path: root/include/llvm/Object/IRObjectFile.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Pass a unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> to the constructors in the Binary hierarchy.Rafael Espindola2014-06-24
* Make ObjectFile and BitcodeReader always own the MemoryBuffer.Rafael Espindola2014-06-23
* Don't use 'using std::error_code' in include/llvm.Rafael Espindola2014-06-12
* Replace OwningPtr<T> with std::unique_ptr<T>.Ahmed Charles2014-03-06
* Switch all uses of LLVM_OVERRIDE to just use 'override' directly.Craig Topper2014-03-02
* Now that it is possible, use the mangler in IRObjectFile.Rafael Espindola2014-02-28
* Add a SymbolicFile interface between Binary and ObjectFile.Rafael Espindola2014-02-21