path: root/include/llvm/Value.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm/Value.h')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/Value.h b/include/llvm/Value.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d751eb1c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/Value.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+//===-- llvm/Value.h - Definition of the Value class -------------*- C++ -*--=//
+// This file defines the very important Value class. This is subclassed by a
+// bunch of other important classes, like Def, Method, Module, Type, etc...
+#ifndef LLVM_VALUE_H
+#define LLVM_VALUE_H
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+class User;
+class Type;
+template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType> class ValueHolder;
+// Value Class
+class Value {
+ enum ValueTy {
+ TypeVal, // This is an instance of Type
+ ConstantVal, // This is an instance of ConstPoolVal
+ MethodArgumentVal, // This is an instance of MethodArgument
+ InstructionVal, // This is an instance of Instruction
+ BasicBlockVal, // This is an instance of BasicBlock
+ MethodVal, // This is an instance of Method
+ ModuleVal, // This is an instance of Module
+ };
+ list<User *> Uses;
+ string Name;
+ const Type *Ty;
+ ValueTy VTy;
+ Value(const Value &); // Do not implement
+ inline void setType(const Type *ty) { Ty = ty; }
+ Value(const Type *Ty, ValueTy vty, const string &name = "");
+ virtual ~Value();
+ inline const Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
+ inline ValueTy getValueType() const { return VTy; }
+ inline bool hasName() const { return Name != ""; }
+ inline const string &getName() const { return Name; }
+ virtual void setName(const string &name) { Name = name; }
+ // replaceAllUsesWith - Go through the uses list for this definition and make
+ // each use point to "D" instead of "this". After this completes, 'this's
+ // use list should be empty.
+ //
+ void replaceAllUsesWith(Value *D);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods for handling the list of uses of this DEF.
+ //
+ typedef list<User*>::iterator use_iterator;
+ typedef list<User*>::const_iterator use_const_iterator;
+ inline bool use_size() const { return Uses.size(); }
+ inline bool use_empty() const { return Uses.empty(); }
+ inline use_iterator use_begin() { return Uses.begin(); }
+ inline use_const_iterator use_begin() const { return Uses.begin(); }
+ inline use_iterator use_end() { return Uses.end(); }
+ inline use_const_iterator use_end() const { return Uses.end(); }
+ inline void use_push_back(User *I) { Uses.push_back(I); }
+ User *use_remove(use_iterator &I);
+ inline void addUse(User *I) { Uses.push_back(I); }
+ void killUse(User *I);
+// UseTy and it's friendly typedefs (Use) are here to make keeping the "use"
+// list of a definition node up-to-date really easy.
+template<class ValueSubclass>
+class UseTy {
+ ValueSubclass *Val;
+ User *U;
+ inline UseTy<ValueSubclass>(ValueSubclass *v, User *user) {
+ Val = v; U = user;
+ if (Val) Val->addUse(U);
+ }
+ inline ~UseTy<ValueSubclass>() { if (Val) Val->killUse(U); }
+ inline operator ValueSubclass *() const { return Val; }
+ inline UseTy<ValueSubclass>(const UseTy<ValueSubclass> &user) {
+ Val = 0;
+ U = user.U;
+ operator=(user);
+ }
+ inline ValueSubclass *operator=(ValueSubclass *V) {
+ if (Val) Val->killUse(U);
+ Val = V;
+ if (V) V->addUse(U);
+ return V;
+ }
+ inline ValueSubclass *operator->() { return Val; }
+ inline const ValueSubclass *operator->() const { return Val; }
+ inline UseTy<ValueSubclass> &operator=(const UseTy<ValueSubclass> &user) {
+ if (Val) Val->killUse(U);
+ Val = user.Val;
+ Val->addUse(U);
+ return *this;
+ }
+typedef UseTy<Value> Use;