx, Section, SectionOffset, RF);
+ const coff_section *XData;
+ uint64_t Offset;
+ if (error(resolveRelocation(Ctx, Section, SectionOffset + 8, XData, Offset)))
+ return;
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
+ if (error(Ctx.COFF.getSectionContents(XData, Contents)) || Contents.empty())
+ return;
+ Offset = Offset + RF.UnwindInfoOffset;
+ if (Offset > Contents.size())
+ return;
+ const auto UI = reinterpret_cast<const UnwindInfo*>( + Offset);
+ printUnwindInfo(Ctx, XData, Offset, *UI);
+void Dumper::printData(const Context &Ctx) {
+ for (const auto &Section : Ctx.COFF.sections()) {
+ StringRef Name;
+ if (error(Section.getName(Name)))
+ continue;
+ if (Name != ".pdata" && !Name.startswith(".pdata$"))
+ continue;
+ const coff_section *PData = Ctx.COFF.getCOFFSection(Section);
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
+ if (error(Ctx.COFF.getSectionContents(PData, Contents)) || Contents.empty())
+ continue;
+ const RuntimeFunction *Entries =
+ reinterpret_cast<const RuntimeFunction *>(;
+ const size_t Count = Contents.size() / sizeof(RuntimeFunction);
+ ArrayRef<RuntimeFunction> RuntimeFunctions(Entries, Count);
+ size_t Index = 0;
+ for (const auto &RF : RuntimeFunctions) {
+ printRuntimeFunction(Ctx, Ctx.COFF.getCOFFSection(Section),
+ Index * sizeof(RuntimeFunction), RF);
+ ++Index;
+ }
+ }