path: root/unittests/ADT/TwineTest.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Sort the #include lines for unittest/...Chandler Carruth2012-12-04
* Add Twine support for characters, and switch twine to use a union internallyChris Lattner2011-07-24
* Support/ADT/Twine: Add toNullTerminatedStringRef.Michael J. Spencer2010-12-01
* Twine: Use raw_ostream::write_hex, remove unused itohexstr method.Daniel Dunbar2009-07-30
* Twine: Provide [u]int{32,64} conversions via implicit constructors instead ofDaniel Dunbar2009-07-30
* fix unittest on platforms with unsigned chars (e.g. linux-ppc)Benjamin Kramer2009-07-29
* Twines: Support numeric conversion directly (uitostr, etc).Daniel Dunbar2009-07-29
* Add Twine ADT.Daniel Dunbar2009-07-24