path: root/include/llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h
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1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h b/include/llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..246e00becf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+//===-- llvm/GlobalValue.h - Class to represent a global value --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file is a common base class of all globally definable objects. As such,
+// it is subclassed by GlobalVariable, GlobalAlias and by Function. This is
+// used because you can do certain things with these global objects that you
+// can't do to anything else. For example, use the address of one as a
+// constant.
+#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
+namespace llvm {
+class PointerType;
+class Module;
+class GlobalValue : public Constant {
+ GlobalValue(const GlobalValue &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+ /// @brief An enumeration for the kinds of linkage for global values.
+ enum LinkageTypes {
+ ExternalLinkage = 0,///< Externally visible function
+ AvailableExternallyLinkage, ///< Available for inspection, not emission.
+ LinkOnceAnyLinkage, ///< Keep one copy of function when linking (inline)
+ LinkOnceODRLinkage, ///< Same, but only replaced by something equivalent.
+ LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage, ///< Like LinkOnceODRLinkage but addr not taken.
+ WeakAnyLinkage, ///< Keep one copy of named function when linking (weak)
+ WeakODRLinkage, ///< Same, but only replaced by something equivalent.
+ AppendingLinkage, ///< Special purpose, only applies to global arrays
+ InternalLinkage, ///< Rename collisions when linking (static functions).
+ PrivateLinkage, ///< Like Internal, but omit from symbol table.
+ LinkerPrivateLinkage, ///< Like Private, but linker removes.
+ LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage, ///< Like LinkerPrivate, but weak.
+ DLLImportLinkage, ///< Function to be imported from DLL
+ DLLExportLinkage, ///< Function to be accessible from DLL.
+ ExternalWeakLinkage,///< ExternalWeak linkage description.
+ CommonLinkage ///< Tentative definitions.
+ };
+ /// @brief An enumeration for the kinds of visibility of global values.
+ enum VisibilityTypes {
+ DefaultVisibility = 0, ///< The GV is visible
+ HiddenVisibility, ///< The GV is hidden
+ ProtectedVisibility ///< The GV is protected
+ };
+ GlobalValue(Type *ty, ValueTy vty, Use *Ops, unsigned NumOps,
+ LinkageTypes linkage, const Twine &Name)
+ : Constant(ty, vty, Ops, NumOps), Linkage(linkage),
+ Visibility(DefaultVisibility), Alignment(0), UnnamedAddr(0), Parent(0) {
+ setName(Name);
+ }
+ // Note: VC++ treats enums as signed, so an extra bit is required to prevent
+ // Linkage and Visibility from turning into negative values.
+ LinkageTypes Linkage : 5; // The linkage of this global
+ unsigned Visibility : 2; // The visibility style of this global
+ unsigned Alignment : 16; // Alignment of this symbol, must be power of two
+ unsigned UnnamedAddr : 1; // This value's address is not significant
+ Module *Parent; // The containing module.
+ std::string Section; // Section to emit this into, empty mean default
+ ~GlobalValue() {
+ removeDeadConstantUsers(); // remove any dead constants using this.
+ }
+ unsigned getAlignment() const {
+ return (1u << Alignment) >> 1;
+ }
+ void setAlignment(unsigned Align);
+ bool hasUnnamedAddr() const { return UnnamedAddr; }
+ void setUnnamedAddr(bool Val) { UnnamedAddr = Val; }
+ VisibilityTypes getVisibility() const { return VisibilityTypes(Visibility); }
+ bool hasDefaultVisibility() const { return Visibility == DefaultVisibility; }
+ bool hasHiddenVisibility() const { return Visibility == HiddenVisibility; }
+ bool hasProtectedVisibility() const {
+ return Visibility == ProtectedVisibility;
+ }
+ void setVisibility(VisibilityTypes V) { Visibility = V; }
+ bool hasSection() const { return !Section.empty(); }
+ const std::string &getSection() const { return Section; }
+ void setSection(StringRef S) { Section = S; }
+ /// If the usage is empty (except transitively dead constants), then this
+ /// global value can be safely deleted since the destructor will
+ /// delete the dead constants as well.
+ /// @brief Determine if the usage of this global value is empty except
+ /// for transitively dead constants.
+ bool use_empty_except_constants();
+ /// getType - Global values are always pointers.
+ inline PointerType *getType() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<PointerType*>(User::getType());
+ }
+ static LinkageTypes getLinkOnceLinkage(bool ODR) {
+ return ODR ? LinkOnceODRLinkage : LinkOnceAnyLinkage;
+ }
+ static LinkageTypes getWeakLinkage(bool ODR) {
+ return ODR ? WeakODRLinkage : WeakAnyLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isExternalLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == ExternalLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isAvailableExternallyLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == AvailableExternallyLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isLinkOnceLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == LinkOnceAnyLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkOnceODRLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isLinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isWeakLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == WeakAnyLinkage || Linkage == WeakODRLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isAppendingLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == AppendingLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isInternalLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == InternalLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isPrivateLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == PrivateLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isLinkerPrivateLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == LinkerPrivateLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isLocalLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return isInternalLinkage(Linkage) || isPrivateLinkage(Linkage) ||
+ isLinkerPrivateLinkage(Linkage) || isLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ static bool isDLLImportLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == DLLImportLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isDLLExportLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == DLLExportLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isExternalWeakLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == ExternalWeakLinkage;
+ }
+ static bool isCommonLinkage(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == CommonLinkage;
+ }
+ /// isDiscardableIfUnused - Whether the definition of this global may be
+ /// discarded if it is not used in its compilation unit.
