path: root/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/Graph.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/Graph.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/Graph.h b/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/Graph.h
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index 9782ab4917..0000000000
--- a/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/Graph.h
+++ /dev/null
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-//===-- Graph.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
-// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// Header file for Graph: This Graph is used by PathProfiles class, and is used
-// for detecting proper points in cfg for code insertion
-#ifndef LLVM_GRAPH_H
-#define LLVM_GRAPH_H
-#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace llvm {
-class Module;
-class Function;
-//Class Node
-//It forms the vertex for the graph
-class Node{
- BasicBlock* element;
- int weight;
- inline Node(BasicBlock* x) { element=x; weight=0; }
- inline BasicBlock* &getElement() { return element; }
- inline BasicBlock* const &getElement() const { return element; }
- inline int getWeight() { return weight; }
- inline void setElement(BasicBlock* e) { element=e; }
- inline void setWeight(int w) { weight=w;}
- inline bool operator<(Node& nd) const { return element<nd.element; }
- inline bool operator==(Node& nd) const { return element==nd.element; }
-//Class Edge
-//Denotes an edge in the graph
-class Edge{
- Node *first;
- Node *second;
- bool isnull;
- int weight;
- double randId;
- inline Edge(Node *f,Node *s, int wt=0){
- first=f;
- second=s;
- weight=wt;
- randId=rand();
- isnull=false;
- }
- inline Edge(Node *f,Node *s, int wt, double rd){
- first=f;
- second=s;
- weight=wt;
- randId=rd;
- isnull=false;
- }
- inline Edge() { isnull = true; }
- inline double getRandId(){ return randId; }
- inline Node* getFirst() { assert(!isNull()); return first; }
- inline Node* const getFirst() const { assert(!isNull()); return first; }
- inline Node* getSecond() { assert(!isNull()); return second; }
- inline Node* const getSecond() const { assert(!isNull()); return second; }
- inline int getWeight() { assert(!isNull()); return weight; }
- inline void setWeight(int n) { assert(!isNull()); weight=n; }
- inline void setFirst(Node *&f) { assert(!isNull()); first=f; }
- inline void setSecond(Node *&s) { assert(!isNull()); second=s; }
- inline bool isNull() const { return isnull;}
- inline bool operator<(const Edge& ed) const{
- // Can't be the same if one is null and the other isn't
- if (isNull() != ed.isNull())
- return true;
- return (*first<*(ed.getFirst()))||
- (*first==*(ed.getFirst()) && *second<*(ed.getSecond()));
- }
- inline bool operator==(const Edge& ed) const{
- return !(*this<ed) && !(ed<*this);
- }
- inline bool operator!=(const Edge& ed) const{return !(*this==ed);}
-//This forms the "adjacency list element" of a
-//vertex adjacency list in graph
-struct graphListElement{
- Node *element;
- int weight;
- double randId;
- inline graphListElement(Node *n, int w, double rand){
- element=n;
- weight=w;
- randId=rand;
- }
-} // End llvm namespace
-namespace std {
-using namespace llvm;
- template<>
- struct less<Node *> : public binary_function<Node *, Node *,bool> {
- bool operator()(Node *n1, Node *n2) const {
- return n1->getElement() < n2->getElement();
- }
- };
- template<>
- struct less<Edge> : public binary_function<Edge,Edge,bool> {
- bool operator()(Edge e1, Edge e2) const {
- assert(!e1.isNull() && !e2.isNull());
- Node *x1=e1.getFirst();
- Node *x2=e1.getSecond();
- Node *y1=e2.getFirst();
- Node *y2=e2.getSecond();
- return (*x1<*y1 ||(*x1==*y1 && *x2<*y2));
- }
- };
-namespace llvm {
-struct BBSort{
- bool operator()(BasicBlock *BB1, BasicBlock *BB2) const{
- std::string name1=BB1->getName();
- std::string name2=BB2->getName();
- return name1<name2;
- }
-struct NodeListSort{
- bool operator()(graphListElement BB1, graphListElement BB2) const{
- std::string name1=BB1.element->getElement()->getName();
- std::string name2=BB2.element->getElement()->getName();
- return name1<name2;
- }
-struct EdgeCompare2{
- bool operator()(Edge e1, Edge e2) const {
- assert(!e1.isNull() && !e2.isNull());
- Node *x1=e1.getFirst();
- Node *x2=e1.getSecond();
- Node *y1=e2.getFirst();
- Node *y2=e2.getSecond();
- int w1=e1.getWeight();
- int w2=e2.getWeight();
- double r1 = e1.getRandId();
- double r2 = e2.getRandId();
