path: root/include/llvm/Type.h
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1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/Type.h b/include/llvm/Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40555b0dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/Type.h
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+//===-- llvm/Type.h - Classes for handling data types ------------*- C++ -*--=//
+// This file contains the declaration of the Type class. For more "Type" type
+// stuff, look in DerivedTypes.h and Opt/ConstantHandling.h
+// Note that instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created,
+// they are never changed. Also note that only one instance of a particular
+// type is ever created. Thus seeing if two types are equal is a matter of
+// doing a trivial pointer comparison.
+// Types, once allocated, are never free'd.
+#ifndef LLVM_TYPE_H
+#define LLVM_TYPE_H
+#include "llvm/Value.h"
+class ConstRules;
+class ConstPoolVal;
+class Type : public Value {
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Definitions of all of the base types for the Type system. Based on this
+ // value, you can cast to a "DerivedType" subclass (see DerivedTypes.h)
+ // Note: If you add an element to this, you need to add an element to the
+ // Type::getPrimitiveType function, or else things will break!
+ //
+ enum PrimitiveID {
+ VoidTyID = 0 , BoolTyID, // 0, 1: Basics...
+ UByteTyID , SByteTyID, // 2, 3: 8 bit types...
+ UShortTyID , ShortTyID, // 4, 5: 16 bit types...
+ UIntTyID , IntTyID, // 6, 7: 32 bit types...
+ ULongTyID , LongTyID, // 8, 9: 64 bit types...
+ FloatTyID , DoubleTyID, // 10,11: Floating point types...
+ TypeTyID, // 12 : Type definitions
+ LabelTyID , LockTyID, // 13,14: Labels... mutexes...
+ // TODO: Kill FillerTyID. It just makes FirstDerivedTyID = 0x10
+ FillerTyID , // 15 : filler
+ // Derived types... see DerivedTypes.h file...
+ // Make sure FirstDerivedTyID stays up to date!!!
+ MethodTyID , ModuleTyID, // Methods... Modules...
+ ArrayTyID , PointerTyID, // Array... pointer...
+ StructTyID , PackedTyID, // Structure... SIMD 'packed' format...
+ //...
+ NumPrimitiveIDs, // Must remain as last defined ID
+ FirstDerivedTyID = MethodTyID,
+ };
+ PrimitiveID ID; // The current base type of this type...
+ unsigned UID; // The unique ID number for this class
+ // ConstRulesImpl - See Opt/ConstantHandling.h for more info
+ mutable const ConstRules *ConstRulesImpl;
+ // ctor is protected, so only subclasses can create Type objects...
+ Type(const string &Name, PrimitiveID id);
+ virtual ~Type() {}
+ // isSigned - Return whether a numeric type is signed.
+ virtual bool isSigned() const { return 0; }
+ // isUnsigned - Return whether a numeric type is unsigned. This is not
+ // quite the complement of isSigned... nonnumeric types return false as they
+ // do with isSigned.
+ //
+ virtual bool isUnsigned() const { return 0; }
+ inline unsigned getUniqueID() const { return UID; }
+ inline PrimitiveID getPrimitiveID() const { return ID; }
+ // getPrimitiveType/getUniqueIDType - Return a type based on an identifier.
+ static const Type *getPrimitiveType(PrimitiveID IDNumber);
+ static const Type *getUniqueIDType(unsigned UID);
+ // Methods for dealing with constants uniformly. See Opt/ConstantHandling.h
+ // for more info on this...
+ //
+ inline const ConstRules *getConstRules() const { return ConstRulesImpl; }
+ inline void setConstRules(const ConstRules *R) const { ConstRulesImpl = R; }
+public: // These are the builtin types that are always available...
+ static const Type *VoidTy , *BoolTy;
+ static const Type *SByteTy, *UByteTy,
+ *ShortTy, *UShortTy,
+ *IntTy , *UIntTy,
+ *LongTy , *ULongTy;
+ static const Type *FloatTy, *DoubleTy;
+ static const Type *TypeTy , *LabelTy, *LockTy;
+ // Here are some useful little methods to query what type derived types are
+ // Note that all other types can just compare to see if this == Type::xxxTy;
+ //
+ inline bool isDerivedType() const { return ID >= FirstDerivedTyID; }
+ inline bool isPrimitiveType() const { return ID < FirstDerivedTyID; }
+ inline bool isLabelType() const { return this == LabelTy; }
+ inline bool isMethodType() const { return ID == MethodTyID; }
+ inline bool isModuleType() const { return ID == ModuleTyID; }
+ inline bool isArrayType() const { return ID == ArrayTyID; }
+ inline bool isPointerType() const { return ID == PointerTyID; }
+ inline bool isStructType() const { return ID == StructTyID; }