path: root/lib/Transforms/Scalar/ConstantProp.cpp
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1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/Scalar/ConstantProp.cpp b/lib/Transforms/Scalar/ConstantProp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eef5a039f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Transforms/Scalar/ConstantProp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+//===- ConstantProp.cpp - Code to perform Constant Propogation ------------===//
+// This file implements constant propogation and merging:
+// Specifically, this:
+// * Folds multiple identical constants in the constant pool together
+// Note that if one is named and the other is not, that the result gets the
+// original name.
+// * Converts instructions like "add int %1, %2" into a direct def of %3 in
+// the constant pool
+// * Converts conditional branches on a constant boolean value into direct
+// branches.
+// * Converts phi nodes with one incoming def to the incoming def directly
+// . Converts switch statements with one entry into a test & conditional
+// branch
+// . Converts switches on constant values into an unconditional branch.
+// Notice that:
+// * This pass has a habit of making definitions be dead. It is a good idea
+// to to run a DCE pass sometime after running this pass.
+#include "llvm/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/Method.h"
+#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
+#include "llvm/iOther.h"
+#include "llvm/ConstPoolVals.h"
+#include "llvm/ConstantPool.h"
+#include "llvm/Opt/AllOpts.h"
+#include "llvm/Opt/ConstantHandling.h"
+// Merge identical constant values in the constant pool.
+// TODO: We can do better than this simplistic N^2 algorithm...
+static bool MergeConstantPoolReferences(ConstantPool &CP) {
+ bool Modified = false;
+ for (ConstantPool::plane_iterator PI = CP.begin(); PI != CP.end(); ++PI) {
+ for (ConstantPool::PlaneType::iterator I = (*PI)->begin();
+ I != (*PI)->end(); I++) {
+ ConstPoolVal *C = *I;
+ ConstantPool::PlaneType::iterator J = I;
+ for (++J; J != (*PI)->end(); J++) {
+ if (C->equals(*J)) {
+ Modified = true;
+ // Okay we know that *I == *J. So now we need to make all uses of *I
+ // point to *J.
+ //
+ C->replaceAllUsesWith(*J);
+ (*PI)->remove(I); // Remove C from constant pool...
+ if (C->hasName() && !(*J)->hasName()) // The merged constant inherits
+ (*J)->setName(C->getName()); // the old name...
+ delete C; // Delete the constant itself.
+ break; // Break out of inner for loop
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Modified;
+inline static bool
+ConstantFoldUnaryInst(Method *M, Method::inst_iterator &DI,
+ UnaryOperator *Op, ConstPoolVal *D) {
+ ConstPoolVal *ReplaceWith = 0;
+ switch (Op->getInstType()) {
+ case Instruction::Not: ReplaceWith = !*D; break;
+ case Instruction::Neg: ReplaceWith = -*D; break;
+ }
+ if (!ReplaceWith) return false; // Nothing new to change...
+ // Add the new value to the constant pool...
+ M->getConstantPool().insert(ReplaceWith);
+ // Replaces all of the uses of a variable with uses of the constant.
+ Op->replaceAllUsesWith(ReplaceWith);
+ // Remove the operator from the list of definitions...
+ Op->getParent()->getInstList().remove(DI.getInstructionIterator());
+ // The new constant inherits the old name of the operator...
+ if (Op->hasName()) ReplaceWith->setName(Op->getName());
+ // Delete the operator now...
+ delete Op;
+ return true;
+inline static bool
+ConstantFoldBinaryInst(Method *M, Method::inst_iterator &DI,
+ BinaryOperator *Op,
+ ConstPoolVal *D1, ConstPoolVal *D2) {
+ ConstPoolVal *ReplaceWith = 0;
+ switch (Op->getInstType()) {
+ case Instruction::Add: ReplaceWith = *D1 + *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::Sub: ReplaceWith = *D1 - *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::SetEQ: ReplaceWith = *D1 == *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::SetNE: ReplaceWith = *D1 != *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::SetLE: ReplaceWith = *D1 <= *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::SetGE: ReplaceWith = *D1 >= *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::SetLT: ReplaceWith = *D1 < *D2; break;
+ case Instruction::SetGT: ReplaceWith = *D1 > *D2; break;
+ }
+ if (!ReplaceWith) return false; // Nothing new to change...
+ // Add the new value to the constant pool...
+ M->getConstantPool().insert(ReplaceWith);
+ // Replaces all of the uses of a variable with uses of the constant.
+ Op->replaceAllUsesWith(ReplaceWith);
+ // Remove the operator from the list of definitions...
