path: root/docs/main/CommandGuide
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24 files changed, 4057 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/FileCheck.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/FileCheck.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..433979a871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/FileCheck.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+=head1 NAME
+FileCheck - Flexible pattern matching file verifier
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<FileCheck> I<match-filename> [I<--check-prefix=XXX>] [I<--strict-whitespace>]
+B<FileCheck> reads two files (one from standard input, and one specified on the
+command line) and uses one to verify the other. This behavior is particularly
+useful for the testsuite, which wants to verify that the output of some tool
+(e.g. llc) contains the expected information (for example, a movsd from esp or
+whatever is interesting). This is similar to using grep, but it is optimized
+for matching multiple different inputs in one file in a specific order.
+The I<match-filename> file specifies the file that contains the patterns to
+match. The file to verify is always read from standard input.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<--check-prefix> I<prefix>
+FileCheck searches the contents of I<match-filename> for patterns to match. By
+default, these patterns are prefixed with "CHECK:". If you'd like to use a
+different prefix (e.g. because the same input file is checking multiple
+different tool or options), the B<--check-prefix> argument allows you to specify
+a specific prefix to match.
+=item B<--strict-whitespace>
+By default, FileCheck canonicalizes input horizontal whitespace (spaces and
+tabs) which causes it to ignore these differences (a space will match a tab).
+The --strict-whitespace argument disables this behavior.
+=item B<-version>
+Show the version number of this program.
+If B<FileCheck> verifies that the file matches the expected contents, it exits
+with 0. Otherwise, if not, or if an error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero
+=head1 TUTORIAL
+FileCheck is typically used from LLVM regression tests, being invoked on the RUN
+line of the test. A simple example of using FileCheck from a RUN line looks
+like this:
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=x86-64 | FileCheck %s
+This syntax says to pipe the current file ("%s") into llvm-as, pipe that into
+llc, then pipe the output of llc into FileCheck. This means that FileCheck will
+be verifying its standard input (the llc output) against the filename argument
+specified (the original .ll file specified by "%s"). To see how this works,
+lets look at the rest of the .ll file (after the RUN line):
+ define void @sub1(i32* %p, i32 %v) {
+ entry:
+ ; <b>CHECK: sub1:</b>
+ ; <b>CHECK: subl</b>
+ %0 = tail call i32 @llvm.atomic.load.sub.i32.p0i32(i32* %p, i32 %v)
+ ret void
+ }
+ define void @inc4(i64* %p) {
+ entry:
+ ; <b>CHECK: inc4:</b>
+ ; <b>CHECK: incq</b>
+ %0 = tail call i64 @llvm.atomic.load.add.i64.p0i64(i64* %p, i64 1)
+ ret void
+ }
+Here you can see some "CHECK:" lines specified in comments. Now you can see
+how the file is piped into llvm-as, then llc, and the machine code output is
+what we are verifying. FileCheck checks the machine code output to verify that
+it matches what the "CHECK:" lines specify.
+The syntax of the CHECK: lines is very simple: they are fixed strings that
+must occur in order. FileCheck defaults to ignoring horizontal whitespace
+differences (e.g. a space is allowed to match a tab) but otherwise, the contents
+of the CHECK: line is required to match some thing in the test file exactly.
+One nice thing about FileCheck (compared to grep) is that it allows merging
+test cases together into logical groups. For example, because the test above
+is checking for the "sub1:" and "inc4:" labels, it will not match unless there
+is a "subl" in between those labels. If it existed somewhere else in the file,
+that would not count: "grep subl" matches if subl exists anywhere in the
+=head2 The FileCheck -check-prefix option
+The FileCheck -check-prefix option allows multiple test configurations to be
+driven from one .ll file. This is useful in many circumstances, for example,
+testing different architectural variants with llc. Here's a simple example:
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=i686-apple-darwin9 -mattr=sse41 \
+ ; RUN: | <b>FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X32</b>
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin9 -mattr=sse41 \
+ ; RUN: | <b>FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X64</b>
+ define <4 x i32> @pinsrd_1(i32 %s, <4 x i32> %tmp) nounwind {
+ %tmp1 = insertelement <4 x i32>; %tmp, i32 %s, i32 1
+ ret <4 x i32> %tmp1
+ ; <b>X32:</b> pinsrd_1:
+ ; <b>X32:</b> pinsrd $1, 4(%esp), %xmm0
+ ; <b>X64:</b> pinsrd_1:
+ ; <b>X64:</b> pinsrd $1, %edi, %xmm0
+ }
+In this case, we're testing that we get the expected code generation with
+both 32-bit and 64-bit code generation.
+=head2 The "CHECK-NEXT:" directive
+Sometimes you want to match lines and would like to verify that matches
+happen on exactly consequtive lines with no other lines in between them. In
+this case, you can use CHECK: and CHECK-NEXT: directives to specify this. If
+you specified a custom check prefix, just use "<PREFIX>-NEXT:". For
+example, something like this works as you'd expect:
+ define void @t2(<2 x double>* %r, <2 x double&gt;* %A, double %B) {
+ %tmp3 = load <2 x double&gt;* %A, align 16
+ %tmp7 = insertelement <2 x double&gt; undef, double %B, i32 0
+ %tmp9 = shufflevector <2 x double&gt; %tmp3,
+ <2 x double&gt; %tmp7,
+ <2 x i32&gt; < i32 0, i32 2 &gt;
+ store <2 x double&gt; %tmp9, <2 x double&gt;* %r, align 16
+ ret void
+ ; <b>CHECK:</b> t2:
+ ; <b>CHECK:</b> movl 8(%esp), %eax
+ ; <b>CHECK-NEXT:</b> movapd (%eax), %xmm0
+ ; <b>CHECK-NEXT:</b> movhpd 12(%esp), %xmm0
+ ; <b>CHECK-NEXT:</b> movl 4(%esp), %eax
+ ; <b>CHECK-NEXT:</b> movapd %xmm0, (%eax)
+ ; <b>CHECK-NEXT:</b> ret
+ }
+CHECK-NEXT: directives reject the input unless there is exactly one newline
+between it an the previous directive. A CHECK-NEXT cannot be the first
+directive in a file.
+=head2 The "CHECK-NOT:" directive
+The CHECK-NOT: directive is used to verify that a string doesn't occur
+between two matches (or the first match and the beginning of the file). For
+example, to verify that a load is removed by a transformation, a test like this
+can be used:
+ define i8 @coerce_offset0(i32 %V, i32* %P) {
+ store i32 %V, i32* %P
+ %P2 = bitcast i32* %P to i8*
+ %P3 = getelementptr i8* %P2, i32 2
+ %A = load i8* %P3
+ ret i8 %A
+ ; <b>CHECK:</b> @coerce_offset0
+ ; <b>CHECK-NOT:</b> load
+ ; <b>CHECK:</b> ret i8
+ }
+=head2 FileCheck Pattern Matching Syntax
+The CHECK: and CHECK-NOT: directives both take a pattern to match. For most
+uses of FileCheck, fixed string matching is perfectly sufficient. For some
+things, a more flexible form of matching is desired. To support this, FileCheck
+allows you to specify regular expressions in matching strings, surrounded by
+double braces: B<{{yourregex}}>. Because we want to use fixed string
+matching for a majority of what we do, FileCheck has been designed to support
+mixing and matching fixed string matching with regular expressions. This allows
+you to write things like this:
+ ; CHECK: movhpd <b>{{[0-9]+}}</b>(%esp), <b>{{%xmm[0-7]}}</b>
+In this case, any offset from the ESP register will be allowed, and any xmm
+register will be allowed.
+Because regular expressions are enclosed with double braces, they are
+visually distinct, and you don't need to use escape characters within the double
+braces like you would in C. In the rare case that you want to match double
+braces explicitly from the input, you can use something ugly like
+B<{{[{][{]}}> as your pattern.
+=head2 FileCheck Variables
+It is often useful to match a pattern and then verify that it occurs again
+later in the file. For codegen tests, this can be useful to allow any register,
+but verify that that register is used consistently later. To do this, FileCheck
+allows named variables to be defined and substituted into patterns. Here is a
+simple example:
+ ; CHECK: test5:
+ ; CHECK: notw <b>[[REGISTER:%[a-z]+]]</b>
+ ; CHECK: andw {{.*}}<b>[[REGISTER]]</b>
+The first check line matches a regex (<tt>%[a-z]+</tt>) and captures it into
+the variables "REGISTER". The second line verifies that whatever is in REGISTER
+occurs later in the file after an "andw". FileCheck variable references are
+always contained in <tt>[[ ]]</tt> pairs, are named, and their names can be
+formed with the regex "<tt>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*</tt>". If a colon follows the
+name, then it is a definition of the variable, if not, it is a use.
+FileCheck variables can be defined multiple times, and uses always get the
+latest value. Note that variables are all read at the start of a "CHECK" line
+and are all defined at the end. This means that if you have something like
+"<tt>CHECK: [[XYZ:.*]]x[[XYZ]]<tt>" that the check line will read the previous
+value of the XYZ variable and define a new one after the match is performed. If
+you need to do something like this you can probably take advantage of the fact
+that FileCheck is not actually line-oriented when it matches, this allows you to
+define two separate CHECK lines that match on the same line.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by The LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/bugpoint.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/bugpoint.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7afeea1aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/bugpoint.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+=head1 NAME
+bugpoint - automatic test case reduction tool
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<bugpoint> [I<options>] [I<input LLVM ll/bc files>] [I<LLVM passes>] B<--args>
+I<program arguments>
+B<bugpoint> narrows down the source of problems in LLVM tools and passes. It
+can be used to debug three types of failures: optimizer crashes, miscompilations
+by optimizers, or bad native code generation (including problems in the static
+and JIT compilers). It aims to reduce large test cases to small, useful ones.
+For more information on the design and inner workings of B<bugpoint>, as well as
+advice for using bugpoint, see F<llvm/docs/Bugpoint.html> in the LLVM
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--additional-so> F<library>
+Load the dynamic shared object F<library> into the test program whenever it is
+run. This is useful if you are debugging programs which depend on non-LLVM
+libraries (such as the X or curses libraries) to run.
+=item B<--append-exit-code>=I<{true,false}>
+Append the test programs exit code to the output file so that a change in exit
+code is considered a test failure. Defaults to false.
+=item B<--args> I<program args>
+Pass all arguments specified after -args to the test program whenever it runs.
+Note that if any of the I<program args> start with a '-', you should use:
+ bugpoint [bugpoint args] --args -- [program args]
+The "--" right after the B<--args> option tells B<bugpoint> to consider any
+options starting with C<-> to be part of the B<--args> option, not as options to
+B<bugpoint> itself.
+=item B<--tool-args> I<tool args>
+Pass all arguments specified after --tool-args to the LLVM tool under test
+(B<llc>, B<lli>, etc.) whenever it runs. You should use this option in the
+following way:
+ bugpoint [bugpoint args] --tool-args -- [tool args]
+The "--" right after the B<--tool-args> option tells B<bugpoint> to consider any
+options starting with C<-> to be part of the B<--tool-args> option, not as
+options to B<bugpoint> itself. (See B<--args>, above.)