- //return (*x1<*y1 || (*x1==*y1 && *x2<*y2) || (*x1==*y1 && *x2==*y2 && w1<w2));
- return (*x1<*y1 || (*x1==*y1 && *x2<*y2) || (*x1==*y1 && *x2==*y2 && w1<w2) || (*x1==*y1 && *x2==*y2 && w1==w2 && r1<r2));
- }
-//struct EdgeCompare2{
-//bool operator()(Edge e1, Edge e2) const {
-// assert(!e1.isNull() && !e2.isNull());
-// return (e1.getRandId()<e2.getRandId());
-//this is used to color vertices
-//during DFS
-enum Color{
-//For path profiling,
-//We assume that the graph is connected (which is true for
-//any method CFG)
-//We also assume that the graph has single entry and single exit
-//(For this, we make a pass over the graph that ensures this)
-//The graph is a construction over any existing graph of BBs
-//Its a construction "over" existing cfg: with
-//additional features like edges and weights to edges
-//graph uses adjacency list representation
-class Graph{
- //typedef std::map<Node*, std::list<graphListElement> > nodeMapTy;
- typedef std::map<Node*, std::vector<graphListElement> > nodeMapTy;//chng
- //the adjacency list of a vertex or node
- nodeMapTy nodes;
- //the start or root node
- Node *strt;
- //the exit node
- Node *ext;
- //a private method for doing DFS traversal of graph
- //this is used in determining the reverse topological sort
- //of the graph
- void DFS_Visit(Node *nd, std::vector<Node *> &toReturn);
- //Its a variation of DFS to get the backedges in the graph
- //We get back edges by associating a time
- //and a color with each vertex.
- //The time of a vertex is the time when it was first visited
- //The color of a vertex is initially WHITE,
- //Changes to GREY when it is first visited,
- //and changes to BLACK when ALL its neighbors
- //have been visited
- //So we have a back edge when we meet a successor of
- //a node with smaller time, and GREY color
- void getBackEdgesVisit(Node *u,
- std::vector<Edge > &be,
- std::map<Node *, Color> &clr,
- std::map<Node *, int> &d,
- int &time);
- typedef nodeMapTy::iterator elementIterator;
- typedef nodeMapTy::const_iterator constElementIterator;
- typedef std::vector<graphListElement > nodeList;//chng
- //typedef std::vector<graphListElement > nodeList;
- //graph constructors
- //empty constructor: then add edges and nodes later on
- Graph() {}
- //constructor with root and exit node specified
- Graph(std::vector<Node*> n,
- std::vector<Edge> e, Node *rt, Node *lt);
- //add a node
- void addNode(Node *nd);
- //add an edge
- //this adds an edge ONLY when
- //the edge to be added doesn not already exist
- //we "equate" two edges here only with their
- //end points
- void addEdge(Edge ed, int w);
- //add an edge EVEN IF such an edge already exists
- //this may make a multi-graph
- //which does happen when we add dummy edges
- //to the graph, for compensating for back-edges
- void addEdgeForce(Edge ed);
- //set the weight of an edge
- void setWeight(Edge ed);
- //remove an edge
- //Note that it removes just one edge,
- //the first edge that is encountered
- void removeEdge(Edge ed);
- //remove edge with given wt
- void removeEdgeWithWt(Edge ed);
- //check whether graph has an edge
- //having an edge simply means that there is an edge in the graph
- //which has same endpoints as the given edge
- //it may possibly have different weight though
- bool hasEdge(Edge ed);
- //check whether graph has an edge, with a given wt
- bool hasEdgeAndWt(Edge ed);
- //get the list of successor nodes
- std::vector<Node *> getSuccNodes(Node *nd);
- //get the number of outgoing edges
- int getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(Node *nd) const;
- //get the list of predecessor nodes
- std::vector<Node *> getPredNodes(Node *nd);
- //to get the no of incoming edges
- int getNumberOfIncomingEdges(Node *nd);
- //get the list of all the vertices in graph
- std::vector<Node *> getAllNodes() const;
- std::vector<Node *> getAllNodes();
- //get a list of nodes in the graph
- //in r-topological sorted order
- //note that we assumed graph to be connected
- std::vector<Node *> reverseTopologicalSort();
- //reverse the sign of weights on edges
- //this way, max-spanning tree could be obtained
- //usin min-spanning tree, and vice versa
- void reverseWts();
- //Ordinarily, the graph is directional
- //this converts the graph into an
- //undirectional graph
- //This is done by adding an edge
- //v->u for all existing edges u->v
- void makeUnDirectional();
- //print graph: for debugging
- void printGraph();
- //get a vector of back edges in the graph
- void getBackEdges(std::vector<Edge> &be, std::map<Node *, int> &d);
