path: root/include/llvm/MC/MCSymbolizer.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Temporarily remove assert while I dig in to issues that it's causing for LLDB.Lang Hames2014-03-27
* Add missing #include <cassert> to MCSymbolizer.h.Lang Hames2014-03-27
* Assert that MCSymbolizer is constructed with a valid (or at least non-null)Lang Hames2014-03-27
* Move MCSymbolizer's constructor into header. It's trivial - there's no need forLang Hames2014-03-27
* Update MCSymbolizer and its subclasses' constructors to reflect the fact thatLang Hames2014-03-27
* Replace OwningPtr<T> with std::unique_ptr<T>.Ahmed Charles2014-03-06
* Add MCSymbolizer for symbolic/annotated disassembly.Ahmed Bougacha2013-05-24