+=item B<--safe-tool-args> I<tool args>
+Pass all arguments specified after B<--safe-tool-args> to the "safe" execution
+=item B<--gcc-tool-args> I<gcc tool args>
+Pass all arguments specified after B<--gcc-tool-args> to the invocation of
+=item B<--disable-{dce,simplifycfg}>
+Do not run the specified passes to clean up and reduce the size of the test
+program. By default, B<bugpoint> uses these passes internally when attempting to
+reduce test programs. If you're trying to find a bug in one of these passes,
+B<bugpoint> may crash.
+=item B<--enable-valgrind>
+Use valgrind to find faults in the optimization phase. This will allow
+bugpoint to find otherwise asymptomatic problems caused by memory
+=item B<-find-bugs>
+Continually randomize the specified passes and run them on the test program
+until a bug is found or the user kills B<bugpoint>.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<--input> F<filename>
+Open F<filename> and redirect the standard input of the test program, whenever
+it runs, to come from that file.
+=item B<--load> F<plugin>
+Load the dynamic object F<plugin> into B<bugpoint> itself. This object should
+register new optimization passes. Once loaded, the object will add new command
+line options to enable various optimizations. To see the new complete list of
+optimizations, use the B<-help> and B<--load> options together; for example:
+ bugpoint --load -help
+=item B<--mlimit> F<megabytes>
+Specifies an upper limit on memory usage of the optimization and codegen. Set
+to zero to disable the limit.
+=item B<--output> F<filename>
+Whenever the test program produces output on its standard output stream, it
+should match the contents of F<filename> (the "reference output"). If you
+do not use this option, B<bugpoint> will attempt to generate a reference output
+by compiling the program with the "safe" backend and running it.
+=item B<--profile-info-file> F<filename>
+Profile file loaded by B<--profile-loader>.
+=item B<--run-{int,jit,llc,cbe,custom}>
+Whenever the test program is compiled, B<bugpoint> should generate code for it
+using the specified code generator. These options allow you to choose the
+interpreter, the JIT compiler, the static native code compiler, the C
+backend, or a custom command (see B<--exec-command>) respectively.
+=item B<--safe-{llc,cbe,custom}>
+When debugging a code generator, B<bugpoint> should use the specified code
+generator as the "safe" code generator. This is a known-good code generator
+used to generate the "reference output" if it has not been provided, and to
+compile portions of the program that as they are excluded from the testcase.
+These options allow you to choose the
+static native code compiler, the C backend, or a custom command,
+(see B<--exec-command>) respectively. The interpreter and the JIT backends
+cannot currently be used as the "safe" backends.
+=item B<--exec-command> I<command>
+This option defines the command to use with the B<--run-custom> and
+B<--safe-custom> options to execute the bitcode testcase. This can
+be useful for cross-compilation.
+=item B<--safe-path> I<path>
+This option defines the path to the command to execute with the
+If B<bugpoint> succeeds in finding a problem, it will exit with 0. Otherwise,
+if an error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
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+ "">
+ <title>LLVM Command Guide</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../llvm.css" type="text/css">
+<div class="doc_title">
+ LLVM Command Guide
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>These documents are HTML versions of the <a href="man/man1/">man pages</a>
+for all of the LLVM tools. These pages describe how to use the LLVM commands
+and what their options are. Note that these pages do not describe all of the
+options available for all tools. To get a complete listing, pass the
+<tt>-help</tt> (general options) or <tt>-help-hidden</tt> (general+debugging
+options) arguments to the tool you are interested in.</p>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="basic">Basic Commands</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_text">
+<li><a href="llvm-as.html"><b>llvm-as</b></a> -
+ assemble a human-readable .ll file into bytecode</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-dis.html"><b>llvm-dis</b></a> -
+ disassemble a bytecode file into a human-readable .ll file</li>
+<li><a href="opt.html"><b>opt</b></a> -
+ run a series of LLVM-to-LLVM optimizations on a bytecode file</li>
+<li><a href="llc.html"><b>llc</b></a> -
+ generate native machine code for a bytecode file</li>
+<li><a href="lli.html"><b>lli</b></a> -
+ directly run a program compiled to bytecode using a JIT compiler or
+ interpreter</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-link.html"><b>llvm-link</b></a> -
+ link several bytecode files into one</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-ar.html"><b>llvm-ar</b></a> -
+ archive bytecode files</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-ranlib.html"><b>llvm-ranlib</b></a> -
+ create an index for archives made with llvm-ar</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-nm.html"><b>llvm-nm</b></a> -
+ print out the names and types of symbols in a bytecode file</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-prof.html"><b>llvm-prof</b></a> -
+ format raw `<tt>llvmprof.out</tt>' data into a human-readable report</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-ld.html"><b>llvm-ld</b></a> -
+ general purpose linker with loadable runtime optimization support</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-config.html"><b>llvm-config</b></a> -
+ print out LLVM compilation options, libraries, etc. as configured</li>
+<li><a href="llvmc.html"><b>llvmc</b></a> -
+ a generic customizable compiler driver</li>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="frontend">C and C++ Front-end Commands</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_text">
+<li><a href="llvmgcc.html"><b>llvm-gcc</b></a> -
+ GCC-based C front-end for LLVM
+<li><a href="llvmgxx.html"><b>llvm-g++</b></a> -
+ GCC-based C++ front-end for LLVM</li>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="debug">Debugging Tools</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_text">
+<li><a href="bugpoint.html"><b>bugpoint</b></a> -
+ automatic test-case reducer</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-extract.html"><b>llvm-extract</b></a> -
+ extract a function from an LLVM bytecode file</li>
+<li><a href="llvm-bcanalyzer.html"><b>llvm-bcanalyzer</b></a> -
+ bytecode analyzer (analyzes the binary encoding itself, not the program it
+ represents)</li>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="internal">Internal Tools</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_text">
+<li><a href="FileCheck.html"><b>FileCheck</b></a> -
+ Flexible file verifier used extensively by the testing harness</li>
+<li><a href="tblgen.html"><b>tblgen</b></a> -
+ target description reader and generator</li>
+<li><a href="lit.html"><b>lit</b></a> -
+ LLVM Integrated Tester, for running tests</li>
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+ <a href="">LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
+ Last modified: $Date$
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/lit.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/lit.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72d9d2b394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/lit.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+=head1 NAME
+lit - LLVM Integrated Tester
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<lit> [I<options>] [I<tests>]
+B<lit> is a portable tool for executing LLVM and Clang style test suites,
+summarizing their results, and providing indication of failures. B<lit> is
+designed to be a lightweight testing tool with as simple a user interface as
+B<lit> should be run with one or more I<tests> to run specified on the command
+line. Tests can be either individual test files or directories to search for
+tests (see L<"TEST DISCOVERY">).
+Each specified test will be executed (potentially in parallel) and once all
+tests have been run B<lit> will print summary information on the number of tests
+which passed or failed (see L<"TEST STATUS RESULTS">). The B<lit> program will
+execute with a non-zero exit code if any tests fail.
+By default B<lit> will use a succinct progress display and will only print
+summary information for test failures. See L<"OUTPUT OPTIONS"> for options
+controlling the B<lit> progress display and output.
+B<lit> also includes a number of options for controlling how tests are exected
+(specific features may depend on the particular test format). See L<"EXECUTION
+OPTIONS"> for more information.
+Finally, B<lit> also supports additional options for only running a subset of
+the options specified on the command line, see L<"SELECTION OPTIONS"> for
+more information.
+Users interested in the B<lit> architecture or designing a B<lit> testing
+implementation should see L<"LIT ARCHITECTURE">
+=item B<-h>, B<--help>
+Show the B<lit> help message.
+=item B<-j> I<N>, B<--threads>=I<N>
+Run I<N> tests in parallel. By default, this is automatically chosen to match
+the number of detected available CPUs.
+=item B<--config-prefix>=I<NAME>
+Search for I<NAME.cfg> and I<> when searching for test suites,
+instead of I<lit.cfg> and I<>.
+=item B<--param> I<NAME>, B<--param> I<NAME>=I<VALUE>
+Add a user defined parameter I<NAME> with the given I<VALUE> (or the empty
+string if not given). The meaning and use of these parameters is test suite
+=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
+Suppress any output except for test failures.
+=item B<-s>, B<--succinct>
+Show less output, for example don't show information on tests that pass.
+=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
+Show more information on test failures, for example the entire test output
+instead of just the test result.
+=item B<--no-progress-bar>
+Do not use curses based progress bar.
+=item B<--path>=I<PATH>
+Specify an addition I<PATH> to use when searching for executables in tests.
+=item B<--vg>
+Run individual tests under valgrind (using the memcheck tool). The
+I<--error-exitcode> argument for valgrind is used so that valgrind failures will
+cause the program to exit with a non-zero status.
+=item B<--vg-arg>=I<ARG>
+When I<--vg> is used, specify an additional argument to pass to valgrind itself.
+=item B<--time-tests>
+Track the wall time individual tests take to execute and includes the results in
+the summary output. This is useful for determining which tests in a test suite
+take the most time to execute. Note that this option is most useful with I<-j
+=item B<--max-tests>=I<N>
+Run at most I<N> tests and then terminate.
+=item B<--max-time>=I<N>
+Spend at most I<N> seconds (approximately) running tests and then terminate.
+=item B<--shuffle>
+Run the tests in a random order.
+=item B<--debug>
+Run B<lit> in debug mode, for debugging configuration issues and B<lit> itself.
+=item B<--show-suites>
+List the discovered test suites as part of the standard output.
+=item B<--no-tcl-as-sh>
+Run Tcl scripts internally (instead of converting to shell scripts).
+=item B<--repeat>=I<N>
+Run each test I<N> times. Currently this is primarily useful for timing tests,
+other results are not collated in any reasonable fashion.
+B<lit> will exit with an exit code of 1 if there are any FAIL or XPASS
+results. Otherwise, it will exit with the status 0. Other exit codes used for
+non-test related failures (for example a user error or an internal program
+The inputs passed to B<lit> can be either individual tests, or entire
+directories or hierarchies of tests to run. When B<lit> starts up, the first
+thing it does is convert the inputs into a complete list of tests to run as part
+of I<test discovery>.
+In the B<lit> model, every test must exist inside some I<test suite>. B<lit>
+resolves the inputs specified on the command line to test suites by searching
+upwards from the input path until it finds a I<lit.cfg> or I<>
+file. These files serve as both a marker of test suites and as configuration
+files which B<lit> loads in order to understand how to find and run the tests
+inside the test suite.
+Once B<lit> has mapped the inputs into test suites it traverses the list of
+inputs adding tests for individual files and recursively searching for tests in
+This behavior makes it easy to specify a subset of tests to run, while still
+allowing the test suite configuration to control exactly how tests are
+interpreted. In addition, B<lit> always identifies tests by the test suite they
+are in, and their relative path inside the test suite. For appropriately
+configured projects, this allows B<lit> to provide convenient and flexible
+support for out-of-tree builds.
