path: root/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'test')
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/Inline/inline_invoke.ll b/test/Transforms/Inline/inline_invoke.ll
index c3941388f9..c53bb5aa17 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/Inline/inline_invoke.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/Inline/inline_invoke.ll
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ eh.resume:
; CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
-; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN1AD1Ev(%struct.A* [[A]])
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[LBL:[^\s]+]] unwind
; CHECK: [[LBL]]:
@@ -167,7 +166,6 @@ eh.resume:
; CHECK-NEXT: [[LPADVAL1:%.*]] = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
-; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN1AD1Ev(%struct.A* [[A1]])
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[RESUME1:[^\s]+]] unwind
@@ -187,7 +185,6 @@ eh.resume:
; CHECK-NEXT: [[LPADVAL2:%.*]] = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
-; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN1AD1Ev(%struct.A* [[A2]])
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[RESUME2:[^\s]+]] unwind
@@ -275,7 +272,6 @@ lpad.cont:
; CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
-; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN1AD1Ev(
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[L:[^\s]+]] unwind
; CHECK: [[L]]:
@@ -322,7 +318,6 @@ terminate:
; CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0
; CHECK-NEXT: cleanup
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
-; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN1AD1Ev(
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[L:[^\s]+]] unwind
; CHECK: [[L]]:
diff --git a/test/Transforms/Inline/invoke-combine-clauses.ll b/test/Transforms/Inline/invoke-combine-clauses.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f06039b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/Inline/invoke-combine-clauses.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+; RUN: opt %s -inline -S | FileCheck %s
+declare void @external_func()
+declare void @abort()
+@exception_inner = external global i8
+@exception_outer = external global i8
+@condition = external global i1
+; Check for a bug in which multiple "resume" instructions in the
+; inlined function caused "catch i8* @exception_outer" to appear
+; multiple times in the resulting landingpad.
+define internal void @inner_multiple_resume() {
+ invoke void @external_func()
+ to label %cont unwind label %lpad
+ ret void
+ %lp = landingpad i32 personality i8* null
+ catch i8* @exception_inner
+ %cond = load i1* @condition
+ br i1 %cond, label %resume1, label %resume2
+ resume i32 1
+ resume i32 2
+define void @outer_multiple_resume() {
+ invoke void @inner_multiple_resume()
+ to label %cont unwind label %lpad
+ ret void
+ %lp = landingpad i32 personality i8* null
+ catch i8* @exception_outer
+ resume i32 %lp
+; CHECK: define void @outer_multiple_resume()
+; CHECK: %lp.i = landingpad
+; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* @exception_inner
+; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* @exception_outer
+; Check that there isn't another "catch" clause:
+; CHECK-NEXT: load
+; Check for a bug in which having a "resume" and a "call" in the
+; inlined function caused "catch i8* @exception_outer" to appear
+; multiple times in the resulting landingpad.
+define internal void @inner_resume_and_call() {
+ call void @external_func()
+ invoke void @external_func()
+ to label %cont unwind label %lpad
+ ret void
+ %lp = landingpad i32 personality i8* null
+ catch i8* @exception_inner
+ resume i32 %lp
+define void @outer_resume_and_call() {
+ invoke void @inner_resume_and_call()
+ to label %cont unwind label %lpad
+ ret void
+ %lp = landingpad i32 personality i8* null
+ catch i8* @exception_outer
+ resume i32 %lp
+; CHECK: define void @outer_resume_and_call()
+; CHECK: %lp.i = landingpad
+; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* @exception_inner
+; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* @exception_outer
+; Check that there isn't another "catch" clause:
+; Check what happens if the inlined function contains an "invoke" but
+; no "resume". In this case, the inlined landingpad does not need to
+; include the "catch i8* @exception_outer" clause from the outer
+; function (since the outer function's landingpad will not be
+; reachable), but it's OK to include this clause.
+define internal void @inner_no_resume_or_call() {
+ invoke void @external_func()
+ to label %cont unwind label %lpad
+ ret void
+ %lp = landingpad i32 personality i8* null
+ catch i8* @exception_inner
+ ; A landingpad might have no "resume" if a C++ destructor aborts.
+ call void @abort() noreturn nounwind
+ unreachable
+define void @outer_no_resume_or_call() {
+ invoke void @inner_no_resume_or_call()
+ to label %cont unwind label %lpad
+ ret void
+ %lp = landingpad i32 personality i8* null
+ catch i8* @exception_outer
+ resume i32 %lp
+; CHECK: define void @outer_no_resume_or_call()
+; CHECK: %lp.i = landingpad
+; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* @exception_inner
+; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* @exception_outer
+; Check that there isn't another "catch" clause:
+; CHECK-NEXT: call void @abort()