path: root/tools
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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp b/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
index 82ff78756e..61252a4a28 100644
--- a/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
+++ b/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
@@ -216,8 +216,7 @@ static void handleSymtabSectionHeader(
typename object::ELFObjectFile<ELFT>::Elf_Shdr &SHeader) {
typedef typename object::ELFObjectFile<ELFT>::Elf_Sym Elf_Sym;
- // TODO: Ensure that a manually specified `Link` field is diagnosed as an
- // error for SHT_SYMTAB.
+ SHeader.sh_type = ELF::SHT_SYMTAB;
SHeader.sh_link = State.getDotStrTabSecNo();
// One greater than symbol table index of the last local symbol.
SHeader.sh_info = Symbols.Local.size() + 1;
@@ -272,11 +271,12 @@ static int writeELF(raw_ostream &OS, const ELFYAML::Object &Doc) {
// Immediately following the ELF header.
Header.e_shoff = sizeof(Header);
const std::vector<ELFYAML::Section> &Sections = Doc.Sections;
- // "+ 3" for
+ // "+ 4" for
// - SHT_NULL entry (placed first, i.e. 0'th entry)
+ // - symbol table (.symtab) (placed third to last)
// - string table (.strtab) (placed second to last)
// - section header string table. (placed last)
- Header.e_shnum = Sections.size() + 3;
+ Header.e_shnum = Sections.size() + 4;
// Place section header string table last.
Header.e_shstrndx = Header.e_shnum - 1;
const unsigned DotStrtabSecNo = Header.e_shnum - 2;
@@ -334,14 +334,16 @@ static int writeELF(raw_ostream &OS, const ELFYAML::Object &Doc) {
SHeader.sh_info = 0;
SHeader.sh_addralign = Sec.AddressAlign;
SHeader.sh_entsize = 0;
- // XXX: Really ugly right now. Should not be writing to `CBA` above
- // (and setting sh_offset and sh_size) when going through this branch
- // here.
- handleSymtabSectionHeader<ELFT>(Sec.Symbols, State, SHeader);
+ // .symtab section.
+ Elf_Shdr SymtabSHeader;
+ zero(SymtabSHeader);
+ SymtabSHeader.sh_name = SHStrTab.addString(StringRef(".symtab"));
+ handleSymtabSectionHeader<ELFT>(Doc.Symbols, State, SymtabSHeader);
+ SHeaders.push_back(SymtabSHeader);
// .strtab string table header.
Elf_Shdr DotStrTabSHeader;