+Each test ultimately produces one of the following six results:
+=item B<PASS>
+The test succeeded.
+=item B<XFAIL>
+The test failed, but that is expected. This is used for test formats which allow
+specifying that a test does not currently work, but wish to leave it in the test
+=item B<XPASS>
+The test succeeded, but it was expected to fail. This is used for tests which
+were specified as expected to fail, but are now succeeding (generally because
+the feautre they test was broken and has been fixed).
+=item B<FAIL>
+The test failed.
+The test result could not be determined. For example, this occurs when the test
+could not be run, the test itself is invalid, or the test was interrupted.
+The test is not supported in this environment. This is used by test formats
+which can report unsupported tests.
+Depending on the test format tests may produce additional information about
+their status (generally only for failures). See the L<Output|"LIT OUTPUT">
+section for more information.
+This section describes the B<lit> testing architecture for users interested in
+creating a new B<lit> testing implementation, or extending an existing one.
+B<lit> proper is primarily an infrastructure for discovering and running
+arbitrary tests, and to expose a single convenient interface to these
+tests. B<lit> itself doesn't know how to run tests, rather this logic is
+defined by I<test suites>.
+As described in L<"TEST DISCOVERY">, tests are always located inside a I<test
+suite>. Test suites serve to define the format of the tests they contain, the
+logic for finding those tests, and any additional information to run the tests.
+B<lit> identifies test suites as directories containing I<lit.cfg> or
+I<> files (see also B<--config-prefix>. Test suites are initially
+discovered by recursively searching up the directory hierarchy for all the input
+files passed on the command line. You can use B<--show-suites> to display the
+discovered test suites at startup.
+Once a test suite is discovered, its config file is loaded. Config files
+themselves are just Python modules which will be executed. When the config file
+is executed, two important global variables are predefined:
+=item B<lit>
+The global B<lit> configuration object (a I<LitConfig> instance), which defines
+the builtin test formats, global configuration parameters, and other helper
+routines for implementing test configurations.
+=item B<config>
+This is the config object (a I<TestingConfig> instance) for the test suite,
+which the config file is expected to populate. The following variables are also
+available on the I<config> object, some of which must be set by the config and
+others are optional or predefined:
+B<name> I<[required]> The name of the test suite, for use in reports and
+B<test_format> I<[required]> The test format object which will be used to
+discover and run tests in the test suite. Generally this will be a builtin test
+format available from the I<lit.formats> module.
+B<test_src_root> The filesystem path to the test suite root. For out-of-dir
+builds this is the directory that will be scanned for tests.
+B<test_exec_root> For out-of-dir builds, the path to the test suite root inside
+the object directory. This is where tests will be run and temporary output files
+B<environment> A dictionary representing the environment to use when executing
+tests in the suite.
+B<suffixes> For B<lit> test formats which scan directories for tests, this
+variable as a list of suffixes to identify test files. Used by: I<ShTest>,
+B<substitutions> For B<lit> test formats which substitute variables into a test
+script, the list of substitutions to perform. Used by: I<ShTest>, I<TclTest>.
+B<unsupported> Mark an unsupported directory, all tests within it will be
+reported as unsupported. Used by: I<ShTest>, I<TclTest>.
+B<parent> The parent configuration, this is the config object for the directory
+containing the test suite, or None.
+B<on_clone> The config is actually cloned for every subdirectory inside a test
+suite, to allow local configuration on a per-directory basis. The I<on_clone>
+variable can be set to a Python function which will be called whenever a
+configuration is cloned (for a subdirectory). The function should takes three
+arguments: (1) the parent configuration, (2) the new configuration (which the
+I<on_clone> function will generally modify), and (3) the test path to the new
+directory being scanned.
+Once test suites are located, B<lit> recursively traverses the source directory
+(following I<test_src_root>) looking for tests. When B<lit> enters a
+sub-directory, it first checks to see if a nest test suite is defined in that
+directory. If so, it loads that test suite recursively, otherwise it
+instantiates a local test config for the directory (see L<"LOCAL CONFIGURATION
+Tests are identified by the test suite they are contained within, and the
+relative path inside that suite. Note that the relative path may not refer to an
+actual file on disk; some test formats (such as I<GoogleTest>) define "virtual
+tests" which have a path that contains both the path to the actual test file and
+a subpath to identify the virtual test.
+When B<lit> loads a subdirectory in a test suite, it instantiates a local test
+configuration by cloning the configuration for the parent direction -- the root
+of this configuration chain will always be a test suite. Once the test
+configuration is cloned B<lit> checks for a I<lit.local.cfg> file in the
+subdirectory. If present, this file will be loaded and can be used to specialize
+the configuration for each individual directory. This facility can be used to
+define subdirectories of optional tests, or to change other configuration
+parameters -- for example, to change the test format, or the suffixes which
+identify test files.
+The B<lit> distribution contains several example implementations of test suites
+in the I<ExampleTests> directory.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Written by Daniel Dunbar and maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llc.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llc.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac24aab4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llc.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llc - LLVM static compiler
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llc> [I<options>] [I<filename>]
+The B<llc> command compiles LLVM source inputs into assembly language for a
+specified architecture. The assembly language output can then be passed through
+a native assembler and linker to generate a native executable.
+The choice of architecture for the output assembly code is automatically
+determined from the input file, unless the B<-march> option is used to override
+the default.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+If I<filename> is - or omitted, B<llc> reads from standard input. Otherwise, it
+will from I<filename>. Inputs can be in either the LLVM assembly language
+format (.ll) or the LLVM bitcode format (.bc).
+If the B<-o> option is omitted, then B<llc> will send its output to standard
+output if the input is from standard input. If the B<-o> option specifies -,
+then the output will also be sent to standard output.
+If no B<-o> option is specified and an input file other than - is specified,
+then B<llc> creates the output filename by taking the input filename,
+removing any existing F<.bc> extension, and adding a F<.s> suffix.
+Other B<llc> options are as follows:
+=head2 End-user Options
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-O>=I<uint>
+Generate code at different optimization levels. These correspond to the I<-O0>,
+I<-O1>, I<-O2>, I<-O3>, and I<-O4> optimization levels used by B<llvm-gcc> and
+=item B<-mtriple>=I<target triple>
+Override the target triple specified in the input file with the specified
+=item B<-march>=I<arch>
+Specify the architecture for which to generate assembly, overriding the target
+encoded in the input file. See the output of B<llc -help> for a list of
+valid architectures. By default this is inferred from the target triple or
+autodetected to the current architecture.
+=item B<-mcpu>=I<cpuname>
+Specify a specific chip in the current architecture to generate code for.
+By default this is inferred from the target triple and autodetected to
+the current architecture. For a list of available CPUs, use:
+B<llvm-as E<lt> /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mcpu=help>
+=item B<-mattr>=I<a1,+a2,-a3,...>
+Override or control specific attributes of the target, such as whether SIMD
+operations are enabled or not. The default set of attributes is set by the
+current CPU. For a list of available attributes, use:
+B<llvm-as E<lt> /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mattr=help>
+=item B<--disable-fp-elim>
+Disable frame pointer elimination optimization.
+=item B<--disable-excess-fp-precision>
+Disable optimizations that may produce excess precision for floating point.
+Note that this option can dramatically slow down code on some systems
+(e.g. X86).
+=item B<--enable-unsafe-fp-math>
+Enable optimizations that make unsafe assumptions about IEEE math (e.g. that
+addition is associative) or may not work for all input ranges. These
+optimizations allow the code generator to make use of some instructions which
+would otherwise not be usable (such as fsin on X86).
+=item B<--enable-correct-eh-support>
+Instruct the B<lowerinvoke> pass to insert code for correct exception handling
+support. This is expensive and is by default omitted for efficiency.
+=item B<--stats>
+Print statistics recorded by code-generation passes.
+=item B<--time-passes>
+Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print a report to standard
+=item B<--load>=F<dso_path>
+Dynamically load F<dso_path> (a path to a dynamically shared object) that
+implements an LLVM target. This will permit the target name to be used with the
+B<-march> option so that code can be generated for that target.
+=head2 Tuning/Configuration Options
+=item B<--print-machineinstrs>
+Print generated machine code between compilation phases (useful for debugging).
+=item B<--regalloc>=I<allocator>
+Specify the register allocator to use. The default I<allocator> is I<local>.
+Valid register allocators are:
+=item I<simple>
+Very simple "always spill" register allocator
+=item I<local>
+Local register allocator
+=item I<linearscan>
+Linear scan global register allocator
+=item I<iterativescan>
+Iterative scan global register allocator
+=item B<--spiller>=I<spiller>
+Specify the spiller to use for register allocators that support it. Currently
+this option is used only by the linear scan register allocator. The default
+I<spiller> is I<local>. Valid spillers are:
+=item I<simple>
+Simple spiller
+=item I<local>
+Local spiller
+=head2 Intel IA-32-specific Options
+=item B<--x86-asm-syntax=att|intel>
+Specify whether to emit assembly code in AT&T syntax (the default) or intel
+If B<llc> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error occurs,
+it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/lli.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/lli.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d368bec866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/lli.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+=head1 NAME
+lli - directly execute programs from LLVM bitcode
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<lli> [I<options>] [I<filename>] [I<program args>]
+B<lli> directly executes programs in LLVM bitcode format. It takes a program
+in LLVM bitcode format and executes it using a just-in-time compiler, if one is
+available for the current architecture, or an interpreter. B<lli> takes all of
+the same code generator options as L<llc|llc>, but they are only effective when
+B<lli> is using the just-in-time compiler.
+If I<filename> is not specified, then B<lli> reads the LLVM bitcode for the
+program from standard input.
+The optional I<args> specified on the command line are passed to the program as
+=item B<-fake-argv0>=I<executable>
+Override the C<argv[0]> value passed into the executing program.
+=item B<-force-interpreter>=I<{false,true}>
+If set to true, use the interpreter even if a just-in-time compiler is available
+for this architecture. Defaults to false.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-load>=I<puginfilename>
+Causes B<lli> to load the plugin (shared object) named I<pluginfilename> and use
+it for optimization.
+=item B<-stats>
+Print statistics from the code-generation passes. This is only meaningful for
+the just-in-time compiler, at present.
+=item B<-time-passes>
+Record the amount of time needed for each code-generation pass and print it to
+standard error.
+=item B<-version>
+Print out the version of B<lli> and exit without doing anything else.
+=item B<-mtriple>=I<target triple>
+Override the target triple specified in the input bitcode file with the
+specified string. This may result in a crash if you pick an
+architecture which is not compatible with the current system.
+=item B<-march>=I<arch>
+Specify the architecture for which to generate assembly, overriding the target
+encoded in the bitcode file. See the output of B<llc -help> for a list of
+valid architectures. By default this is inferred from the target triple or
+autodetected to the current architecture.
+=item B<-mcpu>=I<cpuname>
+Specify a specific chip in the current architecture to generate code for.
