path: root/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h b/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h
index c34b58ff5e..f46b287bd5 100644
--- a/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h
+++ b/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h
@@ -17,20 +17,196 @@
#include "AutoGenerated.h"
#include "Tool.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/System/Path.h"
+#include <string>
namespace llvmcc {
- typedef std::vector<llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> > ToolChain;
- typedef llvm::StringMap<ToolChain> ToolChainMap;
+ class CompilationGraph;
+ struct Node {
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 3> sequence_type;
+ Node() {}
+ Node(CompilationGraph* G) : OwningGraph(G) {}
+ Node(CompilationGraph* G, Tool* T) : OwningGraph(G), ToolPtr(T) {}
+ // Needed to implement NodeChildIterator/GraphTraits
+ CompilationGraph* OwningGraph;
+ // The corresponding Tool.
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> ToolPtr;
+ // Links to children.
+ sequence_type Children;
+ };
+ // This can be generalised to something like value_iterator for maps
+ class NodesIterator : public llvm::StringMap<Node>::iterator {
+ typedef llvm::StringMap<Node>::iterator super;
+ typedef NodesIterator ThisType;
+ typedef Node* pointer;
+ typedef Node& reference;
- struct CompilationGraph {
- ToolChainMap ToolChains;
+ public:
+ NodesIterator(super I) : super(I) {}
+ inline reference operator*() const {
+ return super::operator->()->second;
+ }
+ inline pointer operator->() const {
+ return &super::operator->()->second;
+ }
+ };
+ class CompilationGraph {
+ typedef llvm::StringMap<Node> nodes_map_type;
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 3> tools_vector_type;
+ typedef llvm::StringMap<tools_vector_type> tools_map_type;
+ // Map from file extensions to language names.
LanguageMap ExtsToLangs;
+ // Map from language names to lists of tool names.
+ tools_map_type ToolsMap;
+ // Map from tool names to Tool objects.
+ nodes_map_type NodesMap;
+ public:
+ CompilationGraph();
+ // insertVertex - insert a new node into the graph.
+ void insertVertex(const llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> T);
+ // insertEdge - Insert a new edge into the graph. This function
+ // assumes that both A and B have been already inserted.
+ void insertEdge(const std::string& A, const std::string& B);
+ // Build - Build the target(s) from the set of the input
+ // files. Command-line options are passed implicitly as global
+ // variables.
int Build(llvm::sys::Path const& tempDir) const;
+ /// viewGraph - This function is meant for use from the debugger.
+ /// You can just say 'call G->viewGraph()' and a ghostview window
+ /// should pop up from the program, displaying the compilation
+ /// graph. This depends on there being a 'dot' and 'gv' program
+ /// in your path.
+ void viewGraph();
+ /// Write a file.
+ void writeGraph();
+ // GraphTraits support
+ typedef NodesIterator nodes_iterator;
+ nodes_iterator nodes_begin() {
+ return NodesIterator(NodesMap.begin());
+ }
+ nodes_iterator nodes_end() {
+ return NodesIterator(NodesMap.end());
+ }
+ // Return a reference to the node correponding to the given tool
+ // name. Throws std::runtime_error in case of error.
+ Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName);
+ const Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName) const;
+ // Auto-generated function.
+ friend void PopulateCompilationGraph(CompilationGraph&);
+ private:
+ // Helper function - find out which language corresponds to the
+ // suffix of this file
+ const std::string& getLanguage(const llvm::sys::Path& File) const;
+ // Return a reference to the tool names list correponding to the
+ // given language name. Throws std::runtime_error in case of
+ // error.
+ const tools_vector_type& getToolsVector(const std::string& LangName) const;
+ };
+ // Auxiliary class needed to implement GraphTraits support.
+ class NodeChildIterator : public bidirectional_iterator<Node, ptrdiff_t> {
+ typedef NodeChildIterator ThisType;
+ typedef Node::sequence_type::iterator iterator;
+ CompilationGraph* OwningGraph;
+ iterator KeyIter;
+ public:
+ typedef Node* pointer;
+ typedef Node& reference;
+ NodeChildIterator(Node* N, iterator I) :
+ OwningGraph(N->OwningGraph), KeyIter(I) {}
+ const ThisType& operator=(const ThisType& I) {
+ assert(OwningGraph == I.OwningGraph);
+ KeyIter = I.KeyIter;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const ThisType& I) const
+ { return KeyIter == I.KeyIter; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const ThisType& I) const
+ { return KeyIter != I.KeyIter; }
+ inline pointer operator*() const {
+ return &OwningGraph->getNode(*KeyIter);
+ }
+ inline pointer operator->() const {
+ return &OwningGraph->getNode(*KeyIter);
+ }
+ ThisType& operator++() { ++KeyIter; return *this; } // Preincrement
+ ThisType operator++(int) { // Postincrement
+ ThisType tmp = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline ThisType& operator--() { --KeyIter; return *this; } // Predecrement
+ inline ThisType operator--(int) { // Postdecrement
+ ThisType tmp = *this;
+ --*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ };
+namespace llvm {
+ template <>
+ struct GraphTraits<llvmcc::CompilationGraph*> {
+ typedef llvmcc::CompilationGraph GraphType;
+ typedef llvmcc::Node NodeType;
+ typedef llvmcc::NodeChildIterator ChildIteratorType;
+ static NodeType* getEntryNode(GraphType* G) {
+ return &G->getNode("root");
+ }
+ static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeType* N) {
+ return ChildIteratorType(N, N->Children.begin());
+ }
+ static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeType* N) {
+ return ChildIteratorType(N, N->Children.end());
+ }
+ typedef GraphType::nodes_iterator nodes_iterator;
+ static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(GraphType *G) {
+ return G->nodes_begin();
+ }
+ static nodes_iterator nodes_end(GraphType *G) {
+ return G->nodes_end();
+ }