path: root/projects/Stacker/lib/compiler/Lexer.l
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projects/Stacker/lib/compiler/Lexer.l')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/projects/Stacker/lib/compiler/Lexer.l b/projects/Stacker/lib/compiler/Lexer.l
deleted file mode 100644
index a6375d3c16..0000000000
--- a/projects/Stacker/lib/compiler/Lexer.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- Lexer.l - Scanner for Stacker language -----------------*- C++ -*--===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file was developed by Reid Spencer and donated to the LLVM research
-// group and is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file implements the flex scanner for Stacker languages files.
-%option prefix="Stacker"
-%option yylineno
-%option nostdinit
-%option never-interactive
-%option batch
-%option noyywrap
-%option nodefault
-%option 8bit
-%option outfile="Lexer.cpp"
-%option ecs
-%option noreject
-%option noyymore
-#include "StackerCompiler.h"
-#include "StackerParser.h"
-/* Conversion of text ints to binary */
-static int64_t IntToVal(const char *Buffer) {
- int64_t Result = 0;
- for (; *Buffer; Buffer++) {
- int64_t OldRes = Result;
- Result *= 10;
- Result += *Buffer-'0';
- if (Result < OldRes) // Uh, oh, overflow detected!!!
- StackerCompiler::ThrowException("constant bigger than 64 bits detected!");
- }
- return Result;
-/* Conversion of text hexadecimal ints to binary */
-static int64_t HexIntToVal(const char *Buffer) {
- int64_t Result = 0;
- for (; *Buffer; ++Buffer) {
- int64_t OldRes = Result;
- Result *= 16;
- char C = *Buffer;
- if (C >= '0' && C <= '9')
- Result += C-'0';
- else if (C >= 'A' && C <= 'F')
- Result += C-'A'+10;
- else if (C >= 'a' && C <= 'f')
- Result += C-'a'+10;
- if (Result < OldRes) // Uh, oh, overflow detected!!!
- StackerCompiler::ThrowException("constant bigger than 64 bits detected!");
- }
- return Result;
-/* Comments start with a ; and go till end of line */
-Comment1 [#].*$
-/* You can also embed them in ( ... ) */
-Comment2 \(.*\)
-/* We ignore white space */
-White [ \t\r\n]
-/* jdentifiers start with a % sign */
-Identifier [A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_]*
-/* Strings can contain any character except " and \ */
-String \"[^\"]*\"
-/* Positive and negative integer constants*/
-PInteger [+]?[0-9]+
-NInteger -[0-9]+
-HexInteger 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+
-/* Special Characters - name them to avoid flex confusion */
-Semi [;]
-Colon [:]
-Less \<
-More \>
-LessEq \<\=
-MoreEq \>\=
-NotEq \<\>
-Equal \=
-Plus \+
-Minus \-
-Incr \+\+
-Decr \-\-
-Mult \*
-Div \/
-StarSlash \*\/
-LShift \<\<
-RShift \>\>
-InStr \<s
-InNum \<d
-InChar \<c
-OutStr \>s
-OutNum \>d
-OutChar \>c
-{Comment1} { /* Ignore comments */ }
-{Comment2} { /* Ignore comments */ }
-{Colon} { return COLON; }
-{Semi} { return SEMI; }
-TRUE { return TRUETOK; }
-FALSE { return FALSETOK; }
-ON { return TRUETOK; }
-OFF { return FALSETOK; }
-{Less} { return LESS; }
-LT { return LESS; }
-{More} { return MORE; }
-GT { return MORE; }
-{LessEq} { return LESS_EQUAL; }
-LE { return LESS_EQUAL; }
-{MoreEq} { return MORE_EQUAL; }
-GE { return MORE_EQUAL; }
-{NotEq} { return NOT_EQUAL; }
-NE { return NOT_EQUAL; }
-{Equal} { return EQUAL; }
-EQ { return EQUAL; }
-{Plus} { return PLUS; }
-{Minus} { return MINUS; }
-{Incr} { return INCR; }
-{Decr} { return DECR; }
-{Mult} { return MULT; }
-{Div} { return DIV; }
-MOD { return MODULUS; }
-NEG { return NEGATE; }
-ABS { return ABS; }
-MIN { return MIN; }
-MAX { return MAX; }
-{StarSlash} { return STAR_SLASH; }
-AND { return AND; }
-OR { return OR; }
-XOR { return XOR; }
-{LShift} { return LSHIFT; }
-{RShift} { return RSHIFT; }
-DROP { return DROP; }
-NIP { return NIP; }
-DUP { return DUP; }
-SWAP { return SWAP; }
-OVER { return OVER; }
-PICK { return PICK; }
-SELECT { return SELECT; }
-ROT { return ROT; }
-RROT { return RROT; }
-ROLL { return ROLL; }
-TUCK { return TUCK; }
-DROP2 { return DROP2; }
-NIP2 { return NIP2; }
-DUP2 { return DUP2; }
-SWAP2 { return SWAP2; }
-OVER2 { return OVER2; }
-TUCK2 { return TUCK2; }
-ROT2 { return ROT2; }
-RROT2 { return RROT2; }
-MALLOC { return MALLOC; }
-FREE { return FREE; }
-GET { return GET; }
-PUT { return PUT; }
-IF { return IF; }
-ELSE { return ELSE; }
-ENDIF { return ENDIF; }
-WHILE { return WHILE; }
-END { return END; }
-RECURSE { return RECURSE; }
-RETURN { return RETURN; }
-EXIT { return EXIT; }
-FORWARD { return FORWARD; }
-TAB { return TAB; }
-SPACE { return SPACE; }
-CR { return CR; }
-{InStr} { return IN_STR; }
-{InNum} { return IN_NUM; }
-{InChar} { return IN_CHAR; }
-{OutStr} { return OUT_STR; }
-{OutNum} { return OUT_NUM; }
-{OutChar} { return OUT_CHAR; }
-MAIN { return MAIN; }
-DUMP { return DUMP; }
-!= { StackerCompiler::ThrowException(
- "You probably meant to use a <> instead of !=" ); }
-== { StackerCompiler::ThrowException(
- "You probably meant to use a single = .. this isn't C"); }
-{PInteger} { Stackerlval.IntegerVal = IntToVal(yytext); return INTEGER; }
-{NInteger} { uint64_t Val = IntToVal(yytext+1);
- // +1: we have bigger negative range
- if (Val > (uint64_t)INT64_MAX+1)
- StackerCompiler::ThrowException(
- "Constant too large for signed 64 bits!");
- Stackerlval.IntegerVal = -Val;
- return INTEGER;
- }
-{HexInteger} { Stackerlval.IntegerVal = HexIntToVal(yytext+3);
- return INTEGER;
- }
-{String} { yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] = 0; // nuke end quote
- Stackerlval.StringVal = strdup(yytext+1); // Nuke start quote
- return STRING;
- }
-{Identifier} { Stackerlval.StringVal = strdup(yytext); return IDENTIFIER; }
-{White} { /* Ignore whitespace */ }