+By default this is inferred from the target triple and autodetected to
+the current architecture. For a list of available CPUs, use:
+B<llvm-as E<lt> /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mcpu=help>
+=item B<-mattr>=I<a1,+a2,-a3,...>
+Override or control specific attributes of the target, such as whether SIMD
+operations are enabled or not. The default set of attributes is set by the
+current CPU. For a list of available attributes, use:
+B<llvm-as E<lt> /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mattr=help>
+=item B<-disable-excess-fp-precision>
+Disable optimizations that may increase floating point precision.
+=item B<-enable-finite-only-fp-math>
+Enable optimizations that assumes only finite floating point math. That is,
+there is no NAN or Inf values.
+=item B<-enable-unsafe-fp-math>
+Causes B<lli> to enable optimizations that may decrease floating point
+=item B<-soft-float>
+Causes B<lli> to generate software floating point library calls instead of
+equivalent hardware instructions.
+=item B<-code-model>=I<model>
+Choose the code model from:
+ default: Target default code model
+ small: Small code model
+ kernel: Kernel code model
+ medium: Medium code model
+ large: Large code model
+=item B<-disable-post-RA-scheduler>
+Disable scheduling after register allocation.
+=item B<-disable-spill-fusing>
+Disable fusing of spill code into instructions.
+=item B<-enable-correct-eh-support>
+Make the -lowerinvoke pass insert expensive, but correct, EH code.
+=item B<-jit-enable-eh>
+Exception handling should be enabled in the just-in-time compiler.
+=item B<-join-liveintervals>
+Coalesce copies (default=true).
+=item B<-nozero-initialized-in-bss>
+Don't place zero-initialized symbols into the BSS section.
+=item B<-pre-RA-sched>=I<scheduler>
+Instruction schedulers available (before register allocation):
+ =default: Best scheduler for the target
+ =none: No scheduling: breadth first sequencing
+ =simple: Simple two pass scheduling: minimize critical path and maximize processor utilization
+ =simple-noitin: Simple two pass scheduling: Same as simple except using generic latency
+ =list-burr: Bottom-up register reduction list scheduling
+ =list-tdrr: Top-down register reduction list scheduling
+ =list-td: Top-down list scheduler -print-machineinstrs - Print generated machine code
+=item B<-regalloc>=I<allocator>
+Register allocator to use (default=linearscan)
+ =bigblock: Big-block register allocator
+ =linearscan: linear scan register allocator =local - local register allocator
+ =simple: simple register allocator
+=item B<-relocation-model>=I<model>
+Choose relocation model from:
+ =default: Target default relocation model
+ =static: Non-relocatable code =pic - Fully relocatable, position independent code
+ =dynamic-no-pic: Relocatable external references, non-relocatable code
+=item B<-spiller>
+Spiller to use (default=local)
+ =simple: simple spiller
+ =local: local spiller
+=item B<-x86-asm-syntax>=I<syntax>
+Choose style of code to emit from X86 backend:
+ =att: Emit AT&T-style assembly
+ =intel: Emit Intel-style assembly
+If B<lli> fails to load the program, it will exit with an exit code of 1.
+Otherwise, it will return the exit code of the program it executes.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ar.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ar.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63ba43f6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ar.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-ar - LLVM archiver
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-ar> [-]{dmpqrtx}[Rabfikouz] [relpos] [count] <archive> [files...]
+The B<llvm-ar> command is similar to the common Unix utility, C<ar>. It
+archives several files together into a single file. The intent for this is
+to produce archive libraries by LLVM bitcode that can be linked into an
+LLVM program. However, the archive can contain any kind of file. By default,
+B<llvm-ar> generates a symbol table that makes linking faster because
+only the symbol table needs to be consulted, not each individual file member
+of the archive.
+The B<llvm-ar> command can be used to I<read> both SVR4 and BSD style archive
+files. However, it cannot be used to write them. While the B<llvm-ar> command
+produces files that are I<almost> identical to the format used by other C<ar>
+implementations, it has two significant departures in order to make the
+archive appropriate for LLVM. The first departure is that B<llvm-ar> only
+uses BSD4.4 style long path names (stored immediately after the header) and
+never contains a string table for long names. The second departure is that the
+symbol table is formated for efficient construction of an in-memory data
+structure that permits rapid (red-black tree) lookups. Consequently, archives
+produced with B<llvm-ar> usually won't be readable or editable with any
+C<ar> implementation or useful for linking. Using the C<f> modifier to flatten
+file names will make the archive readable by other C<ar> implementations
+but not for linking because the symbol table format for LLVM is unique. If an
+SVR4 or BSD style archive is used with the C<r> (replace) or C<q> (quick
+update) operations, the archive will be reconstructed in LLVM format. This
+means that the string table will be dropped (in deference to BSD 4.4 long names)
+and an LLVM symbol table will be added (by default). The system symbol table
+will be retained.
+Here's where B<llvm-ar> departs from previous C<ar> implementations:
+=item I<Symbol Table>
+Since B<llvm-ar> is intended to archive bitcode files, the symbol table
+won't make much sense to anything but LLVM. Consequently, the symbol table's
+format has been simplified. It consists simply of a sequence of pairs
+of a file member index number as an LSB 4byte integer and a null-terminated
+=item I<Long Paths>
+Some C<ar> implementations (SVR4) use a separate file member to record long
+path names (> 15 characters). B<llvm-ar> takes the BSD 4.4 and Mac OS X
+approach which is to simply store the full path name immediately preceding
+the data for the file. The path name is null terminated and may contain the
+slash (/) character.
+=item I<Compression>
+B<llvm-ar> can compress the members of an archive to save space. The
+compression used depends on what's available on the platform and what choices
+the LLVM Compressor utility makes. It generally favors bzip2 but will select
+between "no compression" or bzip2 depending on what makes sense for the
+file's content.
+=item I<Directory Recursion>
+Most C<ar> implementations do not recurse through directories but simply
+ignore directories if they are presented to the program in the F<files>
+option. B<llvm-ar>, however, can recurse through directory structures and
+add all the files under a directory, if requested.
+=item I<TOC Verbose Output>
+When B<llvm-ar> prints out the verbose table of contents (C<tv> option), it
+precedes the usual output with a character indicating the basic kind of
+content in the file. A blank means the file is a regular file. A 'Z' means
+the file is compressed. A 'B' means the file is an LLVM bitcode file. An
+'S' means the file is the symbol table.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+The options to B<llvm-ar> are compatible with other C<ar> implementations.
+However, there are a few modifiers (F<zR>) that are not found in other
+C<ar>s. The options to B<llvm-ar> specify a single basic operation to
+perform on the archive, a variety of modifiers for that operation, the
+name of the archive file, and an optional list of file names. These options
+are used to determine how B<llvm-ar> should process the archive file.
+The Operations and Modifiers are explained in the sections below. The minimal
+set of options is at least one operator and the name of the archive. Typically
+archive files end with a C<.a> suffix, but this is not required. Following
+the F<archive-name> comes a list of F<files> that indicate the specific members
+of the archive to operate on. If the F<files> option is not specified, it
+generally means either "none" or "all" members, depending on the operation.
+=head2 Operations
+=item d
+Delete files from the archive. No modifiers are applicable to this operation.
+The F<files> options specify which members should be removed from the
+archive. It is not an error if a specified file does not appear in the archive.
+If no F<files> are specified, the archive is not modified.
+=item m[abi]
+Move files from one location in the archive to another. The F<a>, F<b>, and
+F<i> modifiers apply to this operation. The F<files> will all be moved
+to the location given by the modifiers. If no modifiers are used, the files
+will be moved to the end of the archive. If no F<files> are specified, the
+archive is not modified.
+=item p[k]
+Print files to the standard output. The F<k> modifier applies to this
+operation. This operation simply prints the F<files> indicated to the
+standard output. If no F<files> are specified, the entire archive is printed.
+Printing bitcode files is ill-advised as they might confuse your terminal
+settings. The F<p> operation never modifies the archive.
+=item q[Rfz]
+Quickly append files to the end of the archive. The F<R>, F<f>, and F<z>
+modifiers apply to this operation. This operation quickly adds the
+F<files> to the archive without checking for duplicates that should be
+removed first. If no F<files> are specified, the archive is not modified.
+Because of the way that B<llvm-ar> constructs the archive file, its dubious
+whether the F<q> operation is any faster than the F<r> operation.
+=item r[Rabfuz]
+Replace or insert file members. The F<R>, F<a>, F<b>, F<f>, F<u>, and F<z>
+modifiers apply to this operation. This operation will replace existing
+F<files> or insert them at the end of the archive if they do not exist. If no
+F<files> are specified, the archive is not modified.
+=item t[v]
+Print the table of contents. Without any modifiers, this operation just prints
+the names of the members to the standard output. With the F<v> modifier,
+B<llvm-ar> also prints out the file type (B=bitcode, Z=compressed, S=symbol
+table, blank=regular file), the permission mode, the owner and group, the
+size, and the date. If any F<files> are specified, the listing is only for
+those files. If no F<files> are specified, the table of contents for the
+whole archive is printed.
+=item x[oP]
+Extract archive members back to files. The F<o> modifier applies to this
+operation. This operation retrieves the indicated F<files> from the archive
+and writes them back to the operating system's file system. If no
+F<files> are specified, the entire archive is extract.
+=head2 Modifiers (operation specific)
+The modifiers below are specific to certain operations. See the Operations
+section (above) to determine which modifiers are applicable to which operations.
+=item [a]
+When inserting or moving member files, this option specifies the destination of
+the new files as being C<a>fter the F<relpos> member. If F<relpos> is not found,
+the files are placed at the end of the archive.
+=item [b]
+When inserting or moving member files, this option specifies the destination of
+the new files as being C<b>efore the F<relpos> member. If F<relpos> is not
+found, the files are placed at the end of the archive. This modifier is
+identical to the the F<i> modifier.
+=item [f]
+Normally, B<llvm-ar> stores the full path name to a file as presented to it on
+the command line. With this option, truncated (15 characters max) names are
+used. This ensures name compatibility with older versions of C<ar> but may also
+thwart correct extraction of the files (duplicates may overwrite). If used with
+the F<R> option, the directory recursion will be performed but the file names
+will all be C<f>lattened to simple file names.
+=item [i]
+A synonym for the F<b> option.
+=item [k]
+Normally, B<llvm-ar> will not print the contents of bitcode files when the
+F<p> operation is used. This modifier defeats the default and allows the
+bitcode members to be printed.
+=item [N]
+This option is ignored by B<llvm-ar> but provided for compatibility.
+=item [o]
+When extracting files, this option will cause B<llvm-ar> to preserve the
+original modification times of the files it writes.
+=item [P]
+use full path names when matching
+=item [R]
+This modifier instructions the F<r> option to recursively process directories.
+Without F<R>, directories are ignored and only those F<files> that refer to
+files will be added to the archive. When F<R> is used, any directories specified
+with F<files> will be scanned (recursively) to find files to be added to the
+archive. Any file whose name begins with a dot will not be added.
