path: root/lib
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Large scale changes to implement new command line argument facilityChris Lattner2001-07-23
* Remove dependence on command line library. Silly anyway.Chris Lattner2001-07-22
* Privatize LLCOptions. It had no business being visible to the entireChris Lattner2001-07-22
* Eliminate lots of unnecessary #includes and forward declsChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Eliminate many unneccesary #includesChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Make code fit in 80 columns moreChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Remove unneccesary #includesChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Exterminate nasty CismsChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Refer to include/llvm/CodeGen not CodegenChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Make sure we build all of the code!Chris Lattner2001-07-21
* Renamed include/llvm/Codegen to include/llvm/CodeGenChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Fix code to be in a consistent styleChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Remove getTempValuesForMachineCode from the Instruction interfaceChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Moved LLC subdir to the tools top level directoryChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Add new ctor for ConstPoolBoolChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Add new constructor for const pool boolChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Add support for castsChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Add support for casting operatorsChris Lattner2001-07-21
* More functionality, renamed APIChris Lattner2001-07-21
* Utility routines for simpler access to the value of an integer constant.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Program options class.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Description of the SPARC as a target architecture.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Base clas for a description of a target architecture.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Instruction selection via pattern matching on instruction trees using BURG.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* *** empty log message ***Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Added CodeGen, LLC, and Support.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Add isIntegral() method to SignedIntType and UnsignedIntType.Vikram S. Adve2001-07-21
* Compute and cache information about the storage size and layoutVikram S. Adve2001-07-20
* Provide uniform access to the pointer operand and to the indexVikram S. Adve2001-07-20
* Added a representation of the machine instructions generatedVikram S. Adve2001-07-20
* Start of expression analysis supportChris Lattner2001-07-20
* Implement ensureTypeAvailableChris Lattner2001-07-20
* Add support for constant propogation of multipliesChris Lattner2001-07-20
* Factor out WriteAsOperand.Chris Lattner2001-07-20
* Add a comment.Chris Lattner2001-07-20
* Add multiply as a supported constant propogation operationChris Lattner2001-07-20
* Fix nasty typoChris Lattner2001-07-20
* Support external methodsChris Lattner2001-07-15
* Implement forward/external declarations for methods.Chris Lattner2001-07-15
* Implement forward/external declarations for methods. Also, emit an error if ...Chris Lattner2001-07-15
* Add support for assembly printing fp constantsChris Lattner2001-07-15
* Add support to the bytecode writer to recognize floating point constantsChris Lattner2001-07-15
* Add support to the bytecode reader to recognize floating point constantsChris Lattner2001-07-15
* Add support to the parser to recognize floating point constantsChris Lattner2001-07-15
* * ValueHolder now takes 3 argumentsChris Lattner2001-07-14
* Add knowledge about the struct form of the GetElementPtr instructionChris Lattner2001-07-14
* Remove dependency on the structure of ValueHolder.Chris Lattner2001-07-14
* * The parent of a constant pool is a symtabvalue, not a value.Chris Lattner2001-07-14
* The parent of a constant pool is a symtabvalue, not a value.Chris Lattner2001-07-14
* Added some comments, preparing to add global variables and method prototypesChris Lattner2001-07-14