path: root/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli b/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli
index a3e1da3bcb..1aa250f363 100644
--- a/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli
+++ b/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ module GenericValue: sig
bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
val of_nativeint : Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t
(** [of_int64 n w] boxes the int64 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
[w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
val of_int64 : Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ module ExecutionEngine: sig
(** [dispose ee] releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be
invoked to avoid memory leaks. *)
val dispose : t -> unit
(** [add_module m ee] adds the module [m] to the execution engine [ee]. *)
val add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> unit
@@ -119,19 +118,16 @@ module ExecutionEngine: sig
[Error msg] if an error occurs. *)
val remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> Llvm.llmodule
(** [find_function n ee] finds the function named [n] defined in any of the
modules owned by the execution engine [ee]. Returns [None] if the function
is not found and [Some f] otherwise. *)
val find_function : string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option
(** [run_function f args ee] synchronously executes the function [f] with the
arguments [args], which must be compatible with the parameter types. *)
val run_function : Llvm.llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> t ->
(** [run_static_ctors ee] executes the static constructors of each module in
the execution engine [ee]. *)
val run_static_ctors : t -> unit
@@ -147,17 +143,13 @@ module ExecutionEngine: sig
val run_function_as_main : Llvm.llvalue -> string array ->
(string * string) array -> t -> int
(** [free_machine_code f ee] releases the memory in the execution engine [ee]
used to store the machine code for the function [f]. *)
val free_machine_code : Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit
(** [target_data ee] is the target data owned by the execution engine
[ee]. *)
val target_data : t -> Llvm_target.DataLayout.t
val initialize_native_target : unit -> bool