path: root/lib/AsmParser/Lexer.l
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/AsmParser/Lexer.l')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AsmParser/Lexer.l b/lib/AsmParser/Lexer.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89d776bbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/AsmParser/Lexer.l
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/*===-- Lexer.l - Scanner for llvm assembly files ----------------*- C++ -*--=//
+// This file implements the flex scanner for LLVM assembly languages files.
+%option prefix="llvmAsm"
+%option yylineno
+%option nostdinit
+%option never-interactive
+%option batch
+%option noyywrap
+%option nodefault
+%option 8bit
+%option outfile="Lexer.cpp"
+%option ecs
+%option noreject
+%option noyymore
+#include "ParserInternals.h"
+#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/Method.h"
+#include "llvm/Module.h"
+#include <list>
+#include "llvmAsmParser.h"
+#define RET_TOK(type, Enum, sym) \
+ llvmAsmlval.type = Instruction::Enum; return sym
+// TODO: All of the static identifiers are figured out by the lexer,
+// these should be hashed.
+// atoull - Convert an ascii string of decimal digits into the unsigned long
+// long representation... this does not have to do input error checking,
+// because we know that the input will be matched by a suitable regex...
+uint64_t atoull(const char *Buffer) {
+ uint64_t Result = 0;
+ for (; *Buffer; Buffer++) {
+ uint64_t OldRes = Result;
+ Result *= 10;
+ Result += *Buffer-'0';
+ if (Result < OldRes) { // Uh, oh, overflow detected!!!
+ ThrowException("constant bigger than 64 bits detected!");
+ }
+ }
+ return Result;
+/* Comments start with a ; and go till end of line */
+Comment ;.*
+/* Variable(Def) identifiers start with a % sign */
+VarID %[a-zA-Z$._][a-zA-Z$._0-9]*
+/* Label identifiers end with a colon */
+Label [a-zA-Z$._0-9]+:
+/* Quoted names can contain any character except " and \ */
+StringConstant \"[^\"]+\"
+/* [PN]Integer: match positive and negative literal integer values that
+ * are preceeded by a '%' character. These represent unnamed variable slots.
+ */
+EPInteger %[0-9]+
+ENInteger %-[0-9]+
+/* E[PN]Integer: match positive and negative literal integer values */
+PInteger [0-9]+
+NInteger -[0-9]+
+{Comment} { /* Ignore comments for now */ }
+begin { return BEGINTOK; }
+end { return END; }
+true { return TRUE; }
+false { return FALSE; }
+declare { return DECLARE; }
+implementation { return IMPLEMENTATION; }
+- { cerr << "deprecated argument '-' used!\n"; return '-'; }
+bb { cerr << "deprecated type 'bb' used!\n"; llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::LabelTy; return LABEL;}
+void { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::VoidTy ; return VOID; }
+bool { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::BoolTy ; return BOOL; }
+sbyte { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::SByteTy ; return SBYTE; }
+ubyte { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::UByteTy ; return UBYTE; }
+short { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::ShortTy ; return SHORT; }
+ushort { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::UShortTy; return USHORT; }
+int { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::IntTy ; return INT; }
+uint { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::UIntTy ; return UINT; }
+long { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::LongTy ; return LONG; }
+ulong { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::ULongTy ; return ULONG; }
+float { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::FloatTy ; return FLOAT; }
+double { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::DoubleTy; return DOUBLE; }
+type { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::TypeTy ; return TYPE; }
+label { llvmAsmlval.TypeVal = Type::LabelTy ; return LABEL; }
+neg { RET_TOK(UnaryOpVal, Neg, NEG); }
+not { RET_TOK(UnaryOpVal, Not, NOT); }
+phi { return PHI; }
+call { return CALL; }
+add { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, Add, ADD); }
+sub { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, Sub, SUB); }
+mul { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, Mul, MUL); }
+div { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, Div, DIV); }
+rem { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, Rem, REM); }
+setne { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, SetNE, SETNE); }
+seteq { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, SetEQ, SETEQ); }
+setlt { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, SetLT, SETLT); }
+setgt { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, SetGT, SETGT); }
+setle { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, SetLE, SETLE); }
+setge { RET_TOK(BinaryOpVal, SetGE, SETGE); }
+ret { RET_TOK(TermOpVal, Ret, RET); }
+br { RET_TOK(TermOpVal, Br, BR); }
+switch { RET_TOK(TermOpVal, Switch, SWITCH); }
+malloc { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, Malloc, MALLOC); }
+alloca { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, Alloca, ALLOCA); }
+free { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, Free, FREE); }
+load { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, Load, LOAD); }
+store { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, Store, STORE); }
+getfield { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, GetField, GETFIELD); }
+putfield { RET_TOK(MemOpVal, PutField, PUTFIELD); }
+{VarID} { llvmAsmlval.StrVal = strdup(yytext+1); return VAR_ID; }
+{Label} {
+ yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] = 0; // nuke colon
+ llvmAsmlval.StrVal = strdup(yytext);
+ return LABELSTR;
+ }
+{StringConstant} {
+ yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] = 0; // nuke end quote
+ llvmAsmlval.StrVal = strdup(yytext+1); // Nuke start quote
+ }
+{PInteger} { llvmAsmlval.UInt64Val = atoull(yytext); return EUINT64VAL; }
+{NInteger} {
+ uint64_t Val = atoull(yytext+1);
+ // +1: we have bigger negative range
+ if (Val > (uint64_t)INT64_MAX+1)
+ ThrowException("Constant too large for signed 64 bits!");
+ llvmAsmlval.SInt64Val = -Val;
+ return ESINT64VAL;
+ }
+{EPInteger} { llvmAsmlval.UIntVal = atoull(yytext+1); return UINTVAL; }
+{ENInteger} {
+ uint64_t Val = atoull(yytext+2);
+ // +1: we have bigger negative range
+ if (Val > (uint64_t)INT32_MAX+1)
+ ThrowException("Constant too large for signed 32 bits!");
+ llvmAsmlval.SIntVal = -Val;
+ return SINTVAL;
+ }
+[ \t\n] { /* Ignore whitespace */ }
+. { /*printf("'%s'", yytext);*/ return yytext[0]; }