+=item [u]
+When replacing existing files in the archive, only replace those files that have
+a time stamp than the time stamp of the member in the archive.
+=item [z]
+When inserting or replacing any file in the archive, compress the file first.
+modifier is safe to use when (previously) compressed bitcode files are added to
+the archive; the compressed bitcode files will not be doubly compressed.
+=head2 Modifiers (generic)
+The modifiers below may be applied to any operation.
+=item [c]
+For all operations, B<llvm-ar> will always create the archive if it doesn't
+exist. Normally, B<llvm-ar> will print a warning message indicating that the
+archive is being created. Using this modifier turns off that warning.
+=item [s]
+This modifier requests that an archive index (or symbol table) be added to the
+archive. This is the default mode of operation. The symbol table will contain
+all the externally visible functions and global variables defined by all the
+bitcode files in the archive. Using this modifier is more efficient that using
+L<llvm-ranlib|llvm-ranlib> which also creates the symbol table.
+=item [S]
+This modifier is the opposite of the F<s> modifier. It instructs B<llvm-ar> to
+not build the symbol table. If both F<s> and F<S> are used, the last modifier to
+occur in the options will prevail.
+=item [v]
+This modifier instructs B<llvm-ar> to be verbose about what it is doing. Each
+editing operation taken against the archive will produce a line of output saying
+what is being done.
+The B<llvm-ar> utility is intended to provide a superset of the IEEE Std 1003.2
+(POSIX.2) functionality for C<ar>. B<llvm-ar> can read both SVR4 and BSD4.4 (or
+Mac OS X) archives. If the C<f> modifier is given to the C<x> or C<r> operations
+then B<llvm-ar> will write SVR4 compatible archives. Without this modifier,
+B<llvm-ar> will write BSD4.4 compatible archives that have long names
+immediately after the header and indicated using the "#1/ddd" notation for the
+name in the header.
+The file format for LLVM Archive files is similar to that of BSD 4.4 or Mac OSX
+archive files. In fact, except for the symbol table, the C<ar> commands on those
+operating systems should be able to read LLVM archive files. The details of the
+file format follow.
+Each archive begins with the archive magic number which is the eight printable
+characters "!<arch>\n" where \n represents the newline character (0x0A).
+Following the magic number, the file is composed of even length members that
+begin with an archive header and end with a \n padding character if necessary
+(to make the length even). Each file member is composed of a header (defined
+below), an optional newline-terminated "long file name" and the contents of
+the file.
+The fields of the header are described in the items below. All fields of the
+header contain only ASCII characters, are left justified and are right padded
+with space characters.
+=item name - char[16]
+This field of the header provides the name of the archive member. If the name is
+longer than 15 characters or contains a slash (/) character, then this field
+contains C<#1/nnn> where C<nnn> provides the length of the name and the C<#1/>
+is literal. In this case, the actual name of the file is provided in the C<nnn>
+bytes immediately following the header. If the name is 15 characters or less, it
+is contained directly in this field and terminated with a slash (/) character.
+=item date - char[12]
+This field provides the date of modification of the file in the form of a
+decimal encoded number that provides the number of seconds since the epoch
+(since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970) per Posix specifications.
+=item uid - char[6]
+This field provides the user id of the file encoded as a decimal ASCII string.
+This field might not make much sense on non-Unix systems. On Unix, it is the
+same value as the st_uid field of the stat structure returned by the stat(2)
+operating system call.
+=item gid - char[6]
+This field provides the group id of the file encoded as a decimal ASCII string.
+This field might not make much sense on non-Unix systems. On Unix, it is the
+same value as the st_gid field of the stat structure returned by the stat(2)
+operating system call.
+=item mode - char[8]
+This field provides the access mode of the file encoded as an octal ASCII
+string. This field might not make much sense on non-Unix systems. On Unix, it
+is the same value as the st_mode field of the stat structure returned by the
+stat(2) operating system call.
+=item size - char[10]
+This field provides the size of the file, in bytes, encoded as a decimal ASCII
+string. If the size field is negative (starts with a minus sign, 0x02D), then
+the archive member is stored in compressed form. The first byte of the archive
+member's data indicates the compression type used. A value of 0 (0x30) indicates
+that no compression was used. A value of 2 (0x32) indicates that bzip2
+compression was used.
+=item fmag - char[2]
+This field is the archive file member magic number. Its content is always the
+two characters back tick (0x60) and newline (0x0A). This provides some measure
+utility in identifying archive files that have been corrupted.
+The LLVM symbol table has the special name "#_LLVM_SYM_TAB_#". It is presumed
+that no regular archive member file will want this name. The LLVM symbol table
+is simply composed of a sequence of triplets: byte offset, length of symbol,
+and the symbol itself. Symbols are not null or newline terminated. Here are
+the details on each of these items:
+=item offset - vbr encoded 32-bit integer
+The offset item provides the offset into the archive file where the bitcode
+member is stored that is associated with the symbol. The offset value is 0
+based at the start of the first "normal" file member. To derive the actual
+file offset of the member, you must add the number of bytes occupied by the file
+signature (8 bytes) and the symbol tables. The value of this item is encoded
+using variable bit rate encoding to reduce the size of the symbol table.
+Variable bit rate encoding uses the high bit (0x80) of each byte to indicate
+if there are more bytes to follow. The remaining 7 bits in each byte carry bits
+from the value. The final byte does not have the high bit set.
+=item length - vbr encoded 32-bit integer
+The length item provides the length of the symbol that follows. Like this
+I<offset> item, the length is variable bit rate encoded.
+=item symbol - character array
+The symbol item provides the text of the symbol that is associated with the
+I<offset>. The symbol is not terminated by any character. Its length is provided
+by the I<length> field. Note that is allowed (but unwise) to use non-printing
+characters (even 0x00) in the symbol. This allows for multiple encodings of
+symbol names.
+If B<llvm-ar> succeeds, it will exit with 0. A usage error, results
+in an exit code of 1. A hard (file system typically) error results in an
+exit code of 2. Miscellaneous or unknown errors result in an
+exit code of 3.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<llvm-ranlib|llvm-ranlib>, ar(1)
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-as.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-as.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..185c009698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-as.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-as - LLVM assembler
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-as> [I<options>] [I<filename>]
+B<llvm-as> is the LLVM assembler. It reads a file containing human-readable
+LLVM assembly language, translates it to LLVM bitcode, and writes the result
+into a file or to standard output.
+If F<filename> is omitted or is C<->, then B<llvm-as> reads its input from
+standard input.
+If an output file is not specified with the B<-o> option, then
+B<llvm-as> sends its output to a file or standard output by following
+these rules:
+=item *
+If the input is standard input, then the output is standard output.
+=item *
+If the input is a file that ends with C<.ll>, then the output file is of
+the same name, except that the suffix is changed to C<.bc>.
+=item *
+If the input is a file that does not end with the C<.ll> suffix, then the
+output file has the same name as the input file, except that the C<.bc>
+suffix is appended.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-f>
+Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, B<llvm-as> will refuse to
+write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
+B<llvm-as> will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-o> F<filename>
+Specify the output file name. If F<filename> is C<->, then B<llvm-as>
+sends its output to standard output.
+If B<llvm-as> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<llvm-dis|llvm-dis>, L<gccas|gccas>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-bcanalyzer.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-bcanalyzer.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0bc0cddba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-bcanalyzer.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-bcanalyzer - LLVM bitcode analyzer
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-bcanalyzer> [I<options>] [F<filename>]
+The B<llvm-bcanalyzer> command is a small utility for analyzing bitcode files.
+The tool reads a bitcode file (such as generated with the B<llvm-as> tool) and
+produces a statistical report on the contents of the bitcode file. The tool
+can also dump a low level but human readable version of the bitcode file.
+This tool is probably not of much interest or utility except for those working
+directly with the bitcode file format. Most LLVM users can just ignore
+this tool.
+If F<filename> is omitted or is C<->, then B<llvm-bcanalyzer> reads its input
+from standard input. This is useful for combining the tool into a pipeline.
+Output is written to the standard output.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-nodetails>
+Causes B<llvm-bcanalyzer> to abbreviate its output by writing out only a module
+level summary. The details for individual functions are not displayed.
+=item B<-dump>
+Causes B<llvm-bcanalyzer> to dump the bitcode in a human readable format. This
+format is significantly different from LLVM assembly and provides details about
+the encoding of the bitcode file.
+=item B<-verify>
+Causes B<llvm-bcanalyzer> to verify the module produced by reading the
+bitcode. This ensures that the statistics generated are based on a consistent
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+If B<llvm-bcanalyzer> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value, usually 1.
+The following items are always printed by llvm-bcanalyzer. They comprize the
+summary output.
+=item B<Bitcode Analysis Of Module>
+This just provides the name of the module for which bitcode analysis is being
+=item B<Bitcode Version Number>
+The bitcode version (not LLVM version) of the file read by the analyzer.
+=item B<File Size>
+The size, in bytes, of the entire bitcode file.
+=item B<Module Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of the module block. Percentage is relative to File Size.
+=item B<Function Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of all the function blocks. Percentage is relative to File
+=item B<Global Types Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of the Global Types Pool. Percentage is relative to File
+Size. This is the size of the definitions of all types in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Constant Pool Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of the Constant Pool Blocks Percentage is relative to File
+=item B<Module Globals Bytes>
+Ths size, in bytes, of the Global Variable Definitions and their initializers.
+Percentage is relative to File Size.
+=item B<Instruction List Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of all the instruction lists in all the functions.
+Percentage is relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in
+the Function Bytes.
+=item B<Compaction Table Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of all the compaction tables in all the functions.
+Percentage is relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in
+the Function Bytes.
+=item B<Symbol Table Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of all the symbol tables in all the functions. Percentage is
+relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in the Function
+=item B<Dependent Libraries Bytes>
+The size, in bytes, of the list of dependent libraries in the module. Percentage
+is relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in the Module
+Global Bytes.
+=item B<Number Of Bitcode Blocks>
+The total number of blocks of any kind in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Functions>
+The total number of function definitions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Types>
+The total number of types defined in the Global Types Pool.
+=item B<Number Of Constants>
+The total number of constants (of any type) defined in the Constant Pool.
+=item B<Number Of Basic Blocks>
+The total number of basic blocks defined in all functions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Instructions>
+The total number of instructions defined in all functions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Long Instructions>
+The total number of long instructions defined in all functions in the bitcode
+file. Long instructions are those taking greater than 4 bytes. Typically long
+instructions are GetElementPtr with several indices, PHI nodes, and calls to
+functions with large numbers of arguments.
+=item B<Number Of Operands>
+The total number of operands used in all instructions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Compaction Tables>
+The total number of compaction tables in all functions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Symbol Tables>
+The total number of symbol tables in all functions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Number Of Dependent Libs>
+The total number of dependent libraries found in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Total Instruction Size>
+The total size of the instructions in all functions in the bitcode file.
+=item B<Average Instruction Size>
+The average number of bytes per instruction across all functions in the bitcode
+file. This value is computed by dividing Total Instruction Size by Number Of
+=item B<Maximum Type Slot Number>
+The maximum value used for a type's slot number. Larger slot number values take
+more bytes to encode.