- nodeList &sortNodeList(Node *par, nodeList &nl, std::vector<Edge> &be);
- //Get the Maximal spanning tree (also a graph)
- //of the graph
- Graph* getMaxSpanningTree();
- //get the nodeList adjacent to a node
- //a nodeList element contains a node, and the weight
- //corresponding to the edge for that element
- inline nodeList &getNodeList(Node *nd) {
- elementIterator nli = nodes.find(nd);
- assert(nli != nodes.end() && "Node must be in nodes map");
- return nodes[nd];//sortNodeList(nd, nli->second);
- }
- nodeList &getSortedNodeList(Node *nd, std::vector<Edge> &be) {
- elementIterator nli = nodes.find(nd);
- assert(nli != nodes.end() && "Node must be in nodes map");
- return sortNodeList(nd, nodes[nd], be);
- }
- //get the root of the graph
- inline Node *getRoot() {return strt; }
- inline Node * const getRoot() const {return strt; }
- //get exit: we assumed there IS a unique exit :)
- inline Node *getExit() {return ext; }
- inline Node * const getExit() const {return ext; }
- //Check if a given node is the root
- inline bool isRoot(Node *n) const {return (*n==*strt); }
- //check if a given node is leaf node
- //here we hv only 1 leaf: which is the exit node
- inline bool isLeaf(Node *n) const {return (*n==*ext); }
-//This class is used to generate
-//"appropriate" code to be inserted
-//along an edge
-//The code to be inserted can be of six different types
-//as given below
-//1: r=k (where k is some constant)
-//2: r=0
-//3: r+=k
-//4: count[k]++
-//5: Count[r+k]++
-//6: Count[r]++
-class getEdgeCode{
- private:
- //cond implies which
- //"kind" of code is to be inserted
- //(from 1-6 above)
- int cond;
- //inc is the increment: eg k, or 0
- int inc;
- //A backedge must carry the code
- //of both incoming "dummy" edge
- //and outgoing "dummy" edge
- //If a->b is a backedge
- //then incoming dummy edge is root->b
- //and outgoing dummy edge is a->exit
- //incoming dummy edge, if any
- getEdgeCode *cdIn;
- //outgoing dummy edge, if any
- getEdgeCode *cdOut;
- getEdgeCode(){
- cdIn=NULL;
- cdOut=NULL;
- inc=0;
- cond=0;
- }
- //set condition: 1-6
- inline void setCond(int n) {cond=n;}
- //get the condition
- inline int getCond() { return cond;}
- //set increment
- inline void setInc(int n) {inc=n;}
- //get increment
- inline int getInc() {return inc;}
- //set CdIn (only used for backedges)
- inline void setCdIn(getEdgeCode *gd){ cdIn=gd;}
- //set CdOut (only used for backedges)
- inline void setCdOut(getEdgeCode *gd){ cdOut=gd;}
- //get the code to be inserted on the edge
- //This is determined from cond (1-6)
- void getCode(Instruction *a, Value *b, Function *M, BasicBlock *BB,
- std::vector<Value *> &retVec);
-//auxillary functions on graph
-//print a given edge in the form BB1Label->BB2Label
-void printEdge(Edge ed);
-//Do graph processing: to determine minimal edge increments,
-//appropriate code insertions etc and insert the code at
-//appropriate locations
-void processGraph(Graph &g, Instruction *rInst, Value *countInst, std::vector<Edge> &be, std::vector<Edge> &stDummy, std::vector<Edge> &exDummy, int n, int MethNo, Value *threshold);
-//print the graph (for debugging)
-void printGraph(Graph &g);
-//void printGraph(const Graph g);
-//insert a basic block with appropriate code
-//along a given edge
-void insertBB(Edge ed, getEdgeCode *edgeCode, Instruction *rInst, Value *countInst, int n, int Methno, Value *threshold);
-//Insert the initialization code in the top BB
-//this includes initializing r, and count
-//r is like an accumulator, that
-//keeps on adding increments as we traverse along a path
-//and at the end of the path, r contains the path
-//number of that path
-//Count is an array, where Count[k] represents
-//the number of executions of path k
-void insertInTopBB(BasicBlock *front, int k, Instruction *rVar, Value *threshold);
-//Add dummy edges corresponding to the back edges
-//If a->b is a backedge
-//then incoming dummy edge is root->b
-//and outgoing dummy edge is a->exit
-void addDummyEdges(std::vector<Edge> &stDummy, std::vector<Edge> &exDummy, Graph &g, std::vector<Edge> &be);
-//Assign a value to all the edges in the graph
-//such that if we traverse along any path from root to exit, and
-//add up the edge values, we get a path number that uniquely
-//refers to the path we travelled
-int valueAssignmentToEdges(Graph& g, std::map<Node *, int> nodePriority,
- std::vector<Edge> &be);
-void getBBtrace(std::vector<BasicBlock *> &vBB, int pathNo, Function *M);
-} // End llvm namespace