path: root/bindings/ada/llvm/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 497 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/ada/llvm/ b/bindings/ada/llvm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 20fc940f8c..0000000000
--- a/bindings/ada/llvm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
--- This file is generated by SWIG. Do *not* modify by hand.
-with Interfaces.C.Extensions;
-package llvm is
- -- LLVMCtxt
- --
- type LLVMCtxt is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMCtxt_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMCtxt;
- type LLVMCtxt_view is access all llvm.LLVMCtxt;
- -- LLVMContextRef
- --
- type LLVMContextRef is access all llvm.LLVMCtxt;
- type LLVMContextRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMContextRef;
- type LLVMContextRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMContextRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueModule
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueModule is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueModule_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueModule;
- type LLVMOpaqueModule_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueModule;
- -- LLVMModuleRef
- --
- type LLVMModuleRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueModule;
- type LLVMModuleRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMModuleRef;
- type LLVMModuleRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMModuleRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueType
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueType is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueType_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueType;
- type LLVMOpaqueType_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueType;
- -- LLVMTypeRef
- --
- type LLVMTypeRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueType;
- type LLVMTypeRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMTypeRef;
- type LLVMTypeRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMTypeRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle is new
- Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle;
- type LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle;
- -- LLVMTypeHandleRef
- --
- type LLVMTypeHandleRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle;
- type LLVMTypeHandleRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMTypeHandleRef;
- type LLVMTypeHandleRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMTypeHandleRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueValue
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueValue is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueValue_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueValue;
- type LLVMOpaqueValue_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueValue;
- -- LLVMValueRef
- --
- type LLVMValueRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueValue;
- type LLVMValueRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMValueRef;
- type LLVMValueRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMValueRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock is new
- Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock;
- type LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock;
- -- LLVMBasicBlockRef
- --
- type LLVMBasicBlockRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock;
- type LLVMBasicBlockRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMBasicBlockRef;
- type LLVMBasicBlockRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMBasicBlockRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueBuilder
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueBuilder is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueBuilder_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueBuilder;
- type LLVMOpaqueBuilder_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueBuilder;
- -- LLVMBuilderRef
- --
- type LLVMBuilderRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueBuilder;
- type LLVMBuilderRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMBuilderRef;
- type LLVMBuilderRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMBuilderRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider is new
- Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider;
- type LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider_view is access all
- llvm.LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider;
- -- LLVMModuleProviderRef
- --
- type LLVMModuleProviderRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider;
- type LLVMModuleProviderRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMModuleProviderRef;
- type LLVMModuleProviderRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMModuleProviderRef;
- -- LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer
- --
- type LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer is new
- Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer;
- type LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer;
- -- LLVMMemoryBufferRef
- --
- type LLVMMemoryBufferRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer;
- type LLVMMemoryBufferRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMMemoryBufferRef;
- type LLVMMemoryBufferRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMMemoryBufferRef;
- -- LLVMOpaquePassManager
- --
- type LLVMOpaquePassManager is new
- Interfaces.C.Extensions.opaque_structure_def;
- type LLVMOpaquePassManager_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMOpaquePassManager;
- type LLVMOpaquePassManager_view is access all llvm.LLVMOpaquePassManager;
- -- LLVMPassManagerRef
- --
- type LLVMPassManagerRef is access all llvm.LLVMOpaquePassManager;
- type LLVMPassManagerRef_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMPassManagerRef;
- type LLVMPassManagerRef_view is access all llvm.LLVMPassManagerRef;
- -- LLVMAttribute
- --
- type LLVMAttribute is (
- LLVMZExtAttribute,
- LLVMSExtAttribute,
- LLVMNoReturnAttribute,
- LLVMInRegAttribute,
- LLVMStructRetAttribute,
- LLVMNoUnwindAttribute,
- LLVMNoAliasAttribute,
- LLVMByValAttribute,
- LLVMNestAttribute,
- LLVMReadNoneAttribute,
- LLVMReadOnlyAttribute,
- LLVMNoInlineAttribute,
- LLVMAlwaysInlineAttribute,
- LLVMOptimizeForSizeAttribute,
- LLVMStackProtectAttribute,
- LLVMStackProtectReqAttribute,
- LLVMNoCaptureAttribute,
- LLVMNoRedZoneAttribute,
- LLVMNoImplicitFloatAttribute,
- LLVMNakedAttribute);
- for LLVMAttribute use
- (LLVMZExtAttribute => 1,
- LLVMSExtAttribute => 2,
- LLVMNoReturnAttribute => 4,
- LLVMInRegAttribute => 8,
- LLVMStructRetAttribute => 16,
- LLVMNoUnwindAttribute => 32,
- LLVMNoAliasAttribute => 64,
- LLVMByValAttribute => 128,
- LLVMNestAttribute => 256,
- LLVMReadNoneAttribute => 512,
- LLVMReadOnlyAttribute => 1024,
- LLVMNoInlineAttribute => 2048,
- LLVMAlwaysInlineAttribute => 4096,
- LLVMOptimizeForSizeAttribute => 8192,
- LLVMStackProtectAttribute => 16384,
- LLVMStackProtectReqAttribute => 32768,
- LLVMNoCaptureAttribute => 2097152,
- LLVMNoRedZoneAttribute => 4194304,
- LLVMNoImplicitFloatAttribute => 8388608,
- LLVMNakedAttribute => 16777216);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMAttribute);
- type LLVMAttribute_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMAttribute;
- type LLVMAttribute_view is access all llvm.LLVMAttribute;
- -- LLVMTypeKind
- --
- type LLVMTypeKind is (
- LLVMVoidTypeKind,
- LLVMFloatTypeKind,
- LLVMDoubleTypeKind,
- LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind,
- LLVMFP128TypeKind,
- LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind,
- LLVMLabelTypeKind,
- LLVMIntegerTypeKind,
- LLVMFunctionTypeKind,
- LLVMStructTypeKind,
- LLVMArrayTypeKind,
- LLVMPointerTypeKind,
- LLVMOpaqueTypeKind,
- LLVMVectorTypeKind,
- LLVMMetadataTypeKind);
- for LLVMTypeKind use
- (LLVMVoidTypeKind => 0,
- LLVMFloatTypeKind => 1,
- LLVMDoubleTypeKind => 2,
- LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind => 3,
- LLVMFP128TypeKind => 4,
- LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind => 5,
- LLVMLabelTypeKind => 6,
- LLVMIntegerTypeKind => 7,
- LLVMFunctionTypeKind => 8,
- LLVMStructTypeKind => 9,
- LLVMArrayTypeKind => 10,
- LLVMPointerTypeKind => 11,
- LLVMOpaqueTypeKind => 12,
- LLVMVectorTypeKind => 13,
- LLVMMetadataTypeKind => 14);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMTypeKind);
- type LLVMTypeKind_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMTypeKind;
- type LLVMTypeKind_view is access all llvm.LLVMTypeKind;
- -- LLVMLinkage
- --