+=item B<Maximum Value Slot Number>
+The maximum value used for a value's slot number. Larger slot number values take
+more bytes to encode.
+=item B<Bytes Per Value>
+The average size of a Value definition (of any type). This is computed by
+dividing File Size by the total number of values of any type.
+=item B<Bytes Per Global>
+The average size of a global definition (constants and global variables).
+=item B<Bytes Per Function>
+The average number of bytes per function definition. This is computed by
+dividing Function Bytes by Number Of Functions.
+=item B<# of VBR 32-bit Integers>
+The total number of 32-bit integers encoded using the Variable Bit Rate
+encoding scheme.
+=item B<# of VBR 64-bit Integers>
+The total number of 64-bit integers encoded using the Variable Bit Rate encoding
+=item B<# of VBR Compressed Bytes>
+The total number of bytes consumed by the 32-bit and 64-bit integers that use
+the Variable Bit Rate encoding scheme.
+=item B<# of VBR Expanded Bytes>
+The total number of bytes that would have been consumed by the 32-bit and 64-bit
+integers had they not been compressed with the Variable Bit Rage encoding
+=item B<Bytes Saved With VBR>
+The total number of bytes saved by using the Variable Bit Rate encoding scheme.
+The percentage is relative to # of VBR Expanded Bytes.
+The following definitions occur only if the -nodetails option was not given.
+The detailed output provides additional information on a per-function basis.
+=item B<Type>
+The type signature of the function.
+=item B<Byte Size>
+The total number of bytes in the function's block.
+=item B<Basic Blocks>
+The number of basic blocks defined by the function.
+=item B<Instructions>
+The number of instructions defined by the function.
+=item B<Long Instructions>
+The number of instructions using the long instruction format in the function.
+=item B<Operands>
+The number of operands used by all instructions in the function.
+=item B<Instruction Size>
+The number of bytes consumed by instructions in the function.
+=item B<Average Instruction Size>
+The average number of bytes consumed by the instructions in the funtion. This
+value is computed by dividing Instruction Size by Instructions.
+=item B<Bytes Per Instruction>
+The average number of bytes used by the function per instruction. This value is
+computed by dividing Byte Size by Instructions. Note that this is not the same
+as Average Instruction Size. It computes a number relative to the total function
+size not just the size of the instruction list.
+=item B<Number of VBR 32-bit Integers>
+The total number of 32-bit integers found in this function (for any use).
+=item B<Number of VBR 64-bit Integers>
+The total number of 64-bit integers found in this function (for any use).
+=item B<Number of VBR Compressed Bytes>
+The total number of bytes in this function consumed by the 32-bit and 64-bit
+integers that use the Variable Bit Rate encoding scheme.
+=item B<Number of VBR Expanded Bytes>
+The total number of bytes in this function that would have been consumed by
+the 32-bit and 64-bit integers had they not been compressed with the Variable
+Bit Rate encoding scheme.
+=item B<Bytes Saved With VBR>
+The total number of bytes saved in this function by using the Variable Bit
+Rate encoding scheme. The percentage is relative to # of VBR Expanded Bytes.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<llvm-dis|llvm-dis>, L<>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-config.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-config.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e38dae3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-config.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-config - Print LLVM compilation options
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-config> I<option> [I<components>...]
+B<llvm-config> makes it easier to build applications that use LLVM. It can
+print the compiler flags, linker flags and object libraries needed to link
+against LLVM.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+To link against the JIT:
+ g++ `llvm-config --cxxflags` -o HowToUseJIT.o -c HowToUseJIT.cpp
+ g++ `llvm-config --ldflags` -o HowToUseJIT HowToUseJIT.o \
+ `llvm-config --libs engine bcreader scalaropts`
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--version>
+Print the version number of LLVM.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of B<llvm-config> arguments.
+=item B<--prefix>
+Print the installation prefix for LLVM.
+=item B<--src-root>
+Print the source root from which LLVM was built.
+=item B<--obj-root>
+Print the object root used to build LLVM.
+=item B<--bindir>
+Print the installation directory for LLVM binaries.
+=item B<--includedir>
+Print the installation directory for LLVM headers.
+=item B<--libdir>
+Print the installation directory for LLVM libraries.
+=item B<--cxxflags>
+Print the C++ compiler flags needed to use LLVM headers.
+=item B<--ldflags>
+Print the flags needed to link against LLVM libraries.
+=item B<--libs>
+Print all the libraries needed to link against the specified LLVM
+I<components>, including any dependencies.
+=item B<--libnames>
+Similar to B<--libs>, but prints the bare filenames of the libraries
+without B<-l> or pathnames. Useful for linking against a not-yet-installed
+copy of LLVM.
+=item B<--libfiles>
+Similar to B<--libs>, but print the full path to each library file. This is
+useful when creating makefile dependencies, to ensure that a tool is relinked if
+any library it uses changes.
+=item B<--components>
+Print all valid component names.
+=item B<--targets-built>
+Print the component names for all targets supported by this copy of LLVM.
+=item B<--build-mode>
+Print the build mode used when LLVM was built (e.g. Debug or Release)
+To print a list of all available components, run B<llvm-config
+--components>. In most cases, components correspond directly to LLVM
+libraries. Useful "virtual" components include:
+=item B<all>
+Includes all LLVM libaries. The default if no components are specified.
+=item B<backend>
+Includes either a native backend or the C backend.
+=item B<engine>
+Includes either a native JIT or the bitcode interpreter.
+If B<llvm-config> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-dis.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-dis.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b2f4ef4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-dis.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-dis - LLVM disassembler
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-dis> [I<options>] [I<filename>]
+The B<llvm-dis> command is the LLVM disassembler. It takes an LLVM
+bitcode file and converts it into human-readable LLVM assembly language.
+If filename is omitted or specified as C<->, B<llvm-dis> reads its
+input from standard input.
+If the input is being read from standard input, then B<llvm-dis>
+will send its output to standard output by default. Otherwise, the
+output will be written to a file named after the input file, with
+a C<.ll> suffix added (any existing C<.bc> suffix will first be
+removed). You can override the choice of output file using the
+B<-o> option.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-f>
+Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, B<llvm-dis> will refuse to
+write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
+B<llvm-dis> will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-o> F<filename>
+Specify the output file name. If F<filename> is -, then the output is sent
+to standard output.
+If B<llvm-dis> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-extract.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-extract.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4baab7399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-extract.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-extract - extract a function from an LLVM module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-extract> [I<options>] B<--func> I<function-name> [I<filename>]
+The B<llvm-extract> command takes the name of a function and extracts it from
+the specified LLVM bitcode file. It is primarily used as a debugging tool to
+reduce test cases from larger programs that are triggering a bug.
+In addition to extracting the bitcode of the specified function,
+B<llvm-extract> will also remove unreachable global variables, prototypes, and
+unused types.
+The B<llvm-extract> command reads its input from standard input if filename is
+omitted or if filename is -. The output is always written to standard output,
+unless the B<-o> option is specified (see below).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-f>
+Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, B<llvm-extract> will refuse to
+write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
+B<llvm-extract> will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
+=item B<--func> I<function-name>
+Extract the function named I<function-name> from the LLVM bitcode. May be
+specified multiple times to extract multiple functions at once.
+=item B<--glob> I<global-name>
+Extract the global variable named I<global-name> from the LLVM bitcode. May be
+specified multiple times to extract multiple global variables at once.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-o> I<filename>
+Specify the output filename. If filename is "-" (the default), then
+B<llvm-extract> sends its output to standard output.
+=item B<-S>
+Write output in LLVM intermediate language (instead of bitcode).
+If B<llvm-extract> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ld.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ld.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..536ab0fa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ld.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-ld - LLVM linker
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-ld> <options> <files>
+The B<llvm-ld> tool takes a set of LLVM bitcode files and links them
+together into a single LLVM bitcode file. The output bitcode file can be
+another bitcode file or an executable bitcode program. Using additional
+options, B<llvm-ld> is able to produce native code executables.
+The B<llvm-ld> tool is the main linker for LLVM. It is used to link together
+the output of LLVM front-end compilers and run "link time" optimizations (mostly
+the inter-procedural kind).
+The B<llvm-ld> tools attempts to mimic the interface provided by the default
+system linker so that it can act as a I<drop-in> replacement.
+=head2 Search Order
+When looking for objects specified on the command line, B<llvm-ld> will search
+for the object first in the current directory and then in the directory
+specified by the B<LLVM_LIB_SEARCH_PATH> environment variable. If it cannot
+find the object, it fails.
+When looking for a library specified with the B<-l> option, B<llvm-ld> first
+attempts to load a file with that name from the current directory. If that
+fails, it looks for libI<library>.bc, libI<library>.a, or libI<library>.I<shared
+library extension>, in that order, in each directory added to the library search
+path with the B<-L> option. These directories are searched in the order they
+are specified. If the library cannot be located, then B<llvm-ld> looks in the
+directory specified by the B<LLVM_LIB_SEARCH_PATH> environment variable. If it
+does not find a library there, it fails.
+The I<shared library extension> may be I<.so>, I<.dyld>, I<.dll>, or something
+different, depending upon the system.
+The B<-L> option is global. It does not matter where it is specified in the
+list of command line arguments; the directory is simply added to the search path
+and is applied to all libraries, preceding or succeeding, in the command line.
+=head2 Link order
+All object and bitcode files are linked first in the order they were
+specified on the command line. All library files are linked next.
+Some libraries may not be linked into the object program; see below.
+=head2 Library Linkage
+Object files and static bitcode objects are always linked into the output
+file. Library archives (.a files) load only the objects within the archive
+that define symbols needed by the output file. Hence, libraries should be
+listed after the object files and libraries which need them; otherwise, the
+library may not be linked in, and the dependent library will not have its
+undefined symbols defined.
+=head2 Native code generation
+The B<llvm-ld> program has limited support for native code generation, when
+using the B<-native> or B<-native-cbe> options. Native code generation is
+performed by converting the linked bitcode into native assembly (.s) or C code
+and running the system compiler (typically gcc) on the result.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 General Options
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-v>
+Specifies verbose mode. In this mode the linker will print additional
+information about the actions it takes, programs it executes, etc.
+=item B<-stats>
+Print statistics.
+=item B<-time-passes>
+Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print it to standard
+=head2 Input/Output Options
+=item B<-o> F<filename>
+This overrides the default output file and specifies the name of the file that
+should be generated by the linker. By default, B<llvm-ld> generates a file named
+F<a.out> for compatibility with B<ld>. The output will be written to
+=item B<-b> F<filename>
+This option can be used to override the output bitcode file name. By default,
+the name of the bitcode output file is one more ".bc" suffix added to the name
+specified by B<-o filename> option.
+=item B<-l>F<name>
+This option specifies the F<name> of a library to search when resolving symbols
+for the program. Only the base name should be specified as F<name>, without a
+F<lib> prefix or any suffix.