+ static bool isDiscardableIfUnused(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return isLinkOnceLinkage(Linkage) || isLocalLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ /// mayBeOverridden - Whether the definition of this global may be replaced
+ /// by something non-equivalent at link time. For example, if a function has
+ /// weak linkage then the code defining it may be replaced by different code.
+ static bool mayBeOverridden(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == WeakAnyLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkOnceAnyLinkage ||
+ Linkage == CommonLinkage ||
+ Linkage == ExternalWeakLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage;
+ }
+ /// isWeakForLinker - Whether the definition of this global may be replaced at
+ /// link time. NB: Using this method outside of the code generators is almost
+ /// always a mistake: when working at the IR level use mayBeOverridden instead
+ /// as it knows about ODR semantics.
+ static bool isWeakForLinker(LinkageTypes Linkage) {
+ return Linkage == AvailableExternallyLinkage ||
+ Linkage == WeakAnyLinkage ||
+ Linkage == WeakODRLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkOnceAnyLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkOnceODRLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage ||
+ Linkage == CommonLinkage ||
+ Linkage == ExternalWeakLinkage ||
+ Linkage == LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage;
+ }
+ bool hasExternalLinkage() const { return isExternalLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() const {
+ return isAvailableExternallyLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ bool hasLinkOnceLinkage() const {
+ return isLinkOnceLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ bool hasLinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage() const {
+ return isLinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ bool hasWeakLinkage() const {
+ return isWeakLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ bool hasAppendingLinkage() const { return isAppendingLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasInternalLinkage() const { return isInternalLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasPrivateLinkage() const { return isPrivateLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasLinkerPrivateLinkage() const { return isLinkerPrivateLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage() const {
+ return isLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage(Linkage);
+ }
+ bool hasLocalLinkage() const { return isLocalLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasDLLImportLinkage() const { return isDLLImportLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasDLLExportLinkage() const { return isDLLExportLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasExternalWeakLinkage() const { return isExternalWeakLinkage(Linkage); }
+ bool hasCommonLinkage() const { return isCommonLinkage(Linkage); }
+ void setLinkage(LinkageTypes LT) { Linkage = LT; }
+ LinkageTypes getLinkage() const { return Linkage; }
+ bool isDiscardableIfUnused() const {
+ return isDiscardableIfUnused(Linkage);
+ }
+ bool mayBeOverridden() const { return mayBeOverridden(Linkage); }
+ bool isWeakForLinker() const { return isWeakForLinker(Linkage); }
+ /// copyAttributesFrom - copy all additional attributes (those not needed to
+ /// create a GlobalValue) from the GlobalValue Src to this one.
+ virtual void copyAttributesFrom(const GlobalValue *Src);
+/// @name Materialization
+/// Materialization is used to construct functions only as they're needed. This
+/// is useful to reduce memory usage in LLVM or parsing work done by the
+/// BitcodeReader to load the Module.
+/// @{
+ /// isMaterializable - If this function's Module is being lazily streamed in
+ /// functions from disk or some other source, this method can be used to check
+ /// to see if the function has been read in yet or not.
+ bool isMaterializable() const;
+ /// isDematerializable - Returns true if this function was loaded from a
+ /// GVMaterializer that's still attached to its Module and that knows how to
+ /// dematerialize the function.
+ bool isDematerializable() const;
+ /// Materialize - make sure this GlobalValue is fully read. If the module is
+ /// corrupt, this returns true and fills in the optional string with
+ /// information about the problem. If successful, this returns false.
+ bool Materialize(std::string *ErrInfo = 0);
+ /// Dematerialize - If this GlobalValue is read in, and if the GVMaterializer
+ /// supports it, release the memory for the function, and set it up to be
+ /// materialized lazily. If !isDematerializable(), this method is a noop.
+ void Dematerialize();
+/// @}
+ /// Override from Constant class.
+ virtual void destroyConstant();
+ /// isDeclaration - Return true if the primary definition of this global
+ /// value is outside of the current translation unit.
+ bool isDeclaration() const;
+ /// removeFromParent - This method unlinks 'this' from the containing module,
+ /// but does not delete it.
+ virtual void removeFromParent() = 0;
+ /// eraseFromParent - This method unlinks 'this' from the containing module
+ /// and deletes it.
+ virtual void eraseFromParent() = 0;
+ /// getParent - Get the module that this global value is contained inside
+ /// of...
+ inline Module *getParent() { return Parent; }
+ inline const Module *getParent() const { return Parent; }
+ // Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
+ static inline bool classof(const Value *V) {
+ return V->getValueID() == Value::FunctionVal ||
+ V->getValueID() == Value::GlobalVariableVal ||
+ V->getValueID() == Value::GlobalAliasVal;
+ }
+} // End llvm namespace