- type LLVMLinkage is (
- LLVMExternalLinkage,
- LLVMAvailableExternallyLinkage,
- LLVMLinkOnceAnyLinkage,
- LLVMLinkOnceODRLinkage,
- LLVMWeakAnyLinkage,
- LLVMWeakODRLinkage,
- LLVMAppendingLinkage,
- LLVMInternalLinkage,
- LLVMPrivateLinkage,
- LLVMDLLImportLinkage,
- LLVMDLLExportLinkage,
- LLVMExternalWeakLinkage,
- LLVMGhostLinkage,
- LLVMCommonLinkage,
- LLVMLinkerPrivateLinkage,
- LLVMLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage,
- LinkerPrivateWeakDefAutoLinkage);
- for LLVMLinkage use
- (LLVMExternalLinkage => 0,
- LLVMAvailableExternallyLinkage => 1,
- LLVMLinkOnceAnyLinkage => 2,
- LLVMLinkOnceODRLinkage => 3,
- LLVMWeakAnyLinkage => 4,
- LLVMWeakODRLinkage => 5,
- LLVMAppendingLinkage => 6,
- LLVMInternalLinkage => 7,
- LLVMPrivateLinkage => 8,
- LLVMDLLImportLinkage => 9,
- LLVMDLLExportLinkage => 10,
- LLVMExternalWeakLinkage => 11,
- LLVMGhostLinkage => 12,
- LLVMCommonLinkage => 13,
- LLVMLinkerPrivateLinkage => 14,
- LLVMLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage => 15,
- LinkerPrivateWeakDefAutoLinkage => 16);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMLinkage);
- type LLVMLinkage_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMLinkage;
- type LLVMLinkage_view is access all llvm.LLVMLinkage;
- -- LLVMVisibility
- --
- type LLVMVisibility is (
- LLVMDefaultVisibility,
- LLVMHiddenVisibility,
- LLVMProtectedVisibility);
- for LLVMVisibility use
- (LLVMDefaultVisibility => 0,
- LLVMHiddenVisibility => 1,
- LLVMProtectedVisibility => 2);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMVisibility);
- type LLVMVisibility_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMVisibility;
- type LLVMVisibility_view is access all llvm.LLVMVisibility;
- -- LLVMCallConv
- --
- type LLVMCallConv is (
- LLVMCCallConv,
- LLVMFastCallConv,
- LLVMColdCallConv,
- LLVMX86StdcallCallConv,
- LLVMX86FastcallCallConv);
- for LLVMCallConv use
- (LLVMCCallConv => 0,
- LLVMFastCallConv => 8,
- LLVMColdCallConv => 9,
- LLVMX86StdcallCallConv => 64,
- LLVMX86FastcallCallConv => 65);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMCallConv);
- type LLVMCallConv_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMCallConv;
- type LLVMCallConv_view is access all llvm.LLVMCallConv;
- -- LLVMIntPredicate
- --
- type LLVMIntPredicate is (
- for LLVMIntPredicate use
- (LLVMIntEQ => 32,
- LLVMIntNE => 33,
- LLVMIntUGT => 34,
- LLVMIntUGE => 35,
- LLVMIntULT => 36,
- LLVMIntULE => 37,
- LLVMIntSGT => 38,
- LLVMIntSGE => 39,
- LLVMIntSLT => 40,
- LLVMIntSLE => 41);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMIntPredicate);
- type LLVMIntPredicate_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.LLVMIntPredicate;
- type LLVMIntPredicate_view is access all llvm.LLVMIntPredicate;
- -- LLVMRealPredicate
- --
- type LLVMRealPredicate is (
- LLVMRealPredicateFalse,
- LLVMRealPredicateTrue);
- for LLVMRealPredicate use
- (LLVMRealPredicateFalse => 0,
- LLVMRealOEQ => 1,
- LLVMRealOGT => 2,
- LLVMRealOGE => 3,
- LLVMRealOLT => 4,
- LLVMRealOLE => 5,
- LLVMRealONE => 6,
- LLVMRealORD => 7,
- LLVMRealUNO => 8,
- LLVMRealUEQ => 9,
- LLVMRealUGT => 10,
- LLVMRealUGE => 11,
- LLVMRealULT => 12,
- LLVMRealULE => 13,
- LLVMRealUNE => 14,
- LLVMRealPredicateTrue => 15);
- pragma Convention (C, LLVMRealPredicate);
- type LLVMRealPredicate_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased llvm.LLVMRealPredicate;
- type LLVMRealPredicate_view is access all llvm.LLVMRealPredicate;
- -- ModuleProvider
- --
- type ModuleProvider is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.incomplete_class_def;
- type ModuleProvider_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.ModuleProvider;
- type ModuleProvider_view is access all llvm.ModuleProvider;
- -- MemoryBuffer
- --
- type MemoryBuffer is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.incomplete_class_def;
- type MemoryBuffer_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.MemoryBuffer;
- type MemoryBuffer_view is access all llvm.MemoryBuffer;
- -- PassManagerBase
- --
- type PassManagerBase is new Interfaces.C.Extensions.incomplete_class_def;
- type PassManagerBase_array is
- array (Interfaces.C.size_t range <>) of aliased llvm.PassManagerBase;
- type PassManagerBase_view is access all llvm.PassManagerBase;
-end llvm;