+=item B<-L>F<Path>
+This option tells B<llvm-ld> to look in F<Path> to find any library subsequently
+specified with the B<-l> option. The paths will be searched in the order in
+which they are specified on the command line. If the library is still not found,
+a small set of system specific directories will also be searched. Note that
+libraries specified with the B<-l> option that occur I<before> any B<-L> options
+will not search the paths given by the B<-L> options following it.
+=item B<-link-as-library>
+Link the bitcode files together as a library, not an executable. In this mode,
+undefined symbols will be permitted.
+=item B<-r>
+An alias for -link-as-library.
+=item B<-native>
+Generate a native machine code executable.
+When generating native executables, B<llvm-ld> first checks for a bitcode
+version of the library and links it in, if necessary. If the library is
+missing, B<llvm-ld> skips it. Then, B<llvm-ld> links in the same
+libraries as native code.
+In this way, B<llvm-ld> should be able to link in optimized bitcode
+subsets of common libraries and then link in any part of the library that
+hasn't been converted to bitcode.
+=item B<-native-cbe>
+Generate a native machine code executable with the LLVM C backend.
+This option is identical to the B<-native> option, but uses the
+C backend to generate code for the program instead of an LLVM native
+code generator.
+=head2 Optimization Options
+=item B<-disable-inlining>
+Do not run the inlining pass. Functions will not be inlined into other
+=item B<-disable-opt>
+Completely disable optimization.
+=item B<-disable-internalize>
+Do not mark all symbols as internal.
+=item B<-verify-each>
+Run the verification pass after each of the passes to verify intermediate
+=item B<-strip-all>
+Strip all debug and symbol information from the executable to make it smaller.
+=item B<-strip-debug>
+Strip all debug information from the executable to make it smaller.
+=item B<-s>
+An alias for B<-strip-all>.
+=item B<-S>
+An alias for B<-strip-debug>.
+=item B<-export-dynamic>
+An alias for B<-disable-internalize>
+=item B<-post-link-opt>F<Path>
+Run post-link optimization program. After linking is completed a bitcode file
+will be generated. It will be passed to the program specified by F<Path> as the
+first argument. The second argument to the program will be the name of a
+temporary file into which the program should place its optimized output. For
+example, the "no-op optimization" would be a simple shell script:
+ #!/bin/bash
+ cp $1 $2
+If B<llvm-ld> succeeds, it will exit with 0 return code. If an error occurs,
+it will exit with a non-zero return code.
+The C<LLVM_LIB_SEARCH_PATH> environment variable is used to find bitcode
+libraries. Any paths specified in this variable will be searched after the C<-L>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-link.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-link.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d06cc9d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-link.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-link - LLVM linker
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-link> [I<options>] I<filename ...>
+B<llvm-link> takes several LLVM bitcode files and links them together into a
+single LLVM bitcode file. It writes the output file to standard output, unless
+the B<-o> option is used to specify a filename.
+B<llvm-link> attempts to load the input files from the current directory. If
+that fails, it looks for each file in each of the directories specified by the
+B<-L> options on the command line. The library search paths are global; each
+one is searched for every input file if necessary. The directories are searched
+in the order they were specified on the command line.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-L> F<directory>
+Add the specified F<directory> to the library search path. When looking for
+libraries, B<llvm-link> will look in path name for libraries. This option can be
+specified multiple times; B<llvm-link> will search inside these directories in
+the order in which they were specified on the command line.
+=item B<-f>
+Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, B<llvm-link> will refuse to
+write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
+B<llvm-link> will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
+=item B<-o> F<filename>
+Specify the output file name. If F<filename> is C<->, then B<llvm-link> will
+write its output to standard output.
+=item B<-S>
+Write output in LLVM intermediate language (instead of bitcode).
+=item B<-d>
+If specified, B<llvm-link> prints a human-readable version of the output
+bitcode file to standard error.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-v>
+Verbose mode. Print information about what B<llvm-link> is doing. This
+typically includes a message for each bitcode file linked in and for each
+library found.
+If B<llvm-link> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-nm.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-nm.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a580d3f5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-nm.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-nm - list LLVM bitcode file's symbol table
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-nm> [I<options>] [I<filenames...>]
+The B<llvm-nm> utility lists the names of symbols from the LLVM bitcode files,
+or B<ar> archives containing LLVM bitcode files, named on the command line.
+Each symbol is listed along with some simple information about its provenance.
+If no file name is specified, or I<-> is used as a file name, B<llvm-nm> will
+process a bitcode file on its standard input stream.
+B<llvm-nm>'s default output format is the traditional BSD B<nm> output format.
+Each such output record consists of an (optional) 8-digit hexadecimal address,
+followed by a type code character, followed by a name, for each symbol. One
+record is printed per line; fields are separated by spaces. When the address is
+omitted, it is replaced by 8 spaces.
+Type code characters currently supported, and their meanings, are as follows:
+=item U
+Named object is referenced but undefined in this bitcode file
+=item C
+Common (multiple definitions link together into one def)
+=item W
+Weak reference (multiple definitions link together into zero or one definitions)
+=item t
+Local function (text) object
+=item T
+Global function (text) object
+=item d
+Local data object
+=item D
+Global data object
+=item ?
+Something unrecognizable
+Because LLVM bitcode files typically contain objects that are not considered to
+have addresses until they are linked into an executable image or dynamically
+compiled "just-in-time", B<llvm-nm> does not print an address for any symbol,
+even symbols which are defined in the bitcode file.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-P>
+Use POSIX.2 output format. Alias for B<--format=posix>.
+=item B<-B> (default)
+Use BSD output format. Alias for B<--format=bsd>.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command-line options and their meanings.
+=item B<--defined-only>
+Print only symbols defined in this bitcode file (as opposed to
+symbols which may be referenced by objects in this file, but not
+defined in this file.)
+=item B<--extern-only>, B<-g>
+Print only symbols whose definitions are external; that is, accessible
+from other bitcode files.
+=item B<--undefined-only>, B<-u>
+Print only symbols referenced but not defined in this bitcode file.
+=item B<--format=>I<fmt>, B<-f>
+Select an output format; I<fmt> may be I<sysv>, I<posix>, or I<bsd>. The
+default is I<bsd>.
+=head1 BUGS
+B<llvm-nm> cannot demangle C++ mangled names, like GNU B<nm> can.
+B<llvm-nm> exits with an exit code of zero.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<llvm-dis|llvm-dis>, ar(1), nm(1)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-prof.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-prof.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9541b05dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-prof.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-prof - print execution profile of LLVM program
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-prof> [I<options>] [I<bitcode file>] [I<llvmprof.out>]
+The B<llvm-prof> tool reads in an F<llvmprof.out> file (which can
+optionally use a specific file with the third program argument), a bitcode file
+for the program, and produces a human readable report, suitable for determining
+where the program hotspots are.
+This program is often used in conjunction with the F<utils/>
+script. This script automatically instruments a program, runs it with the JIT,
+then runs B<llvm-prof> to format a report. To get more information about
+F<utils/>, execute it with the B<-help> option.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--annotated-llvm> or B<-A>
+In addition to the normal report printed, print out the code for the
+program, annotated with execution frequency information. This can be
+particularly useful when trying to visualize how frequently basic blocks
+are executed. This is most useful with basic block profiling
+information or better.
+=item B<--print-all-code>
+Using this option enables the B<--annotated-llvm> option, but it
+prints the entire module, instead of just the most commonly executed
+=item B<--time-passes>
+Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print it to standard
+B<llvm-prof> returns 1 if it cannot load the bitcode file or the profile
+information. Otherwise, it exits with zero.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+B<llvm-prof> is maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ranlib.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ranlib.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53cd34bbb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvm-ranlib.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-ranlib - Generate index for LLVM archive
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-ranlib> [--version] [-help] <archive-file>
+The B<llvm-ranlib> command is similar to the common Unix utility, C<ranlib>. It
+adds or updates the symbol table in an LLVM archive file. Note that using the
+B<llvm-ar> modifier F<s> is usually more efficient than running B<llvm-ranlib>
+which is only provided only for completness and compatibility. Unlike other
+implementations of C<ranlib>, B<llvm-ranlib> indexes LLVM bitcode files, not
+native object modules. You can list the contents of the symbol table with the
+C<llvm-nm -s> command.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item F<archive-file>
+Specifies the archive-file to which the symbol table is added or updated.
+=item F<--version>
+Print the version of B<llvm-ranlib> and exit without building a symbol table.
+=item F<-help>
+Print usage help for B<llvm-ranlib> and exit without building a symbol table.
+If B<llvm-ranlib> succeeds, it will exit with 0. If an error occurs, a non-zero
+exit code will be returned.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<llvm-ar|llvm-ar>, ranlib(1)
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmc.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmc.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d237ca4c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmc.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvmc - The LLVM Compiler Driver (WIP)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvmc> [I<options>] I<filenames...>
+B<llvmc> is a configurable driver for invoking other LLVM (and non-LLVM) tools
+in order to compile, optimize and link software for multiple languages. For
+those familiar with FSF's B<gcc> tool, it is very similar. Please note that
+B<llvmc> is considered an experimental tool.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 Built-in Options
+LLVMC has some built-in options that can't be overridden in the
+configuration libraries.
+=item B<-o> I<filename>
+Output file name.
+=item B<-x> I<language>
+Specify the language of the following input files until the next B<-x>
+=item B<-load> I<plugin_name>
+Load the specified plugin DLL. Example:
+S<-load $LLVM_DIR/Release/lib/>.
+=item B<-v> or B<--verbose>
+Enable verbose mode, i.e. print out all executed commands.
+=item B<--check-graph>
+Check the compilation for common errors like mismatched output/input language
+names, multiple default edges and cycles. Because of plugins, these checks can't
+be performed at compile-time. Exit with code zero if no errors were found, and
+return the number of found errors otherwise. Hidden option, useful for debugging
+LLVMC plugins.
+=item B<--view-graph>
+Show a graphical representation of the compilation graph and exit. Requires that
+you have I<dot> and I<gv> programs installed. Hidden option, useful for
+debugging LLVMC plugins.
+=item B<--write-graph>
+Write a I<> file in the current directory with the
+compilation graph description in Graphviz format (identical to the file used by
+the B<--view-graph> option). The B<-o> option can be used to set the output file
+name. Hidden option, useful for debugging LLVMC plugins.
+=item B<--save-temps>
+Write temporary files to the current directory and do not delete them on
+exit. This option can also take an argument: the I<--save-temps=obj> switch will
+write files into the directory specified with the I<-o> option. The
+I<--save-temps=cwd> and I<--save-temps> switches are both synonyms for the
+default behaviour.
+=item B<--temp-dir> I<directory>
+Store temporary files in the given directory. This directory is deleted on exit
+unless I<--save-temps> is specified. If I<--save-temps=obj> is also specified,
+I<--temp-dir> is given the precedence.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command-line options and exit.
+=item B<-help-hidden>
+Print a summary of command-line options and exit. Print help even for
+options intended for developers.
+=item B<--version>
+Print version information and exit.