+ Op->getParent()->getInstList().remove(DI.getInstructionIterator());
+ // The new constant inherits the old name of the operator...
+ if (Op->hasName()) ReplaceWith->setName(Op->getName());
+ // Delete the operator now...
+ delete Op;
+ return true;
+inline static bool ConstantFoldTerminator(TerminatorInst *T) {
+ // Branch - See if we are conditional jumping on constant
+ if (T->getInstType() == Instruction::Br) {
+ BranchInst *BI = (BranchInst*)T;
+ if (!BI->isUnconditional() && // Are we branching on constant?
+ BI->getOperand(2)->getValueType() == Value::ConstantVal) {
+ // YES. Change to unconditional branch...
+ ConstPoolBool *Cond = (ConstPoolBool*)BI->getOperand(2);
+ Value *Destination = BI->getOperand(Cond->getValue() ? 0 : 1);
+ BI->setOperand(0, Destination); // Set the unconditional destination
+ BI->setOperand(1, 0); // Clear the conditional destination
+ BI->setOperand(2, 0); // Clear the condition...
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// ConstantFoldInstruction - If an instruction references constants, try to fold
+// them together...
+inline static bool
+ConstantFoldInstruction(Method *M, Method::inst_iterator &II) {
+ Instruction *Inst = *II;
+ if (Inst->isBinaryOp()) {
+ Value *D1, *D2;
+ if (((D1 = Inst->getOperand(0))->getValueType() == Value::ConstantVal) &
+ ((D2 = Inst->getOperand(1))->getValueType() == Value::ConstantVal))
+ return ConstantFoldBinaryInst(M, II, (BinaryOperator*)Inst,
+ (ConstPoolVal*)D1, (ConstPoolVal*)D2);
+ } else if (Inst->isUnaryOp()) {
+ Value *D;
+ if ((D = Inst->getOperand(0))->getValueType() == Value::ConstantVal)
+ return ConstantFoldUnaryInst(M, II, (UnaryOperator*)Inst,
+ (ConstPoolVal*)D);
+ } else if (Inst->isTerminator()) {
+ return ConstantFoldTerminator((TerminatorInst*)Inst);
+ } else if (Inst->getInstType() == Instruction::PHINode) {
+ PHINode *PN = (PHINode*)Inst; // If it's a PHI node and only has one operand
+ // Then replace it directly with that operand.
+ assert(PN->getOperand(0) && "PHI Node must have at least one operand!");
+ if (PN->getOperand(1) == 0) { // If the PHI Node has exactly 1 operand
+ Value *V = PN->getOperand(0);
+ PN->replaceAllUsesWith(V); // Replace all uses of this PHI
+ // Unlink from basic block
+ PN->getParent()->getInstList().remove(II.getInstructionIterator());
+ if (PN->hasName()) V->setName(PN->getName()); // Inherit PHINode name
+ delete PN; // Finally, delete the node...
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// DoConstPropPass - Propogate constants and do constant folding on instructions
+// this returns true if something was changed, false if nothing was changed.
+static bool DoConstPropPass(Method *M) {
+ bool SomethingChanged = false;
+#if 1
+ Method::inst_iterator It = M->inst_begin();
+ while (It != M->inst_end())
+ if (ConstantFoldInstruction(M, It)) {
+ SomethingChanged = true; // If returned true, iter is already incremented
+ // Incrementing the iterator in an unchecked manner could mess up the
+ // internals of 'It'. To make sure everything is happy, tell it we might
+ // have broken it.
+ It.resyncInstructionIterator();
+ } else {
+ ++It;
+ }
+ Method::BasicBlocksType::iterator BBIt = M->getBasicBlocks().begin();
+ for (; BBIt != M->getBasicBlocks().end(); BBIt++) {
+ BasicBlock *BB = *BBIt;
+ BasicBlock::InstListType::iterator DI = BB->getInstList().begin();
+ for (; DI != BB->getInstList().end(); DI++)
+ SomethingChanged |= ConstantFoldInstruction(M, DI);
+ }
+ return SomethingChanged;
+// returns true on failure, false on success...
+bool DoConstantPropogation(Method *M) {
+ bool Modified = false;
+ // Fold constants until we make no progress...
+ while (DoConstPropPass(M)) Modified = true;
+ // Merge identical constants last: this is important because we may have just
+ // introduced constants that already exist!
+ //
+ Modified |= MergeConstantPoolReferences(M->getConstantPool());
+ return Modified;