+=item B<@>I<file>
+Read command-line options from I<file>. The options read are inserted
+in place of the original @I<file> option. If I<file> does not exist, or
+cannot be read, then the option will be treated literally, and not
+Options in I<file> are separated by whitespace. A whitespace character
+may be included in an option by surrounding the entire option in
+either single or double quotes. Any character (including a backslash)
+may be included by prefixing the character to be included with a
+backslash. The file may itself contain additional @I<file> options;
+any such options will be processed recursively.
+=head2 Control Options
+By default, LLVMC is built with some standard configuration libraries
+that define the following options:
+=item B<-clang>
+Use Clang instead of llvm-gcc.
+=item B<-opt>
+Enable optimization passes with B<opt>. To pass options to the B<opt> program
+use the B<-Wo,> option.
+=item B<-I> I<directory>
+Add a directory to the header file search path.
+=item B<-L> I<directory>
+Add I<directory> to the library search path.
+=item B<-F> I<directory>
+Add I<directory> to the framework search path.
+=item B<-l>I<name>
+Link in the library libI<name>.[bc | a | so]. This library should
+be a bitcode library.
+=item B<-framework> I<name>
+Link in the library libI<name>.[bc | a | so]. This library should
+be a bitcode library.
+=item B<-emit-llvm>
+Output LLVM bitcode (with B<-c>) or assembly (with B<-S>) instead of native
+object (or assembly). If B<-emit-llvm> is given without either B<-c> or B<-S>
+it has no effect.
+=item B<-Wa>
+Pass options to assembler.
+=item B<-Wl>
+Pass options to linker.
+=item B<-Wo>
+Pass options to opt.
+=item B<-Wllc>
+Pass options to llc (code generator).
+If B<llvmc> succeeds, it will exit with code 0. Otherwise, if an
+error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value. If one of the
+compilation tools returns a non-zero status, pending actions will be
+discarded and B<llvmc> will return the same result code as the failing
+compilation tool.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<llvm-gcc|llvmgcc>, L<llvm-g++|llvmgxx>, L<llvm-as|llvm-as>,
+L<llvm-dis|llvm-dis>, L<llc|llc>, L<llvm-link|llvm-link>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmgcc.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmgcc.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9892ca7186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmgcc.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-gcc - LLVM C front-end
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-gcc> [I<options>] I<filename>
+The B<llvm-gcc> command is the LLVM C front end. It is a modified
+version of gcc that compiles C/ObjC programs into native objects, LLVM
+bitcode or LLVM assembly language, depending upon the options.
+By default, B<llvm-gcc> compiles to native objects just like GCC does. If the
+B<-emit-llvm> and B<-c> options are given then it will generate LLVM bitcode files
+instead. If B<-emit-llvm> and B<-S> are given, then it will generate LLVM
+Being derived from the GNU Compiler Collection, B<llvm-gcc> has many
+of gcc's features and accepts most of gcc's options. It handles a
+number of gcc's extensions to the C programming language. See the gcc
+documentation for details.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-o> I<filename>
+Specify the output file to be I<filename>.
+=item B<-I> I<directory>
+Add a directory to the header file search path. This option can be
+=item B<-L> I<directory>
+Add I<directory> to the library search path. This option can be
+=item B<-l>I<name>
+Link in the library libI<name>.[bc | a | so]. This library should
+be a bitcode library.
+=item B<-emit-llvm>
+Make the output be LLVM bitcode (with B<-c>) or assembly (with B<-s>) instead
+of native object (or assembly). If B<-emit-llvm> is given without either B<-c>
+or B<-S> it has no effect.
+If B<llvm-gcc> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmgxx.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmgxx.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64b670ebe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/llvmgxx.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+=head1 NAME
+llvm-g++ - LLVM C++ front-end
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<llvm-g++> [I<options>] I<filename>
+The B<llvm-g++> command is the LLVM C++ front end. It is a modified
+version of g++ that compiles C++/ObjC++ programs into native code,
+LLVM bitcode or assembly language, depending upon the options.
+By default, B<llvm-g++> compiles to native objects just like GCC does. If the
+B<-emit-llvm> option is given then it will generate LLVM bitcode files instead.
+If B<-S> (assembly) is also given, then it will generate LLVM assembly.
+Being derived from the GNU Compiler Collection, B<llvm-g++> has many
+of g++'s features and accepts most of g++'s options. It handles a
+number of g++'s extensions to the C++ programming language.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-S>
+Do not generate an LLVM bitcode file. Rather, compile the source
+file into an LLVM assembly language file.
+=item B<-c>
+Do not generate a linked executable. Rather, compile the source
+file into an LLVM bitcode file. This bitcode file can then be
+linked with other bitcode files later on to generate a full LLVM
+=item B<-o> I<filename>
+Specify the output file to be I<filename>.
+=item B<-I> I<directory>
+Add a directory to the header file search path. This option can be
+=item B<-L> I<directory>
+Add I<directory> to the library search path. This option can be
+=item B<-l>I<name>
+Link in the library libI<name>.[bc | a | so]. This library should
+be a bitcode library.
+=item B<-emit-llvm>
+Make the output be LLVM bitcode (or assembly) instead of native object (or
+If B<llvm-g++> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
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diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/opt.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/opt.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1d1db5ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/opt.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+=head1 NAME
+opt - LLVM optimizer
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<opt> [I<options>] [I<filename>]
+The B<opt> command is the modular LLVM optimizer and analyzer. It takes LLVM
+source files as input, runs the specified optimizations or analyses on it, and then
+outputs the optimized file or the analysis results. The function of
+B<opt> depends on whether the B<-analyze> option is given.
+When B<-analyze> is specified, B<opt> performs various analyses of the input
+source. It will usually print the results on standard output, but in a few
+cases, it will print output to standard error or generate a file with the
+analysis output, which is usually done when the output is meant for another
+While B<-analyze> is I<not> given, B<opt> attempts to produce an optimized
+output file. The optimizations available via B<opt> depend upon what
+libraries were linked into it as well as any additional libraries that have
+been loaded with the B<-load> option. Use the B<-help> option to determine
+what optimizations you can use.
+If I<filename> is omitted from the command line or is I<->, B<opt> reads its
+input from standard input. Inputs can be in either the LLVM assembly language
+format (.ll) or the LLVM bitcode format (.bc).
+If an output filename is not specified with the B<-o> option, B<opt>
+writes its output to the standard output.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-f>
+Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, B<opt> will refuse to
+write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
+B<opt> will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-o> I<filename>
+Specify the output filename.
+=item B<-S>
+Write output in LLVM intermediate language (instead of bitcode).
+=item B<-{passname}>
+B<opt> provides the ability to run any of LLVM's optimization or analysis passes
+in any order. The B<-help> option lists all the passes available. The order in
+which the options occur on the command line are the order in which they are
+executed (within pass constraints).
+=item B<-std-compile-opts>
+This is short hand for a standard list of I<compile time optimization> passes.
+This is typically used to optimize the output from the llvm-gcc front end. It
+might be useful for other front end compilers as well. To discover the full set
+of options available, use the following command:
+ llvm-as < /dev/null | opt -std-compile-opts -disable-output -debug-pass=Arguments
+=item B<-disable-inlining>
+This option is only meaningful when B<-std-compile-opts> is given. It simply
+removes the inlining pass from the standard list.
+=item B<-disable-opt>
+This option is only meaningful when B<-std-compile-opts> is given. It disables
+most, but not all, of the B<-std-compile-opts>. The ones that remain are
+B<-verify>, B<-lower-setjmp>, and B<-funcresolve>.
+=item B<-strip-debug>
+This option causes opt to strip debug information from the module before
+applying other optimizations. It is essentially the same as B<-strip> but it
+ensures that stripping of debug information is done first.
+=item B<-verify-each>
+This option causes opt to add a verify pass after every pass otherwise specified
+on the command line (including B<-verify>). This is useful for cases where it
+is suspected that a pass is creating an invalid module but it is not clear which
+pass is doing it. The combination of B<-std-compile-opts> and B<-verify-each>
+can quickly track down this kind of problem.
+=item B<-profile-info-file> I<filename>
+Specify the name of the file loaded by the -profile-loader option.
+=item B<-stats>
+Print statistics.
+=item B<-time-passes>
+Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print it to standard
+=item B<-debug>
+If this is a debug build, this option will enable debug printouts
+from passes which use the I<DEBUG()> macro. See the B<LLVM Programmer's
+Manual>, section I<#DEBUG> for more information.
+=item B<-load>=I<plugin>
+Load the dynamic object I<plugin>. This object should register new optimization
+or analysis passes. Once loaded, the object will add new command line options to
+enable various optimizations or analyses. To see the new complete list of
+optimizations, use the B<-help> and B<-load> options together. For example:
+ opt -help
+=item B<-p>
+Print module after each transformation.
+If B<opt> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by the LLVM Team (L<>).
diff --git a/docs/main/CommandGuide/tblgen.pod b/docs/main/CommandGuide/tblgen.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d127492a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/CommandGuide/tblgen.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+=head1 NAME
+tblgen - Target Description To C++ Code Generator
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<tblgen> [I<options>] [I<filename>]
+B<tblgen> translates from target description (.td) files into C++ code that can
+be included in the definition of an LLVM target library. Most users of LLVM will
+not need to use this program. It is only for assisting with writing an LLVM
+target backend.
+The input and output of B<tblgen> is beyond the scope of this short
+introduction. Please see the I<CodeGeneration> page in the LLVM documentation.
+The F<filename> argument specifies the name of a Target Description (.td) file
+to read as input.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-help>
+Print a summary of command line options.
+=item B<-o> F<filename>
+Specify the output file name. If F<filename> is C<->, then B<tblgen>
+sends its output to standard output.
+=item B<-I> F<directory>
+Specify where to find other target description files for inclusion. The
+F<directory> value should be a full or partial path to a directory that contains
+target description files.
+=item B<-asmwriternum> F<N>
+Make -gen-asm-writer emit assembly writer number F<N>.
+=item B<-class> F<class Name>
+Print the enumeration list for this class.
+=item B<-print-records>
+Print all records to standard output (default).
+=item B<-print-enums>
+Print enumeration values for a class
+=item B<-gen-emitter>
+Generate machine code emitter.
+=item B<-gen-register-enums>
+Generate the enumeration values for all registers.
+=item B<-gen-register-desc>
+Generate a register info description for each register.
+=item B<-gen-register-desc-header>
+Generate a register info description header for each register.
+=item B<-gen-instr-enums>
+Generate enumeration values for instructions.
+=item B<-gen-instr-desc>
+Generate instruction descriptions.
+=item B<-gen-asm-writer>
+Generate the assembly writer.
+=item B<-gen-dag-isel>
+Generate a DAG (Directed Acycle Graph) instruction selector.
+=item B<-gen-subtarget>
+Generate subtarget enumerations.
+=item B<-gen-intrinsic>
+Generate intrinsic information.
+=item B<-version>
+Show the version number of this program.
+If B<tblgen> succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
+occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Maintained by The LLVM Team (L<>).